Well the instructions for those with Mapcare do say that.... understandable mistake those with mib1 even more problematic because you are going back in time on servers to find what you deleted. Since in operation the card is switched to write protect I worked out sometime ago when people deleted the contents all was not lost that the all important overall.nds file of the release was the same on all cards of that version, only the hidden CID to Windows on the card is unique. That's the unique code that is tied to the unit, whilst the unit is tied to the series release of the overall.nds file. That's why that one is retained.
The series release is the four character code I.e. 1430 (the current). The release is the same across the Vag group but they complicate matters by their own label stamping on the card which is different between Seat, Skoda and VW. 1430 is VW Version 14 which is built into the VW file down load title. I had posted up previously VW users defects they had noticed in the maps but that was against the VW label code.
To complicate matters further once the card goes into the unit with the release files, it knows what part number to show for the brand (VW, Skoda and Seat etc). That's the 6P code for Seat. The only instance was last time round was the Seat part number for the all Europe file was not coded correctly. It through up a 5F VW part number. This is where people decided to edit the inside part of the file to give it a 6P code etc. Although you dont need to do this, its only for presentation purposes. The part number is used in the Seat paper test to work out whether the unit is a mib2 standard 6P or mib1 standard 5F on the map upgrade if you had Mapcare.
Exciter the developer of the workaround experimented with all of this at the time and can be found on the thread. At that stage the level of common release across VAG brands was not full appreciated so people were looking at Seat servers for map updates. Now we know they are always late but interchangeable within the confines of mib2 standard. VW and Skoda servers are the go to places for the latest maps on the down load link files which are published (and also get you out of a pickle at times). The VW and Skoda websites then put their own pages to the server links in a further stage. 1430 is available for the standard system (Nov 2019 release).
Wait to hear whether you recover it back. You shouldn't have any problems if you aren't using a Mac.
Btw it is V6 on the link I provided since the part number tallies with part number 4 of the dbinfo.txt file of the download

.... just checked for you so no ambiguity. The image is from an eBay seller.