
OBDeleven Tool for VCDS type of activity... working ones for the Ateca


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I concluded it wasn't 7 when I looked at it (the light being the one on the button not the rear). Doing a bit of reading. Keep clear of anything that says reset to factory settings. Apparently that screws everything up.

Come back to you on the down load... think it's down load in that module from memory.


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Sep 25, 2019
North East Wales, UK
Staying well clear of anything that says factory reset. Am even staying clear of long coding until the weekend when I want to try and enable TSR. Seen mixed reports about error message relating to Dynamic sign something so I want to find a definitive guide that works first. May be best we start a new thread for the brake lights. Will create one now starting with the question.

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I did publish the TSR one on here based on finding the VCDS settings but mine was factory fitted. All hell broke loose with it after the person who was altering the mapcare configuration (plus) put the parameters in when it had a non activated map. The unit got confused between mph and kph, so put up a speed warning at 20 mph rather than 30 etc. I drive via the warnings. 5 hours later they sorted it out by reloading my settings they took a year ago into it.

I don't think you would get anything like that !. Think that was the consequence of a non activated map and moving forwards from that point (Plus issue). I'd gone backwards and it has been fine at recovering from the situation. They activate the latest map by changing the FEC number but left turmoil behind them :).

Nobody has said the settings for TSR are wrong on this thread. I just found the screens for doing it with the Obdeleven following the VCDS... showing my factory fitted values of TSR, cross checking the two.


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Sep 25, 2019
North East Wales, UK
Nobody has said the settings for TSR are wrong on this thread. I just found the screens for doing it with the Obdeleven following the VCDS... showing my factory fitted values of TSR.

That’s brilliant; I will give that a try at the weekend then. I must have read it somewhere else. I was under the impression some people had issues and others not.

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Not on here... on a different that they wanted to it with actual VCDS, I told them how to do it in Obdeleven:).

Obviously you need the lane assist camera. I screen shot the before and after screen in Obdeleven. Power and home together. Obdeleven does also record the history of changes as well but you need everything noted down so you can undo what you did if need be.

Brake light may be more tricky than TSR.


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Nov 12, 2019
Ok eventually got round to a quick play, using the apps I enabled blower speed display in auto and refuel quantity.
I did try the needle sweep, but although it said it did it, nothing happened when I turned ignition off and back on, so assuming for the digital display in my cupra ateca that's not a thing I can have, so I spent another 10 points disabling it again :bleh:

Does anyone know if there is a way I can find out if the sound actuator thing is on the MY20 cupra ?
I do get a booming from the rear on fast acceleration even when in comfort mode, I expected this only in sport or cupra mode (as that's when the actual exhaust valves open) so am wondering if their is some artificial noise ?
I don't want to turn it off via OBD11 if it doesn't exist, as it might interfere with something else !


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Your are probably right on the needle swing, mine is analogue. That worked. I don't like to panic the garage on things I've changed so don't have that swinging. Turned if back off again. Coding rather than app.

Not sure about the Ateca Cupra and sound actuator. The standard doesn't. It appears that the Golf and Seat Cupra Leon have the box under the front windscreen. School of thought is to take the plug out although I'd prefer the software solution if I had it

I'd long code it as well.

Whether you have it or not can't find it on a Google, doesnt jump out on vcds on a Google of the car with sound actuator. The beauty of not using the micro payment apps is it doesnt cost anything. There is a Seat Ateca Cupra forum here they might know.


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Nov 12, 2019
TBH using the apps while I have credits I got free is just because I have them :)
I did a number of coding adaptations on my previous vRS's and Superb following instructions.
I could try disabling the sound actuator anyway via coding, at least that way I can make sure its on the correct path, but I didn't know if it would show up in coding if it isn't fitted ?

Pretty sure if it has it its using either the rear speakers or the sub in the spare as its certainly emanating from the back !
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Reckon if it's an adaption it would say it's state, ditto the long coding 0-1 toggle (hit it) if they have text around it. Question is the module. From this video they have their own, so if that's the case if you don't see the module the you don't have it.

The chap also believes it may in any case have a volume adjustment in a mib2.

So I reckon if you don't see Structure Borne Sound as a module you havent got it. Sure it would appear as Golf 7s etc.

Leon thread

The old boy on this Leon thread

If you check in your control units look for
Control unit: A9 Actuator For Structure-Borne Sound

If you dont have it thats why the app dont work, if you do then you can adjust or turn it off yourself.

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Have you got Lane Assist and turned TSR on ?. Apart from the majority of what I did in 2017 with it I use mine to turn the stop start back on before service each year and back off after. Twiddling with the infotainment system where I've got the retrofit software on the Plus monitoring the SVM errors etc. Monitoring reports.

It was useful when the Kessy batteries were low. It told me that, the car doesn't on the dash. I replaced those with 2032 rather than 2025... thread on that, tight squeeze (the case holds them in rather than the internal clip in the case) but last much longer. Answered the question that it wasn't my bag that was stopping the signal but low batteries - old Skoda trick to put big batteries in the Kessy remote.
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Active Member
Nov 12, 2019
Yep, lane assist and TSR are standard on mine.
Although I disabled LA in the infotainment 'cos I no likey :)


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Sep 25, 2019
North East Wales, UK
I’ve just tried enabling traffic sign recognition and I can’t get past the first stage.

I went into A5, coding, into bytes mode and byte 16.

Bit 4 “Traffic sign recognition” and tired to enable it and I got an error which I think read “not supported”. I took a screen shot but it’s on my android phone and I’ve left it at home.

My bit 4 read “Traffic Sign Recognition VZE”, not sure if this makes a difference. Going to do some googling and will report back but in the meantime if anyone has some suggestions they will be much appreciated.

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You did the security code 20103 before going into long coding ?. Without it you wouldn't be able to save the code.

Related or not I see that the Obdeleven A5 module also has another byte set in mine which doesn't appear in anyone's documentation of this mod. Byte 1, hex 3 checked, see attached.

It could be until you have everything set up it does moan about things missing as the modules won't be talking to each other ?. I've not done the mod since mine was factory fitted but can be done on cars fitted with lane assist.

Traffic Sign Recognition Activation*
Select Control unit 5F (Information Control Unit)</span><span>Control </span><span>Unit</span>
Name: Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2
Access Control: traffic_sign_recognition_0x21
Value = activated
Name: Car_Function_Adaptions_Gen2
Access Control: menu_display_road_sign_identification
Value = activated
Select Control unit A5 (front / advance camera)
Security access > Access Code: 20103
Long Coding
Byte 16
Bit 04 Activate
Select Control unit 17 (Dashboard)
Long Coding
Byte 5
Bit 02 Activate

* Traffic Sign Recognition requires having the camera on the windshield for lane assist or dynamic light assist

The Seat Club Spain Ateca instructions I annotated with screen above have it in a different order... you could try that order if it moans less.

Mystery A5 screen on mine attached. Have a look at that as well and perhaps add to yours if still no joy.


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Active Member
Sep 25, 2019
North East Wales, UK
That’s the strange thing, unless I did something wrong, it didn’t ask me for the security code.

I’m in a Nantwich now visiting the in-laws so it will probably be tomorrow afternoon before I have chance to try again.

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The green press on the check mark may ask you for the security code - you can go into the security access an put it in the A5 module before you start, ditto with the others where required. Once you enter them once it stores them and won't ask again.

Looking at the board that published in post 96 above in the different order to the Spanish one they are getting a 5 second error message on start-up. Hmmm what they are missing is the Spanish instruction in post 65 above

"Now we look for the option traffic_sign_recognition_0x21_msg_bus and we give it the Databus Infotainment value (the text may vary depending on the language, but it is what it says is the Infotainment bus)

[image as above... uses the bus number as used elsewhere 15 in my case]

We accept the change and, finally, we access the module 17 (dash board)

My bus number was 15, others could be different... that bit is missing on those being used on the other English Ateca board we don't talk about :). Bet that's their problem with the error screen on start up. I've attached an image of a post from said board, a lot get this transient error on start up. Suspect that's a bus error by not telling it what to use, then it sorts itself out :). The only thing missing in those instructions against the Spanish one is using the correct bus, and then may be the bit below. Spanish Seat Clubs boards are generally technically good.

I'd stick to post 65 instructions and look out for the byte 1, hex 3 on A5 which it has showing in my Obdeleven. There are posts that talk about this field on the Obdeleven board. Since I have it in my factory fitted one, you could check mark that for good measure as well. That's the first attached image. You could try without it first then with it. It's connected to the model of camera.

(So I think we've sorted out the other board's error message ;))


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Active Member
Sep 25, 2019
North East Wales, UK
Cheers for the info, I’ll take another look. It was when I long pressed the green tick I got the error. I was never asked for the code.

Until a recent illness I was self employed and owned a shop repairing computers. This seems more complicated

Don’t suppose you are anywhere near Wrexham lol.

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No is the answer. Rural Wales ex London. Manky broadband at the minute since there is a wireless network failure in the county, 4G broadband router dongle fall back at the minute. Back up solution in play :).

VCDS coding has the feeling of 1970s early micro computing. ;). The main thing is to be able to go back to where you came from if need be. People get in a mess when they get too tally ho.
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