SEAT website now have 1410 available for download (6P0 units) and also 176 (High units).
184 is the latest available since November. 1430 has also been available since November on the links posted above (both). These are on VW servers and Skoda. VW / Skoda / Seat files are all identical fully inter changeable - since they are the same files, byte by byte. On the high, Seat had been operating with a different old quarter update. 1410 not being 1430 is probably that as well !.
Refresher to the latest links
High / Plus 184 post 1874:
Standard 1430 post 1897:
Workaround for standard post 1898 on the same page... follow link (Use the latest file instead of the one shown in step 1, 1430 at this present time)
See post 1809 / 1810
High can you upgrade your Plus / High unit with new maps ? post 1914
Suspect the company or companies that put together these files for VAG from TomTom (standard) and Here Maps (high) do this process quarterly but Seat choose to use quarters which are older than VW / Skoda at the minute to be different. Last Seat high one (176) came with an intriguing internal Excel sheet that spilled the beans on the process. The author of the sheet was the company that does the work
Touch of Seat shambles going on here putting out files they should not. They should rationalise their software development back to VW. 176 is ancient, quarter unreleased one before June 2019 which was 177. It's that one they released with the authors internal validation sheet in it where you could read which company put together the release for VAG group. Intrigued as to what all those Ateca Cupra's have on their cars in the UK that they can't update
You need Mapcare or a retrofit high with an element of Mapcare enabled for the upgrade to use those files for the update period. For the standard an original SD card that is installed with Mapcare or the use of the workaround with a working installed navigation card.
In relation to SXwell the previous registered keeper of the car might have had a card in it which the unit is registered to but sold it on via eBay to make a buck. Once a standard unit has had a card in it for the first time, it marries the card's CID to the unit and no other card will then work with it until it's unpaired via ODIS. Hence why I said you might need to explore the options. On the thread other people have subsequently taken their own bought standard eBay cards and paid for a dealer to subsequently install when they found they were stuck. You need a dealer that will do this if you find the unit rejects it. Those cards are sold independently for people with Mapcare who can do it that way rather than download onto their existing card.
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