Well more progress yesterday. Got up to find m0rk waiting on his MSN for me to tell him where I lived so he could come over and
help. So I woke myself up, and then got all the tools out ready. m0rk arrives a a while later to find me putting the leon cupra callipers and carriers together. Use my new 3tonne low height jack to lift the rear end ( And m0rk will tell you that it's not that it lifts 3tonnes, it's that it weighs 3 tonnes

) and then start to take the rear brakes off. Only to then discover the new brakes won't fit...

Quick compare and it appears the carriers on a Leon DON'T fit on a Mk2 Cordy/
Ibiza. But the callipers fit the Mk2 Carriers and everything works perfect then

Needn't have bolted them all together then...
So both sides swapped over, new pads on the side that didn't get them before and the goodridge hoses used to plumb it all in.
Quick 2 man bleeding and the pedal doesn't feel too bad.
Later after m0rk had gone I took it for a quick run on one of those "private roads" and the pedal feels spongy, so I pressure bled them again with my ezibleed and more air comes out. But they're still a bit spongy.

But I pressure bled them with no engine running, RR, LR, RF, LF. m0rk bled them first engine running, but in a different order, and pumping the pedal. So now I'm confused as to how I should bleed them....
Also not much fluid seemed to come out of the rear calipers, so I'm wondering if there's one of these bias valve things? The Cordy has ABS so I thought not...
Decent weather at last so I can play around with the car, but any advice on bleeding would be appreciated.