Hi @Tell....Note VW have changed their servers so anything that gives a direct link to the files has changed
what was
is now
That's a cut and paste. if you click on a link with the old url you need the new url if it's a standard MIB2 map....
is now
Seems to be good correction for the standard VW MIB2 links. The high ones they have played about with the end of the text. Given the majority of people have standard unit possibly not an issue.
I will edit my own key posts to reflect this so they still work.
My unit has the following data after I updated maps last October.....
Device part number: 5QA035858B
Hardware: H41
Software: 0472
Navigation database: 6P0919866AB
ECE AS 2020
SHIELD: SHIELD 2016-44 (build 309)
Am I right in assuming that your last link, https://vw-maps-cdn.lighthouselabs.eu/vw-maps/DiscoverMedia2_EU_AS_1430_V12.7z, is now the latest version?