Ronin225's Candy rimmed Black LCR - Project 500-4WD, Cage installed and bigger turbo


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Another little update, have some new brakes ready to go on

However having broken my thumb last week at work im not going to be able to fit them so having to take it in for fitting, just awaiting my fresh batch of RBF660
Also going to be trialing some parts that should be ready in about a month, no-one currently offers them for the leon but I cant say too much until they've been released so watch this space

Rgm racer

Active Member
Sep 22, 2009
Another little update, have some new brakes ready to go on

However having broken my thumb last week at work im not going to be able to fit them so having to take it in for fitting, just awaiting my fresh batch of RBF660
Also going to be trialing some parts that should be ready in about a month, no-one currently offers them for the leon but I cant say too much until they've been released so watch this space

which discs and bells are those? and did you do a weight comparison with original out of interest?


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
They are the forge 356mm rotors and bells, I assume they will be aftermarket (ap or similar) rotors as I wouldn't expect them to be able to make these in house
As for the weight comparison im not running the normally OE setup but bill's 2 piece one. I'll have a chat on Friday when they're fitted and see if they can be weighed but will have to account for the wear on the existing set


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Cheers for clarifying Bill, TBh I wouldn't have uprated from what I had as even now they are awesome but was offered such a good price I just couldn't refuse
I was also going to email you today but ran out of time so i'll post here.
With the Gt2871R kit I bought a while ago the exhaust wheel had been hit by something clipping the blades, I've never actually got round to buying another CHRA but then I stumbled across this earlier, have you had any experience or feedback on these?
Nice choice mate :)
Cheers mate, sure you need something like these
Nice brakes Tim :)
Cheers, will have to see how they perform on track vs the last ones. You up for some more passenger rides?
Oooooo I know :p

You have to keep quiet until they're made, work starts on them tomorrow


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
Cheers for clarifying Bill, TBh I wouldn't have uprated from what I had as even now they are awesome but was offered such a good price I just couldn't refuse
Do they creek when you press your foot on the brake? (flexing calipers)
Several others I have seen do. Reported inconsistent pedal feel also.

I was also going to email you today but ran out of time so i'll post here.
With the Gt2871R kit I bought a while ago the exhaust wheel had been hit by something clipping the blades, I've never actually got round to buying another CHRA but then I stumbled across this earlier, have you had any experience or feedback on these?

no experience of these no..
whether they are the same material spec or not I dont know.
country of origin is a concern as always.... BUT garrett make stuff there now, so who knows, could be the same thing.

I was looking at the GT35 ones only over the weekend.. They do claim to be the inconel material on those that the GT35 is made from so could be legit
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Every day's a school day.
Nov 21, 2006
Cheers mate, sure you need something like these

Cheers, will have to see how they perform on track vs the last ones. You up for some more passenger rides?

Sounds good although I'd probably join in on a track day now. We could do with havering another SCN track day.


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Do they creek when you press your foot on the brake? (flexing calipers)
Several others I have seen do. Reported inconsistent pedal feel also.

no experience of these no..
whether they are the same material spec or not I dont know.
country of origin is a concern as always.... BUT garrett make stuff there now, so who knows, could be the same thing.

I was looking at the GT35 ones only over the weekend.. They do claim to be the inconel material on those that the GT35 is made from so could be legit
I think I might send the unit to beachbuggy dan and see what he says, if its worth the punt I may get away with just that as CR turbos didn't want to know just sell me a new turbo
Also interestingly although these seem to be made in china, the company they are sold under are american
Sounds good although I'd probably join in on a track day now. We could do with havering another SCN track day.

Sounds good, not sure if i'll be able to get one in this year though


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Brakes were fitted yesterday, although pedal has quite a bit of movement at the top
Think there is a bit of air in the system making bedding in last night difficult, however I still managed to get sparks flying out of the wheels
Car is going back next Friday for a rebleed hoping this will sort the pedal feeling and allow some really hard braking
Mike even washed them for me too, my powdercoating doesn't seem to like my heavy use of the brakes and the heat they produce though


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Another little purchase arrived in the week

Even though i don't use facebook much I managed to get these through the group buy through vag tuning
Also got a few more things that should be on there way soon too


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Not much to update apart from more failures
Car is very stiff at the back now and has eaten another set of rear wheel bearings, the spacers wont be helping here
CV gaiter has split on the passenger side, ot expensive just more of a PITA to do
Still having my starting issues so going to change the stat and CTS for genuine OE to rule these out as ive checked nearly all the electrical side and ended up there
The biggest problem though, looks like my rack is knackered and has excessive amounts of play on the one side. Going to remove the gaiter tomorrow and just check the track rod hasn't come loose and backed out of the rack but I doubt it
Ive had a set of 42DD gear shift bushes and a nice stripped AGU head of redbull to get sorted too
Managed to fit my subtle rigid toe eye too, had the bar remachined in stainless as I wasn't happy with the aluminium . ive stole a pic from mikes facebook for those who wonder what it looks like. The car in its winter mode with its protective layer of mud installed


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Got some time today to fix some these issues
Wheel bearing was replaced, no pics but they've been done once already
Next was the CV gaiter, not too difficult a job now ive bought an impact driver however very messy, but all fitted and cleaned up

Then I fitted the adjustable top mounts, had these sitting around for a while now so glad to get them in

Couldn't believe how knackered the old bushes were, could wiggle them about, feels much tighter at the front while driving now
I've set these to the central setting and will take it for alignment and adjust setting back to what I was running previously
All fitted

Was going to fit the side to side short shifter and 42DD linkage bushes but ran out of time and didn't fancy fitting outside so left them for another day


Great car and awesome mods ! :)

I love the colour of your alloys. Could you tell me the paint code ?

Cheers !
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)