Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
yes Dave... i bought my car in to work so i can get it changed after... i found a log from a week or two before the wmi

Wednesday	21	January	2009	21:14:05						
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT         0001								

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020			
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
	TIME					TIME				
	40.79	2440	19.03	11.4	33.8	41.19	0	0	0	0
	41.59	2480	21.67	12.5	33	41.99	0	0	0	0
	42.4	2560	34.44	18	30	42.8	0	0	0	0
	43.2	2760	53.39	26.3	27	43.6	0	0	0	0
	44	3000	57.25	29	28.5	44.4	0	0	0	0
	44.82	3240	56.97	26.7	30	45.22	0	0	0	0
	45.62	3480	59.47	26.3	30.8	46.02	0	0	0	0
	46.42	3720	54.92	23.1	32.3	46.82	0	0	0	0
	47.22	3840	60.89	25.9	33	47.63	0	0	0	0
	48.03	4200	106.5	89.8	14.3	48.43	0	0	0	0
	48.83	4640	190.31	100	10.5	49.23	0	0	0	0
	49.63	5080	200.78	99.6	9	50.03	0	0	0	3
	50.45	5520	206.25	100	9	50.85	0	0	0	3
	51.25	5960	209.25	100	11.3	51.67	0	0	0	2.3

	85.85	3600	9.42	6.7	11.3	86.25	0	0	0	0
	86.65	3920	101.42	99.6	14.3	87.05	0	0	0	0
	87.45	4520	112.31	100	27.8	87.87	0	0	0	0
	88.27	5360	206.5	100	10.5	88.67	0	0	0	0
	89.07	6280	211.25	100	11.3	89.47	0	0	0	0
	89.88	6760	42.83	9.4	0	90.27	0	0	0	0
	90.68	4560	189.28	98	16.5	91.08	0	0	0	0
	91.48	5280	205.14	100	5.3	91.88	0	0	0	0
	92.28	5520	207.61	100	11.3	92.68	0	0	0	0
	93.1	5920	208.56	100	11.3	93.5	0	0	0	0
	93.9	6080	0	5.5	6.8	94.3	0	0	0	0

	114.82	3880	55.83	25.1	24	115.22	0	0	0	0
	115.62	4000	79	35.3	23.3	116.02	0	0	0	0
	116.42	4360	181.22	100	12	116.82	0	0	0	0
	117.22	4880	192.89	99.6	15	117.64	0	0	0	0
	118.04	5800	206.25	100	4.5	118.44	0	0	0	0
	118.84	5680	204.33	100	13.5	119.24	0	0	0	0
	119.64	6080	207.92	100	13.5	120.04	0	0	0	0
	120.45	5880	80.56	5.5	37.5	120.85	0	0	0	0
	121.25	5040	198.08	100	12.8	121.65	0	0	0	0
	122.05	5320	202.69	100	15	122.45	0	0	0	0
	122.87	5560	203.64	100	15.8	123.27	0	0	0	0
	123.67	5800	205.92	100	12.8	124.07	0	0	3	0
	124.47	6000	208.25	100	15.8	124.89	0	0	3	0

	138.95	2120	5.75	3.9	3	139.35	0	0	0	0
	139.75	2760	7.69	4.7	1.5	140.15	0	0	0	0
	140.56	2960	8.75	6.7	33	140.96	0	0	0	0
	141.36	3000	42.31	19.6	29.3	141.78	0	0	0	0
	142.18	3240	36.83	16.5	32.3	142.58	0	0	0	0
	142.98	3440	43.64	18.4	18	143.38	0	0	0	0
	143.78	3720	56.11	23.5	30	144.19	0	0	0	0
	144.59	4240	109.17	98.8	12	144.99	0	0	0	0
	145.39	4880	144.69	100	18.8	145.79	0	0	0	0
	146.19	5720	204.28	100	16.5	146.59	0	0	3	0
	147.01	6280	0	7.1	3	147.41	0	0	0	0
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
:cry: new MAF fitted and much the same..any ideas what it could be? I'm on my phone, I'll post some logs when I get in. I can do some more logs on the way home.... any blocks that will help us decide?
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
I appreciate the help with these.... im going to owe quite a few beers when this is over.

this log was taken after fitting the new MAF and doing a TBA. the first one is with wmi on T9
the second (T9 too) and all other logs are without wmi but on T7

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020			
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
	TIME					TIME				
	with wmi	T9								
	9.02	2800	36.61	22	33	8.62	0	1.5	0	0
	9.82	3760	31.19	22.4	19.5	9.42	0	0	0	0
	10.64	3120	51.81	29	27.8	10.22	0	0	0	0
	11.44	3120	37.94	31.8	26.3	11.04	0	0	0	0
	12.24	2680	31.42	25.5	35.3	11.84	0	0	0	0
	13.05	2560	45.39	31.8	27	12.64	0	2.3	0	0
	13.85	2840	50.44	36.5	30	13.45	0	2.3	0	0
	14.65	3280	123.86	100	11.3	14.25	0	1.5	0	3
	15.45	3920	139.94	100	3	15.05	6	7.5	6	6
	16.27	4520	157.17	100	8.3	15.87	6	7.5	6	6
	17.07	5040	168.67	100	8.3	16.67	5.3	6.8	5.3	5.3
	17.87	5560	181.28	100	12	17.47	4.5	6	4.5	4.5
	18.68	6000	182.75	100	13.5	18.27	3.8	4.5	3	3
	19.48	6400	179.19	99.6	15	19.08	3	4.5	3	3
	20.3	6760	177.94	99.6	18.8	19.88	3	4.5	3	3
	21.1	6640	0	7.1	9.8	20.68	2.3	3.8	1.5	1.5
	21.9	5560	179.47	100	9	21.5	0	0	3	0
	22.7	5800	180.94	100	9	22.3	3	6	7.5	3
	23.52	6000	185.42	100	11.3	23.1	3	6	7.5	3
	24.32	6240	182.75	99.6	12.8	23.9	3	5.3	6.8	3
	25.12	6440	182.75	100	12	24.72	2.3	4.5	6.8	2.3
	25.92	6640	175.69	99.6	16.5	25.52	2.3	4.5	6.8	2.3
	26.73	6800	177.94	99.2	18.8	26.32	2.3	4.5	6	2.3
	27.53	6240	37.39	33.3	33	27.13	1.5	3.8	6	1.5
	without wmi		T9							
	70.16	2080	15.42	12.2	34.5	69.76	0	0	0	0
	70.98	2240	29.25	20.4	30.8	70.56	0	0	0	0
	71.78	2480	25.97	16.5	33	71.38	0	4.5	6	4.5
	72.58	2800	48.56	30.2	30.8	72.18	0	4.5	6	4.5
	73.4	3320	60.17	38.8	27.8	72.98	0	4.5	5.3	3.8
	74.18	2960	5	6.7	15.8	73.8	0	0	0	0
	75	2600	54.53	82	24	74.6	0	2.3	0	0
	75.8	2880	70.06	100	27	75.4	0	1.5	0	0
	76.61	3400	126.5	100	5.3	76.21	0	4.5	3	3
	77.41	3960	139.06	100	8.3	77.01	3	6.8	3	3
	78.21	4520	155.08	100	12.8	77.81	3	6.8	3	3
	79.03	5000	169.64	100	12	78.61	2.3	5.3	2.3	1.5
	79.83	5520	179.31	100	9.8	79.43	2.3	5.3	2.3	1.5
	80.63	5880	182.75	100	13.5	80.23	2.3	5.3	1.5	1.5
	81.44	6280	179.47	100	15.8	81.04	1.5	4.5	1.5	0.8
	82.24	6600	182.75	100	20.3	81.84	1.5	4.5	1.5	0.8
	83.04	5920	81.42	54.1	27.8	82.66	1.5	3.8	0.8	0.8
	83.84	5480	180.92	100	6.8	83.44	0	6	3	0
	84.66	5720	183.64	100	15	84.26	0	3.8	1.5	0
	85.46	5960	185.75	100	16.5	85.06	0	3.8	1.5	0
	86.27	6160	185.75	99.6	10.5	85.86	0	3	0.8	0
	87.07	6360	186.94	99.6	18	86.67	0	3	0.8	0
	87.87	6440	185.14	100	18.8	87.47	0	3	0.8	0
	88.69	6440	77.83	14.5	2.3	88.29	0	2.3	0	0

all T7 now

	Group A:	'031		Group B:	'115			
		Lambda Fac	Lambda Fac		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.
	TIME			TIME				
MARKER	STAMP			STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar
	110.23	0.891	1	110.63	2000	24.1	990	1020
	111.03	1.039	1	111.45	2040	28.6	990	1000
	111.83	0.984	1	112.25	2160	44.4	990	1040
	112.65	0.992	1	113.05	2240	41.4	990	1060
	113.45	0.984	1	113.85	2280	43.6	990	1060
	114.27	0.938	1	114.67	2440	63.9	1040	1180
	115.07	0.992	1	115.47	2720	96.2	2310	1420
	115.87	0.938	0.953	116.27	3080	143.6	2370	2040
	116.68	0.945	0.938	117.08	3680	182.7	2470	2500
	117.48	0.891	0.891	117.88	4240	183.5	2530	2520
	118.28	0.852	0.86	118.68	4760	177.4	2480	2460
	119.08	0.875	0.86	119.5	5240	178.2	2420	2350
	119.9	0.852	0.86	120.3	5680	169.2	2370	2310
	120.7	0.852	0.86	121.1	6000	150.4	2300	2290
	121.5	0.875	0.86	121.9	6360	162.4	2220	2220
	122.31	0.844	0.899	122.71	5680	14.3	990	1250

	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'114			
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		Load	Load	Load	Load
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	%	%	%	%
	34.34	2880	45.9	4.76	34	34.74	191.7	191	81.2	95.3
	35.14	3120	112.8	11.56	85.58	35.54	191.7	195.5	151.9	91.8
	35.94	3680	191.7	18.7	144.28	36.34	191.7	201.5	189.5	84.3
	36.74	4240	191.7	19.04	150.19	37.15	191.7	203	182	85.1
	37.55	4800	183.5	18.36	166.08	37.95	191.7	203	175.9	86.7
	38.35	5280	176.7	17.68	178.03	38.75	191.7	200	169.9	91
	39.15	5720	166.2	16.66	184.22	39.55	191.7	197	169.2	95.3
	39.97	6120	144.4	14.62	186.33	40.37	191.7	191	150.4	95.3
	40.77	6440	156.4	15.64	186.94	41.17	191.7	186.6	149.6	95.3
	41.57	6280	12	1.36	3.08	41.98	191.7	197	14.3	0
	66.51	3440	13.5	0	9.03	66.91	191.7	195.5	12.8	0
	67.31	3360	13.5	0	8.64	67.71	191.7	194	13.5	0
	68.11	3280	15.8	1.7	9.83	68.52	191.7	194	13.5	0
	68.92	3160	13.5	0	8.28	69.32	191.7	192.5	13.5	0
	69.72	3080	13.5	0	8.53	70.12	191.7	191	13.5	0
	70.52	3040	17.3	2.04	11	70.94	191.7	191	63.2	13.3
	71.34	3160	93.2	8.5	73.92	71.74	191.7	195.5	136.8	95.3
	72.14	3600	186.5	18.02	143.94	72.54	191.7	201.5	191.7	84.3
	72.94	4200	188.7	19.04	150.86	73.35	191.7	203	187.2	83.9
	73.75	4800	183.5	18.7	167.47	74.15	191.7	203	177.4	86.3
	74.55	5280	178.2	18.02	181.72	74.95	191.7	200	175.9	88.6
	75.37	5720	168.4	17	183.75	75.77	191.7	197	169.9	94.1
	76.17	6120	160.2	16.32	185.75	76.57	191.7	191	154.1	94.1
	76.97	6480	169.9	17.34	194.03	77.37	191.7	191	143.6	95.3
	77.77	6760	130.8	12.92	187.28	78.19	191.7	189.6	18	0
	78.58	5480	84.2	8.84	96.56	78.98	191.7	200	152.6	95.3

	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'118			
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	15.69	1680	67.7	6.46	24.33	15.28	1560	33	0	1020
	16.49	1840	68.4	6.46	27.75	16.09	1760	34	12.2	1090
	17.31	2040	66.9	6.12	26.75	16.91	1960	33	0	1190
	18.11	2200	53.4	4.76	19.56	17.69	2160	32	0	1230
	18.91	2320	51.9	4.76	22.81	18.51	2280	31	0	1160
	19.72	2440	51.1	4.76	24	19.31	2400	31	0	1150
	20.52	2560	52.6	4.76	26.53	20.12	2480	31	0	1150
	21.32	2680	54.9	5.1	29.31	20.92	2600	31	0	1180
	22.12	2880	94.7	9.52	62.17	21.72	2760	30	0	1200
	22.94	3280	163.9	15.98	126.72	22.54	3040	30	95.3	1710
	23.74	3880	188	18.02	140.69	23.34	3560	29	81.6	2540
	24.54	4440	182	17.68	155.44	24.14	4160	27	83.5	2540
	25.36	4960	178.2	18.02	166.64	24.94	4680	26	83.5	2480
	26.16	5400	174.4	17.34	179.25	25.76	5200	27	85.1	2390
	26.96	5840	166.2	16.66	180.39	26.56	5600	28	82.4	2330
	27.77	6200	150.4	14.96	184.83	27.36	6000	29	81.2	2210
	28.57	6160	12.8	1.36	0	28.17	6360	30	73.3	2130
	29.37	4640	15	1.7	9.89	28.97	5640	30	0	1230
	30.17	4400	12	0	10.81	29.77	4560	30	0	1070

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020			
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
	TIME					TIME				
	161.33	2880	74.64	100	26.3	160.92	0	0	0	0
	162.13	3360	120.75	100	7.5	161.73	3	3	3	0
	162.93	3920	139.5	100	8.3	162.55	3	3	3	3
	163.75	4480	149.53	100	12	163.35	3	2.3	3	3
	164.55	5000	166.33	100	11.3	164.15	1.5	1.5	1.5	2.3
	165.36	5480	179.25	100	9.8	164.95	0	0	0.8	0.8
	166.16	5840	184.22	100	9.8	165.76	0	3	0	0
	166.96	6200	187.28	100	7.5	166.56	0	3	3	3
	167.76	5920	0	8.2	33.8	167.38	0	2.3	3	3
	168.58	5120	174.64	100	6.8	168.18	0	0	0	0
	169.38	5360	177.78	100	10.5	168.98	6	3	3	3
	170.18	5600	183.67	100	10.5	169.78	6	6	3	3
	170.99	5760	184.25	99.6	2.3	170.59	5.3	6	2.3	2.3
	171.79	5920	185.14	100	4.5	171.39	5.3	5.3	2.3	2.3

im no expert but the log on 114 doesnt look good does it? the actual is all over the shop. wastegate? turbo? hybrid :)
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Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Timing's really getting pulled back in the first log - look at that 3 in the ignition angle column!

But it's making the boost - no sign of Wastegate Duty Cycle issues.........
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Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
its weird.... its obvious i have an issue but it doesnt actually feel broken. it doesnt like being pushed on timing at the minute. it would normally take T9 easily but as you say, in the first run it really pulled back, i knew it was going to be bad before i opened the log.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
it runs fine Dave. i did think plugs or maybe a coil pack on the way out but not actually dead yet.

i refuelled about 20mins before todays first log


my mate brad maf went got a new maf and was fine but later the car was over boosting then not then over boosting it was weird he changed everything possible but put it down to sticky turbo veins
BUT then put another new maf on and all is fine
long shot but could be a dodgy maf like his??


Badge snob
reset error codes. This will zero all adaption channels. TBA doesn't. Pull your plugs, and gap them.
Clean your wmi nozzle. Kettle decsaler works.
Check for vacuum leaks between the maf and turbo inlet. (this could explain low measured flow)
Drop timing to t8 an log again.
It doesn't look like you've got any serious problems. Boost control looks good, holding boost well over 6k, lambda control looks good, iat's are well controlled, timing advance isn't too bad at mid teens.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Dave - yes recently (after reading one of your post i think) i have been doing a TBA after each change with the SPS.

John - error codes? as in fault codes? if so i only ever have one and that is from not having a post cat lambda.

ill check the nozzle but its only been used for a week or two (with demin water) and i havent been using wmi in these last few logs. timing was also dropped to T7 on these logs.

ill check the other points ASAP (sunday i would have thought)

thanks for all your help people :)
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Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
ahhh OK thanks John, you learn something new everyday :) although these days i seem to be learning 10 new things everyday...

i sent Dave an email today but im not sure if he has read it. maybe you know the answer....

do you know what the flow rate of the 386cc injector @ 4 bar is? ive read it somewhere on here recently but i just cant find it anywhere :( i think its something like 10-15% extra.. 440cc?
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Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
ahhh OK thanks John, you learn something new everyday :) although these days i seem to be learning 10 new things everyday...

i sent Dave an email today but im not sure if he has read it. maybe you know the answer....

do you know what the flow rate of the 386cc injector @ 4 bar is? ive read it somewhere on here recently but i just cant find it anywhere :( i think something like 10-15% extra.. 440cc?

I replied at about 13:00!
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