
Updating the inbuilt Mib2 Satnav / Mib2 tricks and Mib1


Active Member
May 1, 2018
Works thanks a lot.

never formatted mine at any stage on the Mac. just swapped the new maps folder with my new old one and change to part number to my own in the text file and jobs a good one
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May 1, 2018

Did you use Keka and CleanMydrive or the alternatives ?.

The mib2 high is definitely more critical to the files being exacted since that's checked with the signature on the files.

Nah, used literally an unzip program called unzipper and dragged and dropped the new download to the SD card to replace my files then used the built in text editor/reader on my Mac too to change the part number to mine (part 4). Didn’t use any fancy programs or anything. Put the SD card back into slot one turned it on and the car find the files as normal and made sure it worked by putting an address in to route. So it’s all good, I will keep the original files just in case I come across problems.
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"The Unarchiver" is suppose to be another Mac app that is fine for the purpose of unzipping the file on a Mac. Real problems come up with the high unit where it's totally fussy about the final unzipped file being an exact replica of what it's expecting which is signed onto the file (why you can't meddle with the highs import file procedure since it's locked down). The contents being installed onto to the SSD.

Rather than VW producing a list of what works and what doesn't, they say, 7 zip for a PC. Keka and CleanMyDrive for the Mac. There is stuff out there that doesn't work which you read pages of on user boards :).
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Oct 8, 2019
I need help with updating my 2016 seat leon 5F8 mib 2 high which didnt came with an sd card and i believe it stores nav data on internal ssd also it has mapcare. I tried downloading navigation data from seat website and updating it with a generic sd card but it didnt work so i dont know where to go next. Please help me.


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Have you got valid Mapcare for it. I did a ready reckoner once I mastered the Mapcare validation values for it, post 1914.

There is a SWAP code that controls the ability to update it. If yours is below the current period you can't update it. You either cough up the money to Seat for Mapcare update package that gives you three more years from installation (not sold in the UK) or find a retrofitter or hobbyist to do it. They are about in Europe. I think there is only one outfit in the UK that do it, Doncaster way ;).

That was also the Chillout conversation above. Once you get that code changed to a higher level, preferredably the max, you can update the map via the backend menu. I won't go into button pushes now since I think you are stuck on the unit not having a valid Mapcare code for the period. Do that FEC check above. I turned to professional retrofitters to change my units code after Walone did the same. A retrofitter would probably also offer you more up-to-date firmware. Walone knows the Leon ones, pass on that. But the retrofitter we have has a habit of turning off the TMC, so you then need to go into VCDS to sort that out. It's easier to stick with the firmware if possible and get the FEC altered. If you drive to the place you can make sure the work is done to your satisfaction. Last time traffic sign recognition stopped working correctly with a number of test drives and back again. The unit was pulled out four times and put on a work bench. If you car doesn't have complicated stuff that uses the infotainment unit, TSR in my case, it should be more straightforward. They need ODIS. Any retrofitter who hasn't got ODIS can't do the work. Some fiddling has to be done on that as well.

I can dig out the Seat part number for extending Mapcare if you live in a country that sells it. That appears on the thread. One person in Europe did this. Costs an eye watering £600 or so in Europe.
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Oct 8, 2019
Here are pictures from when i enter service mode i dont see any codes staring with 073.
I have actually asked my dealer about navigation updates and i have been offered some outdated update for around 400 euros
They didnt know anything about map care for sale id be very thankful if you gave me part number for it


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Looking at those images you need the Service menu brought up:

1. Hold Menu button until service mode shows.
2. Press "Function enabling codes (FEC, SWaP)"
3. Press "Installed codes"

We are looking for a code begining 073....

That was in the link posted.

Now we need the last two characters.

On the official Mapcare the 400 Euros is for a single map update then there is a Seat part number for Mapcare that gives you 3 more years assuming the car came with Mapcare (You just update the maps yourself then). They charge about 125 Euros when the car is new where Mapcare is supported for the first 3 years then wack you with a much greater cost. Could be that they don't offer the 3 year Mapcare package extension in your country.

Btw... found the posts on the Seat Mapcare high upgrade part numbers that I gave out on posts 1396 / 1397 & the board member _Dejan_ took the 3 year extension.

Cut and paste to what I said in post 1397.

1. & 2. There two available on the continent

Reference: 000060884 is Mapcare for 3 years the other is a one off although you would have to check which release. Suspect it runs beyond 3 years. Could be Mib1 thou. This one 5F0060884BL I believe is just for a release but not Mapcare.

One is about £600 (Mapcare post purchase) and the other is half the price. That information I got off a German board. It's available at least there. Think V1 is Mib1 and V2 is Mib2 but I could be wrong thou.

It's interesting to read what Seat customers say in Europe about the large cost of the extension of Mapcare from their token 125 Euros to the fancy price on their Plus / High units. On Skoda and VW, Mapcare is free for life across all of Europe including the UK and isn't even marketed as such these days. I believe the firmware for those models doesn't use the FEC gate keeper whilst Seat does having seen the Skoda FEC codes and VW board conversations.
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Oct 8, 2019
I am very thankful for you trying to help me. I think recent reccall i did may have ****** this up for me. May i ask you to pm me your enail so i can send you video of what i get when i hold menu button.


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I'm happy with a still picture PM ed. If you have been into the developers menu and forced a map update beyond the version you have which is not valid against the Mapcare FEC it will lock you out of navigation within 30 seconds. You must then re-install the version it came with or any before. A number of people have fallen into that trap including myself. FEC / Swap gate keeping on the lock down of map updates on the high / plus acts on the front and backend menus. You Google for the release of the map and keep your fingers crossed you will find it. Ditto if you have a retrofit and you install a map release beyond the Mapcare FEC code they put on it. That's where that FEC mapcode table comes in handy I posted up so you can determine whether you can update and not.

See post 699 where I have provided some historic ones and show what happens when you lock yourself out:

You know it's going to end badly when Navdb says F on that screen before you start off. Out of the limits of the Mapcare FEC code when you see that.
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Jan 27, 2020
The more I read on this the more confused I get. I'm pretty sure I have MIB1 but struggling on what options I have outside of paying seat a lot of money. It shouldn't cost this much for a system that is paid for by tax payers already. Yes Seat should be able to charge for updates as they will need to update their platform but the map data and technology is very cheap for them to accquire. There charges are just stupidly over priced and not competitive.


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The more I read on this the more confused I get. I'm pretty sure I have MIB1 but struggling on what options I have outside of paying seat a lot of money. It shouldn't cost this much for a system that is paid for by tax payers already. Yes Seat should be able to charge for updates as they will need to update their platform but the map data and technology is very cheap for them to accquire. There charges are just stupidly over priced and not competitive.

Seat customers get done for what the Consumers Association has been trying to get rid off for a few years now. VW and Skoda have fallen inline.

Tax payers I guess you mean OS data. That doesn't include speed, POIs etc. OS has reigned back from giving their data away for free, that was a Labour Government that did that on the basis it was publically funded. Now they charge for the detailed stuff out to local authorities and businesses. There are costs of running digital mapping taking published data, researching, survey cars, running networks etc but probably not at the level that Seat charge it out at.

As for Google their maps aren't brilliant before anyone says they are. Real time traffic info but not the cartography which suffers from missing roads and developments. Obviously not integrated into the cars system, just an adjoint.

Ps you know whether it's a mib1 or 2, standard or plus from the test. If nobody has been editing the part number of the map it's as follows (only readers of this thread edit that) :

Press the “NAV” Button >

Confirm the “Setup” >

“Version information” selection on the display.

Check the first text line in "Version information".

If the first three digits are 6P0 it's a mib2 standard (serial number is also on the card)

5F with a mapping card in the slot it's mib1 standard

If not it's a mib1 or 2 "Navi System Plus" (no card in the slot)

Go back far enough and it won't be a mib1 :).

The Seat page gives you that but if you follow the update published you will loose what's on your card... warned, its written for people with Mapcare. Don't follow it if you haven't got Mapcare and their published links are old.
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Deleted member 98136

I updated the NDR and various other local roads around NR8 on TomTom Mapshare back in June - still "pending".....
Just updated maps to the latest available, guess what !, still showing NDR as 60mph, how long does it take for them to act on the information that users of their maps inform them of possible inaccurate information ?


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Just updated maps to the latest available, guess what !, still showing NDR as 60mph, how long does it take for them to act on the information that users of their maps inform them of possible inaccurate information ?

TomTom the cartographers seemed to have had a bit of a backlog with reports put through which we noted in November, 1430 being the latest standard release not whatever Seat may say it is. That backlog covered September too November at least where they hadn't actioned cartography reports put through, they have now cleared those least for me. Probably takes about 9 months to get them into the finished download and released. That's why it was a bit annoying when they fell asleep on the job. Also suspect they might be a bit funny about users reported speed changes - that's the one they have on hold from me but not in your neck of the woods.

TomTom you can report errors via their website which covers the cartography for Standard system:

Here Maps (Plus / High)

I'd make another report in the other category on TomTom with a web page link to anything that says the correct speed to give it authenticity. Saying this I'm not totally sure whether the company that VAG uses to put together the upload takes all elements from the respective cartography providers or adds their own. Like the road speeds. So you are also at the mercy of the middle man processing the data. Certainly new roads that you tell TomTom and Here Maps about come through eventually after acceptance. I see my handy work in some locations first on the standalone systems, Sygic (TomTom) and Co-Pilot (Here Maps) which eventually get into the cars' upload maps in the six month cycle.

Google Maps as I've mentioned before is just as bad with missing roads, incorrectly named roads. They seem to win the prize for incorrectly named roads and TomTom for historic muddy farm tracks that aren't paved, probably joint winners with Google. Crowd sourcing you have the issue of arm chair mappers that remember roads that were there years ago but closed or they just digitise farm tracks in and mark up as paved, single track roads as dual and all the rubbish that causes issues in the countryside if it isn't screened out during validation.
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Active Member
Oct 14, 2018
At the risk of teaching more the knowledgeable people here how to suck eggs - here's the notes I made from earlier posts with some slight revision for use in the future:
  1. Download the latest uk map -
  2. on the infotainment go to settings, safely remove, sd1 card
  3. remove sd1 card from glove box slot
  4. long press on the on / off to reboot it a couple of times
  5. insert sd card in to laptop
  6. copy and paste all contents to pc
  7. Format the SD card keep it as fat32 and leave format settings as default in file explorer (don't forget to push the card lock mechanism to off)
  8. Copy the new downloaded map version to the SD card
  9. Replace /maps/EEC/EEC_WLD/OVERALL.NDS on the SD CARD with the one from the original SD card
  10. edited the /maps/00/nds/dbinfo.txt so that PartNumber4 correctly has my own part number in it, that is I replaced PartNumber4 from PartNumber4="5F...." to PartNumber4="6P0919866AB"
  11. using windows file explorer, eject the sd card
  12. now i can safely remove the sd card from the laptop
  13. long press on the on / off to reboot it a couple of times
  14. Inserted the card into the card 1 slot in glove box whilst infotainment is off
  15. power on and go to navigation

10. Optional :). You can preserve your existing part number and map year if you so wish purely for display purposes on the settings info screen. That is using Notepad if you do to avoid any illegal word processing related text characters getting in if you use Word etc which the unit may stumble on.

People always like to use their own special sauce which can sometimes give it a funny taste. The ebay card swapping one is the worste since they like to preserve the original card but find somehow they find it's stopped working but the new one works fine after writing the new maps which destroys the object of preserving the old card. That one is a weird upgrade but pointless.

Exciter should be credited with the original special sauce:). It hasn't changed in 30 months only the map sources which are issued across Vag sites June and November. Your 1.

Ntfs issue suspect was related to using a Mac or Ubunto one suspects or the general idea that it's better than Fat32. Stick to Fat32 and don't mess with the sector size.

8. Should mention 7zip the VW preferred free PC software tool. Others can cause issues. You unzip to HD first, it's faster then copy to SD. You drag and drop out of the archive, right clicking on the zip file and picking 7 zip, open archive.

7 zip can be obtained from

The Mac VW solution to 8
. are covered at the bottom of their PDF listed on their website although other ones mentioned on the thread work. That's in the VW 2018 PDF "Discover Media Gen.2 (PQ) Map material update" which also mentions Fat32 as the only format for the SD card.


If the map update is performed using the Apple® OS X operating system you may find that
Discover Media does not recognise the map material or displays it incorrectly. This is due to
a lack of compatibility between the “7 zip” program and the OS-X operating system. In
addition, the OS-X operating system has a tendency to create hidden additional files on
external data media. We therefore recommend that OS X users use the “Keka” unzipping
program. We also recommend using the “CleanMyDrive” program to remove any hidden files."

There are other Mac solutions to CleanMyDrive and the unzipping program but that's what they recommend.

Recent post on a German Skoda board covers the process for MAC users but doesn't mention CleanMyDrive (probably not required in this instance):

1) Prevent automatic opening of packed files in Safari (Settings -> General -> check the box next to "Open secure" files after loading <<)
2) Download the map package from the Skoda Update Portal
3) delete data on original Skoda SD card (via Finder all files / folders in the trash and then empty this)
4) Unpack package via free program "Keka" directly to SD card (could take some time)

Then you obviously copy back the Overall.NDS file as per the instructions above.

& lastly on Fat32 PC or MAC VW says

Preparing the SD-CDA card
• Push the switch on the SD-CDA card to “Unlock”. Now insert the SD-CDA card into your
computer should it not yet be in your computer due to file backup.
• Delete all files on the SD-CDA card or reformat your SD-CDA card. It is imperative that the card is formatted as a FAT32 partition.

The standard process is contained in the PDF, the workaround interfaces with that process to get round the issue of non availability of Mapcare where that is an issue.

The exception in the download file links are the Skoda ones that can optionally call a down load manager Exe file if they are setup to call it which carries out the unzipping process direct to SD card. That's works on a PC - assume it is good for MAC use. If you have one of these links you can see the download manager being called other than that it's just a standard download file.

Hi guys. Sorry for asking what is undoubtedly a repeat question, but this thread really has become a labyrinthine mess where finding detailed information is very difficult.

Using the above posts and following that process, can I with my MIB2 Standard SD card unit use pretty much any generic map that has been linked in this thread? Eg:

The latest from SEAT here:

The latest from VW as was linked here

Cheers. :)
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Patience is a virtue.

It is important you dont mess it up else the thread gets longer telling people how to get out of the mess. For that above it has to be a mib2 standard, that's the 6P test given out numerous times, see above 2033 just above.

The Seat site updates are never up to date and lag the latest which is why we use the VW one or Skoda. The 1430 link is fine, good till June 2020 as the latest. It's the whole of Europe and will fit on the card. Zoning is something they have done in readiness for the maps to out grow the SD, hasn't happened yet. They changed the provider which is probably where that came from a couple of years back (choice made the thread longer :))

You can ignore 10 that is to disguises you have updated the map as far as the part number is concerned. It's for display purposes only. Personally I don't edit the part number myself. It arrived in during the workaround development by Exciter but was found technically not to be required (it was thought that the part number linked the unit to the unit, no the card and the original overall.nds file are the element linked to the unit, nothing else). It's a common VAG release each subsidiary gets it's own part number that tallies with what is printed on the SD card and known as such. The firmware in the unit using the common update throws up on the screen the relevant part number. If it's a PCP car (British thing) suppose they might check that when the car us returned, dunno... might be why some people are keen to edit that. In Europe with Mapcare during their three year period of coverage, the part number will have changed away from what's printed on the card with each user up date. Still think you would want a working overall.nds file before you ran off the end of the standard units Mapcare. Conversation never had. People use the workaround in Europe who don't have Mapcare like the UK. But if you fell off the three year period guess you'd need one that worked, so you wouldn't delete it only to find you need it. This might apply to you. In that case you'd dig out the old one out of a release within the Mapcare 3 year period. As said never had that conversation before.

The Mac steps are there for those that have a Mac.
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Active Member
Feb 2, 2020
hi to all,please help
i made a mistake,i tried to update sd card.
deleted the original contents from the AS V1 sd card(no backup),
Of course now the navigation does not work.
can anyone share the original content for v1 sd card or any solution.
I just want to get back the old folders
any help helpful
thanks in advance


Active Member
Oct 14, 2018
Patience is a virtue.

It is important you dont mess it up else the thread gets longer telling people how to get out of the mess. For that above it has to be a mib2 standard, that's the 6P test given out numerous times, see above 2033 just above.

The Seat site updates are never up to date and lag the latest which is why we use the VW one or Skoda. The 1430 link is fine, good till June 2020 as the latest. It's the whole of Europe and will fit on the card. Zoning is something they have done in readiness for the maps to out grow the SD, hasn't happened yet. They changed the provider which is probably where that came from a couple of years back (choice made the thread longer :))

You can ignore 10 that is to disguises you have updated the map as far as the part number is concerned. It's for display purposes only. Personally I don't edit the part number myself. It arrived in during the workaround development by Exciter but was found technically not to be required (it was thought that the part number linked the unit to the unit, no the card and the original overall.nds file are the element linked to the unit, nothing else). It's a common VAG release each subsidiary gets it's own part number that tallies with what is printed on the SD card and known as such. The firmware in the unit using the common update throws up on the screen the relevant part number. If it's a PCP car (British thing) suppose they might check that when the car us returned, dunno... might be why some people are keen to edit that. In Europe with Mapcare during their three year period of coverage, the part number will have changed away from what's printed on the card with each user up date. Still think you would want a working overall.nds file before you ran off the end of the standard units Mapcare. Conversation never had. People use the workaround in Europe who don't have Mapcare like the UK. But if you fell off the three year period guess you'd need one that worked, so you wouldn't delete it only to find you need it. This might apply to you. In that case you'd dig out the old one out of a release within the Mapcare 3 year period. As said never had that conversation before.

The Mac steps are there for those that have a Mac.

Hi Tell, yes thanks I have the MIB2 Standard and yes I know what a Mac is, I was just quoting the two posts you specifically referred to as important. It's nothing to do with "patience being a virtue", it's about accessibility of information and this thread is very fragmented and difficult to follow because unfortunately moderator has taken ownership of it and updated the first post, or started a new follow-up thread summarizing the correct information.

I will give the relevant steps a try soon and report back. :)


Full Member
Staff member
hi to all,please help
i made a mistake,i tried to update sd card.
deleted the original contents from the AS V1 sd card(no backup),
Of course now the navigation does not work.
can anyone share the original content for v1 sd card or any solution.
I just want to get back the old folders
any help helpful
thanks in advance

You mean mib1 SD card based system. People have deleted these before without backing them up. You need the serial number of the card if it's like mib2 printed on the bottom of the card. Look for a release of that online or you find someone with it so they can share.

Mib1 is getting a bit old now and the historic releases you might not find on VW and Skoda download sites.

Basically serial number -> to release period year version then to VW / Skoda download if you can find it. Did you take a picture of the screen before, it helps.
hi to all,please help
i made a mistake,i tried to update sd card.
deleted the original contents from the AS V1 sd card(no backup),
Of course now the navigation does not work.
can anyone share the original content for v1 sd card or any solution.
I just want to get back the old folders
any help helpful
thanks in advance

You mean mib1 SD card based system. People have deleted these before without backing them up. You need the serial number of the card if it's like mib2 printed on the bottom of the card. Look for a release of that online or you find someone with it so they can share.

Mib1 is getting a bit old now and the historic releases you might not find on VW and Skoda download sites since they change the addresses.

Basically serial number -> to release period year version then to VW / Skoda download if you can find it. Did you take a picture of the screen before, it helps.
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