The MoffMeister

Half Hoff, Half Moff.
Apr 4, 2006
no fair do's mate but i was going to really was but after thier attitude and the way they where with me i though na bollox they can have it back im not wasting my time with them why should i after the attitude they gave me??

wont have anyone talk to me like a twat

plus i said i'd give them pics not the other way round


Going going gone.....
Oct 20, 2006
How much did it cost you postage to return?

I bet you all the feedback they have, they must have written it them self! or copied some ebay comments!
If that was me i would have done much worser than email. I rate forge motorsports for excellent service, i personally with get all my bits from them.
Worse comes, get in touch with credit card company and have them deal with the case!

F2 Stu

I. Am. Legend.
Oct 4, 2001
Crawley, UK
Visit site
Usually strutbraces arnt concourse/showpeice items - they're a structural item

missing welds - sounds like its been 'stitch' welded, the coating wenrt that good on mine and it rattled inside too.

they've deffo got the arse if they can think its ok to speak to clientel like that
Feb 1, 2007
i had a problem with this guy as well , i clicked buy it now , for a ibiza cupra mk4 , got it mixed up with a mk3 cupra , i e mailed him straight away after making payment , asking if i could have a re fund and i would pay the pay pal fees he was charged , he just sent me the strut brace s in the end , after i spoke to him and said i didnt want them
i have no experience of this company whatsoever and i dont want to start an arguement here but im going to play devils advocate a little and say perhaps you should have provided them with pics moff.

yes, their attitude was bad but they did ask for pics, perhaps if you had provided them they may have paid for you to return the item? I feel you yourself got a little agitated and didnt give them enough of a chance to do the right thing.

like i said though, i dont want to start an argument im just trying to put a little more balance into the issue.

Have to say I kinda agree...... they did repeatedly offer a refund after all......



Grumpier by the day!
Apr 30, 2006
Milton Keynes
Having just re-read the original post, why didn't you just send it back, ignore his 'attitude' and take the offer of a refund? To be honest and i'm probably going to get flamed for it, you were as guilty giving attitude as he is / was.

Had you just stuck to the facts, you weren't happy with the product - he'd have given you a refund and that would have been that.

Postage is ALWAYS at buyers expense on ebay unless otherwise agreed in the terms of the auction, it's not like buying from a proper shop. By offering you a full refund of the product he is complying with the sales of goods act, that act doesn't cover the cost of returning goods, it simply covers the refund of the price of the product you bought.
Having just re-read the original post, why didn't you just send it back, ignore his 'attitude' and take the offer of a refund? To be honest and i'm probably going to get flamed for it, you were as guilty giving attitude as he is / was.

Had you just stuck to the facts, you weren't happy with the product - he'd have given you a refund and that would have been that.

Postage is ALWAYS at buyers expense on ebay unless otherwise agreed in the terms of the auction, it's not like buying from a proper shop. By offering you a full refund of the product he is complying with the sales of goods act, that act doesn't cover the cost of returning goods, it simply covers the refund of the price of the product you bought.

quite,and that's not just ebay, a lot of things bought online work that way, and it is always best to stay cool with these things as exchanges of arsey emails will just the the sellers back up.

anyway, that's just my 2p, I'll leave it now! :redface:


SEAT Enthusiast!
Sep 9, 2004
Southampton UK
The First email reply says it all to me! Rob could have said it was folded in half and he probably would still have the reply " I think you're being very fussy"!

The MoffMeister

Half Hoff, Half Moff.
Apr 4, 2006
exactly im not wrong he gave me attitude so why should i bother and be patient?? he talked to me like a twat he'll get it back im not one for my long fuse and that got my back up so why shouldn't i get arsey with him?? never been spoken to like that before

they offered a refund but i thought lets see what they can do then? more grief started so f*ck em
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Active Member
May 17, 2007
The seller did offer a refund, but was rude in their initial reply.

However the statements "it's only a strut brace" coming from someone who SELLS STRUT BRACES and "it's not damaged" coming from someone who is asking for pictures of damage says he's a pain in the arse.

I'd agree with Ska and others in that (as an ebay seller myself) that postage to return an item is on the buyer's head (I know this is unfortunate, but that's how it goes normally) although the seller was asking for pics of the damage to substantiate your claim.

All in all, both buyer and seller could have handled this better - and will only end up in some bad feedback from both and ultimately nobody gets what they wanted.


Re: Strutbracer

Oh deary me...... :(

This doen't fill me with much hope now, i bought a brace from these people on the 30 June as a buy it now, and paid for 24 hour delivery, guess what..... it wasn't in stock, and has to come from Italy.

Had an email couple of days ago saying it would be in UK on 18th July, and would be posted out same day, so far so good then... :confused:

So far they've been pretty communicative, so i'm reserving judgement at present but i must admit looking at their feedback does give interesting reading, on how they handle their customers.

We shall see, what transpires by the end of this week then....:whistle:

And if it fails to turn up..... I'll be kicking some butt :argue:
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