This is sad but I watched Question Time last night knowing the hot topic would be fuel prices.
Very interesting debate, the majority of audience feedback was the fact we pay alot of TAX on fuel and we see no kind of improvement plan etc for public transport. It was also interesting to hear how the Souths hauliers are now getting out-priced by French/German hauliers who can come over and do a full weeks work for cheaper than what our own companies can do it for, and purely comes down to fuel costs.
On that basis I think whoever is behind this 'uncontrolled' fuel scam will see this country loose alot of buisness, if prices wern't already high enough in the UK they can only get worse with this happening.
Another point was made that there is a local garage that is selling fuel for 2p or something cheaper than the SAME garage 5 mins down the road - so the fuel companies are just as bad as the goverment, supply and demand.
Was good to see Geoff Hoon looking very worried and completely out of his depth to any question put in front of him, Eric Pickles did a grand job of ripping him and his party to pieces
Until the monopoly of 4-5 players is broken up fuel will not change for the better, just shows how important this monopoly is when these players have the crude pumping facilities armed garded.