
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


Active Member
Apr 11, 2019
Note VW have changed their servers so anything that gives a direct link to the files has changed

what was

is now

That's a cut and paste. if you click on a link with the old url you need the new url if it's a standard MIB2 map... :).


is now


Seems to be good correction for the standard VW MIB2 links. The high ones they have played about with the end of the text. Given the majority of people have standard unit possibly not an issue.

I will edit my own key posts to reflect this so they still work.
Hi @Tell....
My unit has the following data after I updated maps last October.....

Device part number: 5QA035858B
Hardware: H41
Software: 0472
Navigation database: 6P0919866AB
ECE AS 2020
SHIELD: SHIELD 2016-44 (build 309)

Am I right in assuming that your last link,, is now the latest version?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2019
Yeah that’s the ‘latest’ one.

We are still waiting for this year’s map update however..... it’s worryingly late this year
Cool, thanks. I thought 1430 was this years. I might wait till end of month then in case another one is released


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Hi @Tell....
My unit has the following data after I updated maps last October.....

Device part number: 5QA035858B
Hardware: H41
Software: 0472
Navigation database: 6P0919866AB
ECE AS 2020
SHIELD: SHIELD 2016-44 (build 309)

Am I right in assuming that your last link,, is now the latest version?

Yes currently the latest. We are expecting the June 2020 release soon. 1430 is the November 2019 release. Don't forget to take a copy of the SD card prior to deleting it since you will want the overall.nds file for the workaround as per those instructions.

Skoda, they have given them the November 2019 release in June 2020, the 1430, so VW could in principle sit on it's hands till November missing a release. Suspect we will see it thou. Hasnt been found yet. Tend to think each Monday is a good day to look on VW servers.
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Jul 9, 2020
Hi there. Pretty sure the awnser but still give it a try
System 5F0035846A
hardware 041
Nav Bse 5F0919866H

mib1 so no luck update process correct? thanks
Original cards only sold at dealer?
Jul 11, 2020
Gentlemen, I have bought Leon 2020 yesterday and it came with this Easy Connect system, which I could not found information if this is Mib 1 or Mib 2. Can someone make any comment?

Hardware: H50
Software: 0514

The car has virtual cockpit as well.

Dealer is also not aware if this system is Mib1 or 2. It does not have Nagivation menu button on the screen.

My aim is to be able to retreive the Navigation menu by OBD11 or VAGCOM and install the related map. And reflect the navigation to the virtual display.

Can I do it with 5F0035842A?

The same problem for me
& I'm asking if you find out a way to enabling wifi client on .to give a possibilty for wireless connection with androideauto or CarPlay?


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The same problem for me
& I'm asking if you find out a way to enabling wifi client on .to give a possibilty for wireless connection with androideauto or CarPlay?

Suspect not. Give the same answer I gave to the follow up original post. The WiFi is only enabled on the top of the line standard units. There is a line that goes the chip set is in there for atleast VWs since time sake but on the Obdeleven thread where I cover playing about with the client on the high unit, the firmware was wrong on the 2016+ Ateca's till about 2018 so that was a solution for those, invited standard users to give it a go. I now reckon you are locked out of that option on the base standard unit but you can give it a go.... but I reckon you will be disappointed thou. Think you have the base, base standard unit BTW, not the base standard unit without WiFi.

The all important one is to look for


in Obdeleven or your other favourite VCDS tool as per the link above. No WLAN / WiFi_Client_HMI and it's not going to happen. 2018 and on the WiFi units in the Seat High and standard models with WiFi have these toggles brought into the cars infotainment menu. The latter standard models currently finish with the 877 and 877A on the firmware. The high issue in the early models was its wasnt switched to client. This was fixed in subsequent firmware but you could change it via VCDS as the link.
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Active Member
Jun 7, 2015
Newcastle upon Tyne
So I tried my first update since getting the car last night. I followed the instructions on the Seat website. Copy files from SD card to a folder on my PC (back-up), Format SD card, UnZip downloaded file from Seat website, drag and drop new software onto SD care, Eject from PC but the car gives a message "SD Card: Error". When I go into settings and choose Update on the System Information screen it says the same. Can anyone help and tell me where I went wrong please?! Much appreciated.

Damo H

Remind me, what's an indicator?
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Oct 3, 2012
Car Length In Front
So I tried my first update since getting the car last night. I followed the instructions on the Seat website. Copy files from SD card to a folder on my PC (back-up), Format SD card, UnZip downloaded file from Seat website, drag and drop new software onto SD care, Eject from PC but the car gives a message "SD Card: Error". When I go into settings and choose Update on the System Information screen it says the same. Can anyone help and tell me where I went wrong please?! Much appreciated.
Did you make a back up of your old memory card?

Surprised website gives those instructions as was under impression Seat UK does not officially let you update maps with out buying a new SD card from the dealer.

If you've made a backup there is a file you need to copy from it and put into the new map pack, this then makes the unit think its the original map set.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2015
Newcastle upon Tyne
Did you make a back up of your old memory card?

Surprised website gives those instructions as was under impression Seat UK does not officially let you update maps with out buying a new SD card from the dealer.

If you've made a backup there is a file you need to copy from it and put into the new map pack, this then makes the unit think its the original map set.

Yeah I copied everything from the SD card to my PC before doing anything.

These are the "instructions" I used

That sounds about right, I wasn't 100% whether or not it was a full replacement or more of an extension to the old pack if that makes sense? Do you know which files I need to keep?

Damo H

Remind me, what's an indicator?
Staff member
Oct 3, 2012
Car Length In Front
Yeah I copied everything from the SD card to my PC before doing anything.

These are the "instructions" I used

That sounds about right, I wasn't 100% whether or not it was a full replacement or more of an extension to the old pack if that makes sense? Do you know which files I need to keep?
That's good :) we can get you sorted, I just need to find the instructions in this thread haha!

Its helpful of Seat to put this very important piece of information at the bottom of the page...


Damo H

Remind me, what's an indicator?
Staff member
Oct 3, 2012
Car Length In Front
Here you go, from posy #1,809.

Its step 9 that you need :)

Worth noting step 10 isn't needed, I didn't do it the first time, did the second time (went back to my original back up) but have never done it since.

At the risk of teaching more the knowledgeable people here how to suck eggs - here's the notes I made from earlier posts with some slight revision for use in the future:
  1. Download the latest uk map
  2. on the infotainment go to settings, safely remove, sd1 card
  3. remove sd1 card from glove box slot
  4. long press on the on / off to reboot it a couple of times
  5. insert sd card in to laptop
  6. copy and paste all contents to pc
  7. Format the SD card keep it as fat32 and leave format settings as default in file explorer (don't forget to push the card lock mechanism to off)
  8. Copy the new downloaded map version to the SD card
  9. Replace /maps/EEC/EEC_WLD/OVERALL.NDS on the SD CARD with the one from the original SD card
  10. edited the /maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt so that PartNumber4 correctly has my own part number in it, that is I replaced PartNumber4 from PartNumber4="5F...." to PartNumber4="6P0919866AB"
  11. using windows file explorer, eject the sd card
  12. now i can safely remove the sd card from the laptop
  13. long press on the on / off to reboot it a couple of times
  14. Inserted the card into the card 1 slot in glove box whilst infotainment is off
  15. power on and go to navigation


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Perfect mate thank you, yeah that's seem like the only thing I missed!

I'll give it a shot tonight!

Have you got your original overall.nds file else you do the one under lost and stolen SD cards. Post 2075. You got the card.

You should always take a copy of the card before embarking on the workaround. People don't since they follow the Seat link which is if you have Mapcare as said and pointed out above. Loose the overall.nds file and you find the one the car came with or do the fix based on the Seat V1 card, good for all versions above... recommend that now rather than looking for old links that's what we determined this year. Handy fix.

We are still at release 1430 now, about change but no news yet.

Direct link to 1430 - current release:

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Active Member
Feb 26, 2009
North Yorkshire
Here you go, from posy #1,809.

Its step 9 that you need :)

Worth noting step 10 isn't needed, I didn't do it the first time, did the second time (went back to my original back up) but have never done it since.
All I would add is DO NOT download maps from the Seat site, they are always out of date.
Instead go to the VAG site HERE and select a vehicle (I use a Tiguan) then select Navigation System "Discover Media" and download maps there.
It's worth stating that updated maps are (over)due anytime soon
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That direct link I just gave him :). Seat site is good for South America and Israel. VW don't have the latest on that.;). It might be copyright but I found a lot of South American posters giving old version links of the map out when I searching for something more up-to-date for guy from Israel where they dont provide the cards with any VAG cars due to driving off pista one suspects :). Anyhow the cars are shipped ready to have a card put in. They imported a Skoda card for Europe, deleted the contents, copied across the Seat November 2019 release. Someone else in Palestine had a European car with a European card where he did the enhanced workaround (they enhanced it further beyond the overall.nds trick and the T6 board) which I published further up. Standard Mib2s you can do a lot of things with :). They used the T6 workaround plus an enhanced workaround for here. That also worked for an American VW imported into France... spread international wings on this one. ;).
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Active Member
Jun 7, 2015
Newcastle upon Tyne
Have you got your original overall.nds file else you do the one under lost and stolen SD cards. Post 2075. You got the card.

You should always take a copy of the card before embarking on the workaround. People don't since they follow the Seat link which is if you have Mapcare as said and pointed out above. Loose the overall.nds file and you find the one the car came with or do the fix based on the Seat V1 card, good for all versions above... recommend that now rather than looking for old links that's what we determined this year. Handy fix.

We are still at release 1430 now, about change but no news yet.

Direct link to 1430 - current release:

Yeah I have all of the original files on the SD card that came with the car (V6).
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