Murdered LCR

Wide mouthed mofo
Sep 9, 2006
Murder Inc.
Standard. Ko4 down pipe just made into. 3inch think that's what he wants same as me you could make shed loads selling them . I'm not going BT I'm with T mobile lol
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
this is what i saw when i started making the downpipe on Friday.... and this is why i almost gave up without starting


ive been sorting the TIP today, i just need to drill some hole and weld in some stubs.




ive also remade my meth tank. the filler was rubbish so ive replaced it with a bigger stainless jobby and ive also had the top powder coated... ive fitted a sensor which will run in series with the washer bottle sensor, i will also be running a pipe from the rear wash pump to the tank so if it goes below min i can top it up by pulling the rear wash.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Don't you love it when you have things turning up, it's like Christmas :)

tomorrow should bring my ECU with a REVO base map on it and a Sachs Organic clutch and lightened flywheel
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