
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


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I use the link I provided more as a "Dummies" Guide where the current release no. is not known ;)

It didn't help VW changing their server adddreses but have edited in revised one on key posts like the lost and stolen card post which is the fix all which we finally got to this year when the penny dropped on how it worked.
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Jun 7, 2015
Newcastle upon Tyne
Do you know when you start something and wish you never bothered?!

I never really use the system navigation, I always just use Google Maps through CarPlay but I'm the OCD kind that likes to have everything up to date!
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That's true but I prefer the simple, modern looking UI. The UI of the built in sat nav is just awful.

But you get the map in your line of sight with the electronic dash, better lane guidance and doesn't need a 4G signal which is good round here with rolling hills. The dash display has pushed the internal maps now but do need updating as new road builds occur if you dont want to appear that you are driving in a field. Google Maps is good on commuters runs for traffic info. Use them all when the codriver / navigator but only the built in map when driving.


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Jun 7, 2015
Newcastle upon Tyne
But you get the map in your line of sight with the electronic dash, better lane guidance and doesn't need a 4G signal which is good round here with rolling hills. The dash display has pushed the internal maps now but do need updating as new road builds occur if you dont want to appear that you are driving in a field. Google Maps is good on commuters runs for traffic info. Use them all when the codriver / navigator but only the built in map when driving.

Are you referring to the digital cockpit here?


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Jul 9, 2020
I have spent lots of time researching new maps for my unit as we're planning a fairly long road trip soon.

From what I have worked out so far I have MIB1 and the only way of updating maps is by going to the dealers and spending a lot of money on a new SD card, is this correct?

If so I think I need to decide if to bite the bullet and buy the new SD card, buy a mount and use Here / Google maps on my phone or buy a windscreen mounted Sat Nav with lifetime map updates.

It seems crazy to be considering the latter two options when I have a built in nav but I don't really want to be held over a barrel for latest maps.

What have others with MIB1 done in the circumstances?

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Sep 14, 2019
I got a quote this week from my nearest SEAT Dealer stating that a new SD Nav card would be just over £135. Likewise my card is old (V5) and ideally I'd like to utilise the in-car unit, however I don't know that I can justify that when I can just use Waze or Google Maps from my phone.


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Jul 9, 2020
I got a quote this week from my nearest SEAT Dealer stating that a new SD Nav card would be just over £135. Likewise my card is old (V5) and ideally I'd like to utilise the in-car unit, however I don't know that I can justify that when I can just use Waze or Google Maps from my phone.
Wow, £135. I don't mind paying a fee for maps but that feels extortionate. I get that there needs to be a cost to pay for development of these maps etc and am happy to pay up to a certain amount even though Here / Google maps are free but I'm not paying that much.

I think I will look for a Brodit mount for my phone and use Here maps instead.

Thanks Soundlab

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Use to work on the basis that a three year upgrade would be adequate untill on the mib2 high got the FeC altered so I could do it as and when. Need another Exciter for the Mib1, the guy that sorted out the mib2 standard. He used a bin walker to do that - that's what he said in the text which is how he came to the file. I reckon that's how the Palestinian guy extended the mib2 standard workaround for an imported European VW to Pallestine where the T6forum method on using maps outside of the zone didnt work on later VW units even with the standard workaround. Exciter workaround works with some standard heads on out of zone maps but not the latest ones. So he must have bin walked that to know exactly which additional files needed to be looked at. Needs someone with a mib1 standard to do the bin walking trick for the greater good. May be it's been tried. Pass. Till then it's coughing up or using alternatives.

Sygic uses TomTom cartography on the Android app, you get free updates twice a year on that or pay more for monthly. They have some roads I gave them recently that they have published so their bottleneck on user supplied stuff they have sorted out. Co-pilot uses Here Maps cartography. Again free updates twice a year. Offline mapping. Bought all of the world maps they offer on both systems for travelling.

Here We Go is Here Maps version of Google Maps. That takes online travel reports and road sensing data.

I'm an Android / Windows person, pass on Mac stuff. Play store gives costs. Here We Go is free, ditto Google Maps. Sygic and Co-pilot, not free off line handy for planning those foreign trips when we had them, so you set up your favourites, hotels etc, route plan. Japan you use Navicon which interfaces with Japanese infotainment units in Japan, they have their own grid system. Took one trip to work that out. Easy after I discovered Navicon.
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Active Member
Sep 14, 2019
Wow, £135. I don't mind paying a fee for maps but that feels extortionate. I get that there needs to be a cost to pay for development of these maps etc and am happy to pay up to a certain amount even though Here / Google maps are free but I'm not paying that much.

I agree - I think it's an outrageous amount for someone to pay if they wanted to update annually. I'd been contemplating buying it as a one-off knowing that it was far more up-to-date than what I already have - and sticking with it for a number of years. However, with other sources being updated for free far more regularly I'm not sure I can justify it personally. As you previously mentioned, you could go out and buy a Garmin with lifetime updates for a similar cost so SEATs price is crazy.

It's a real shame MIB1 cannot be updated by the owner in the UK the same as MIB2 can.
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And I'm guessing that cost is yearly.... If you wanted to be up to date all the time...
I use my phone with either tomtom or Google maps...

Unfortunately Seat have chosen not to bury Mapcare as VW and Skoda have where map updates are free for the life of the car. I think it's just incompetence rather than anything else although they send out the same letter to people when they ask about the costs. VAG group part owns Here Maps, TomTom cartography is used on the standard side, Here Maps on the plus. They choose to absorb the costs on the VW / Skoda side but run their old business model abandoned 5 years ago by the others.
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May 6, 2017
Wow, £135. I don't mind paying a fee for maps but that feels extortionate. I get that there needs to be a cost to pay for development of these maps etc and am happy to pay up to a certain amount even though Here / Google maps are free but I'm not paying that much.

I think I will look for a Brodit mount for my phone and use Here maps instead.

Thanks Soundlab

Sent from my Nokia 6.2 using Tapatalk
If you want to use a built in SatNav, I'd go for a retrofit MIB2 upgrade. This will give you a bigger 6.5" screen (or 8" but costs more), MapCare (free map updates), Full-Link activated, etc. Cost is approx £465. Have a look at Might be a bit more than you want to spend.
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Active Member
Jul 9, 2020
If you want to use a built in SatNav, I'd go for a retrofit MIB2 upgrade. This will give you a bigger 6.5" screen (or 8" but costs more), MapCare (free map updates), Full-Link activated, etc. Cost is approx £465. Have a look at Might be a bit more than you want to spend.
Thanks for the above link. I have previously retrofitted an RNS 510 DAB in my old Octavia so am comfortable with the retrofitting process.

I'll see how I get on next month with MIB1 and if I can't live with it, I'll bite the bullet

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Thanks for the above link. I have previously retrofitted an RNS 510 DAB in my old Octavia so am comfortable with the retrofitting process.

I'll see how I get on next month with MIB1 and if I can't live with it, I'll bite the bullet

Sent from my Nokia 6.2 using Tapatalk

If it's the standard unit mib2 then you have workaround, if it's a high then you have ensure that the retrofitters have set the map FECs high enough so you can upgrade the maps over a period that's long enough for you. Some retrofitters on the high pull a slight of hand wrapping up new firmware with the ability to update the maps for a short period apparently hoping for repeat firmware business when the two arent related. That's why I devised the table after being bitten by this, also useful if you have a sparkling Seat Cupra Ateca to get all the map updates in whilst you can in the free one year upgrade period.

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