It's just common sense, were proactive about classified posts it has a section that is moderated, for the safety of the site and hopefully for everyone who makes use of it.
Common sense dictates we have that section because that's where we want those posts to go. I've now clarified that fact.
It's become obvious that we need to spell it out to some people, because we didn't choose to put a line in saying that were moderating for sale threads, but by all means post it anywhere else in the forum and we won't give a toss.
Maybe it is our fault that this place exists, we should of stepped on it earlier, but things change, and they need to change because this thread is out of control and far too big to moderate.
Trouble is you and many others fail to see the bigger picture. SCN over time has become a big site with an equally large focus upon it. Given the fact we (as in the site owners) are ultimately responsible for the content and legally we are! It become very important for us to be on top of the content. Some of the posts in here have on occasion sailed a bit close to the wind.
That is the reason we don't like it, but we try to tolerate it as long as it stays off the radar. by disregarding the rules you put yourself on the radar.