todays logs and im not happy with it


I will do mate just let me know when your free and will pop down I just wanna go fast :( lol


Active Member
Jul 9, 2009
I've been told my loss of power is due to heatsoak and over boosting, but i'm running a k03s. So i've bought a larger intercooler, getting a low temp thermastat too. Hope that helps it.

My car was spooling up fast but dropping off to soon, giving less peak figues. So we adjusted the actuator, to help it hold boost for longer. In turn, hopefully giving it a larger peak figure of what i paid £500 for, (stage 2 revo)


im running the same map i only peek around 18 PSI and it drops off quite quick but i also did logs a while ago that gave me the same figures so even tho it was hoter this time theres something holding it back it just lack torque??

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
im running the same map i only peek around 18 PSI and it drops off quite quick but i also did logs a while ago that gave me the same figures so even tho it was hoter this time theres something holding it back it just lack torque??

You should spike higher then that on a stage2

Haven't you said on another thread you think the turbo seals have gone?

If turbo is on its way out your not going to get massive figures.


i think seals are going but didnt realise that would mean turbo was on its way to just thourght it ment i need to change seals :( but i think they are it smokes when its been idling for a while but only once then its fine

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
I'm not an expert but I would think failing seals in the turbo would cause a lack of performance? I may be wrong tho.

I think stage2 should peek 23-4 psi and hold about 13-15 at redline.


it holds around 12-15 but the seals could be part of the problum but would this effect the g/s reading?????? thats my main concern that being so low

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
18psi holding 12-15 sounds like stage1 boost.

I'm not actually sure failing seals cause a loss of performance I'm just assuming.

Could also be a fault with breather system causing smoke and nothing to do with turbo.


when you say breather could you elaberate? i have recipt for stage two altho its been hand writen and signd but says could not fine recipt its on a proper headed sheet and have spoken to the company that did it

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
when you say breather could you elaberate? i have recipt for stage two altho its been hand writen and signd but says could not fine recipt its on a proper headed sheet and have spoken to the company that did it

I mean oil breather system, the bits people usually replace with a catch can.

I would get any faults fixed with car first then worry about performance.


what is this catch can i hear about whats it positives? im slowy working threw the fixings next is driveshaft :( then probs turbo seals if its not to pricey then ill replace MAF uprate fuel pump then window and door seals then spray wheels then LCR spliter couler matched in metalik i hope but yea think i need to sort out some things lol


so took off the MAF air filter and cleaned them and serviced my 007 DV the car felt abit pokyer when i took itout for a test

but i went to the takerways about half hour ago and on the way there the cars really responsive much pokier and just fel so much nicer i wasnt even puttin my foot down in the slightest and it was foooking flying stoper at chinese turned it off got my food and on the way home it was back to it powerles satte?????????????? any thoughts on this


heres a vid of my boost gage im foot to the floor soz bout the movment but not the easyest thing to do ;) lol


im loading up a shorter vid but i think its clearer i cant really get a good one :(

and im pretty sure its not fake mate :p lol much better in the dark

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
Thats not enough boost for stage2 thats only just over a bar? 18psi? I would check all boost and vacuum pipes for splits.

Chech DV to.
Genuine SEAT Parts and Accessories.