Originally posted.The DBInfo.txt from the P106 7z doesn't have PartNumber 2, 3 or 4. I'm wondering whether to add them (as well as changing the others).
I keep the ECE 2013 from the new (P106 7z) & also the
ApplicationSoftwareVersionNumber="0106" ?
I'm being careful to keep the CRLF line ends and add no other stuff.
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1
I downloaded the file on Briskoda yesterday, the Skoda one, and as you say it doesn't unpack properly, lots of errors. The size when unzipped is nearly 200mb smaller than the 330 maps. Yes the Audi mib2 high only file is error free and works. If it's true that because the TT was fitting mib2...

OK I'm doing an edit to the reply I gave to this.
Basically it's an Audi file so what Audi must have done is released it without the other brands part numbers on it. Copying your old part number for the map onto the new release in Audi form as said must fake the unit to think you aren't updating the map without mapcare (Audi old partnumber goes into the new map partnumber field). At worst if it isn't seeing the other part numbers you won't see a part number for Seat. You'll get a gap. Don't forget the reboot if you are switching cards quickly.
(Didnt change that text much above)
Basically looking at Daz3d screens above the old maps had the 5F part number in it. New maps swapped to an Audi part number.
The instruction was
Change the following in the new DBInfo.txt (I didn't test if you could skip this step):
I'm assuming you can see those V codes in your original file... probably not ?. If you can take the V code and use that.
OK if it needs that edit to make it work it probably runs on the old mapcare rule that maps before the release work but not maps beyond. That would be if you had a navigation file of release 36 ECE 2014 or before. Depends what year V03959803RQ is linked to. hmm that doesn't appear to be as far back as 2014.
I'd try with the edit. If that doesnt work without the edit. If that fail back to the links that Daz3d put up. Audi might have removed mapcare from this file so is no longer fussy.
Reading the thread:
Support - Kartenmaterial Update SD-Karte Discover AT (MIB1)
Wie mach ich das?

It seems to work without the part number edit. Whether you need the latest firmware... others on this thread had it where it worked. On the German thread they messed up the country edit to reduce to the original 8gb card. With the 16gb card you can't go wrong on that. I'd ignore the CID talk you need a valid Vag card. Won't be the CID. Really that then leaves the firmware as to whether that needs updating I reckon if issues.
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