
VCDS - How To Guides - MK3 Leon 5F


Active Member
FOR SALE! VAG COM HEX - USB + CAN 2016 Rev B Cable & VCDS 15.7.1 (VW Audi Seat Skoda)

I'm having problems finding a VCDS clone cable. I really can't justify £250+ for the genuine cable given my DIY/light use needs. There were some on AliExpress but they've disappeared! Can someone point me to where they got theirs please?

Alternatively ODBEleven was recommended by Havsgaard, which is at least a genuine product but I'm not sure that it supports label files or what each bit does for coding etc? Assuming I didn't want to use the apps can anyone clarify its use?


I have some for sale on eBay at the moment, my eBay username is "dacoo-x360x".
The adapters work even work with the latest 2016 models, and it ships with a full copy of VCDS 15.7.1.

I'm an electronics engineer by trade, so unlike other merchants I dismantle, visually inspect, re-assemble and electrically test each item on my Seat Leon 5F 1.6TDI 2013 for full functionality, being able to guarantee it won't harm your vehicle.
Other seller may be slightly cheaper, but none can offer the quality guarantee I do.

Others might test them on their cars proir to shipping, but that doesn't mean it will last. Biggest issue I've seen with the Chinese VAG COMs are excess "solder splash" and "solder balls" on the boards inside. I ensure non of mine have these or go out the door if they do. Yes they might work for a bit, but if one of them dislodges and shorts your car out, its not good.

I have an electronics workshop and have ensured soldering and components are up to scratch and are of sufficant quality, otherwise they are sent back to China.

Only reason I started selling them is due to buying one to mod my Leon. With over 15 mods currently implemented, I wouldn't be without mine, and the genuine ones are welllllll overpriced...

Any questions, just shout,
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2016
I'm having problems finding a VCDS clone cable. I really can't justify £250+ for the genuine cable given my DIY/light use needs. There were some on AliExpress but they've disappeared! Can someone point me to where they got theirs please?

Alternatively ODBEleven was recommended by Havsgaard, which is at least a genuine product but I'm not sure that it supports label files or what each bit does for coding etc? Assuming I didn't want to use the apps can anyone clarify its use?


I bought onefrom diaglauter,and it has all functionality, and it is hiquality stuff :)


Active Member
Nov 17, 2015
Stoke on Trent

Hi guys

Can anyone help? I've lost the menu option for my mirrors (the choice of choosing whether the mirror dips etc etc), also lost my esc option completely....any ideas?

Been playing with vids but was there when I last looked.



Active Member
Hi guys

Can anyone help? I've lost the menu option for my mirrors (the choice of choosing whether the mirror dips etc etc), also lost my esc option completely....any ideas?

Been playing with vids but was there when I last looked.


The problem with some settings are that they share addresses/features of other functions, with the other functions disabling itself in some cases, due to some functions being incompatible with each other. A classic case of this is if you try to code fog light flash with high beam flash, you will notice that your cornering lights will no longer work. To solve this, I applied the fog light flash adaptation to another spare adddress within the cent elect module, problem solved.

One bit of advice I would tell anyone is to WRITE DOWN WHAT YOU MODIFY. I have a logbook based in Microsoft Word in which I record all mods from buying the car to date. That way you can revert any changes you have done.

If you have written down what settings you have changed I'd recommend reverting settings one-by-one back to standard, to find the problem modification.

If you haven't written down all that you have changed/tweeted, don't worry, VCDS cleverly keeps a seceret record of all mods performed within the VCDS folder on your C:\ drive.
However use this as a lesson, as it could be worse. If you muck up a setting in the BCM module you can brick the entire car...

I will have a look on my laptop when I get home tonight and will let you know where to find the text file.

Hope this helps,
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Active Member
Nov 17, 2015
Stoke on Trent
Cheers Dan, definitely a school boy error. Reason I hadn't logged it was cu plz it's a brand new car today and what I had lugged was from my old car lol oops....I think it might be something to do with the fact ive put the "off road feature" on the I've now lost ecotrainer aswell


Active Member
Cheers Dan, definitely a school boy error. Reason I hadn't logged it was cu plz it's a brand new car today and what I had lugged was from my old car lol oops....I think it might be something to do with the fact ive put the "off road feature" on the I've now lost ecotrainer aswell

Hi Chris,

Yeah these things happen unfortunately, I would be a liar if I said I haven't made mistakes along the way too...

I think it will deffinately be a case of retracing your steps until you find the culprit. The danger with pulling old code to a newer version of a vehicle, as you know, is that some of the Long Coding Bits may not represent what they did in previous revisions of the modules, due to changes and updates. A bit that may have controlled the mirror dip in the old model may well now control something else, and vice versa...

Good luck with it and let us know how you get on. I will send you a message later when I get home regarding the location of the VCDS change log file hidden on the C:\ drive.

Kind Regards,
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Active Member
Cheers Dan, definitely a school boy error. Reason I hadn't logged it was cu plz it's a brand new car today and what I had lugged was from my old car lol oops....I think it might be something to do with the fact ive put the "off road feature" on the I've now lost ecotrainer aswell

Hi Chris,

As promised:



Active Member
Nov 17, 2015
Stoke on Trent
Footwell lights

Hi guys

I have upgraded to LED for the front foot well lights...but I get an error in vcds

1 Fault Found
0531 - Footwell Illumination
B11FF 01 [009] Electrical Failure
Freeze frame
Fault status - 00000001
Priority 6
frequency 1
Reset counter 13

Any ideas how I get around this?



Active Member
Mar 30, 2013
Hi guys

I have upgraded to LED for the front foot well lights...but I get an error in vcds

1 Fault Found
0531 - Footwell Illumination
B11FF 01 [009] Electrical Failure
Freeze frame
Fault status - 00000001
Priority 6
frequency 1
Reset counter 13

Any ideas how I get around this?


You either need to add the appropriate sized resistor to mimic the draw of the original incandescent bulb you have now replaced with an led
Or simply get Cambus compatible led bulbs :)

Leon FR
Jan 23, 2016
Mate,i had same issues with rain closing...not possible on 2016 5f..we will have to live with it :-D

VAG Familia


Active Member
Mar 30, 2013
Mate,i had same issues with rain closing...not possible on 2016 5f..we will have to live with it :-D

VAG Familia

Would it not be possible to change the rain/humidity sensor to the type people have added if they didn't originally spec auto wipers.
Someone did a write up on here about it.
Or is it more than just the sensor that stops rain closing activation on MY16 leons ?


Active Member
Aug 5, 2016
can someone with a cable PLEASE tell me how much do the DRL's dimm when the low beam is on??? Like when DRL only is ON its 100% intensity, when the low beam is on, what is the original DRL %? Like 35%?
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