Did you make that yourself
yes buddy.. but i had it welded by a very good friend of mine... hes so good.
thanks Dholdi
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Did you make that yourself
yes buddy.. but i had it welded by a very good friend of mine... hes so good.
thanks Dholdi
I'd let you sell one to me
You could make decent money selling them...
Cool AaronRings a bell buddy, I have one in the glovey of the leon I'll grab it next time I'm there
people would buy them like sh!te of a shovel.
they were £15 but I looked at buying some material recently as loads of people want one and the price of stainless has gone up. I think I'll need to raise the price a bit but not above £20
Lets be careful not to break forum rules here guys.
Anyway DK stole mine at SCN National...bullied me into giving it to him.