Linked to the
Infotainment Developers Menu you might trigger a
Software Version Management (SVM) Error Code.
This is cleared in a slightly convoluted manner by providing a decrypt HEX code. Every car's mib2 firmware has a unique ($)
“Confirmation of Installation Change Code”. The code can be found in the Obdeleven Adapations screen of the Infotainment module, search under “Confirmation of Installation Change Code”. This gives you the screen with the cars HEX code on it and the return box to enter the decrypt code. If the decrypt code is correct it takes it and the original code is still shown, if not it will bleep. Basically the decrypt code is a "secret" hacked code which clears the issue which is really a flag that a software change has been made. These clear codes a dealer gets from technical support at Seat as I was told. The algorithm for generating the decrpyt code has been hacked by the VAG user base so you can clear it yourself.
A few ways of generating the clear code. The easy way is to take a web site where you just type it in and it gives you the return code to enter.
fix DTC 1555 / B201A (Checking software version management)
The OBDEleven video provides an example but not
how to compute the decrypt HEX code:
The link
Provides a discussion on the subject and
how to calculate the decrypt code on paper, but also mentioned an Audi Enthusiasts link which has an app to do it for you at the bottom of the page.
Now the website below is out you can do it direct and you dont need higher levels in maths etc or an old fashioned calculator just plug the numbers in.
fix DTC 1555 / B201A (Checking software version management)
For completemess the Audi way of doing if you have a mib is shown below which, translates hex to decimal, decode, and decimal to hex. You can take examples code in in the Obdeleven video and plug it in mib-helper, gets the answer or do it long hand.... long hand is shown below.
The Audi app deals in decimals whilst these must be converted back to HEX for the OBDEleven input screen.
Taking the the three links:
Hex to Decimal:
Audi decode page:
Decimal to Hex:
In the video the car had a HEX Confirmation of Installation Change Code of 410a whilst the return code to clear the message was 88d8. Taking these numbers as examples. Use the first link to give the
HEX too Decimal. We use the Audi Enthusiasts' page to compute the clear code and then convert back to Hex.
In the example:
a. Use the decimal to binary conversion for 410a, we go
HEX too Decimal and that gives us 16650.
b. We now feed that into the bottom part of the Audi Enthusiasts’ page to give 35032.
c. We then feed this back into the decimal to binary convertor
Decimal too HEX that gives us 88d8 which
tallies with the OBDEleven example.
Frigging about with maps can generate this error code B201A00 which is an SVM error. Anybody doing the standard navigation unit "workaround" for updating maps should always reboot the unit after removing the map card. If you don't and re-install an update using the workaround method is highly likely to be the source of these errors.
Note ($) unique... was thought to be so but mine changed after the 5F firmware was changed. Feeding in the new clear code a few times fixed it. Suspect Obdeleven may have had a period when that part wasn't working. An Oz board says keep repeating the process till it goes away. You sort of chase down the errors. Obdeleven was showing the error twice, feeding in the code twice removed the error.
In the process of clearing these errors you should always cheque the
Confirmation of Installation Change Code to see whether it has changed, if so, re-calculate the clear code. Enter - reboot (long press) etc. They do clear eventually on the high unit if you persist in clearing them as they come up, rebooting, checking etc.
Mib Tool for the mib2 high unit does include an SVM option which does all the donkey work for you. Causes the unit to reboot whilst clearing the SVM. The tool runs within the Green Menu after installation. Available from the mibsolution website and elsewhere. If you are a proud owner of a mib2 high and get into the backend menu and do software updates when the mib2 high version of Mib Tool is worth loading up. A similar tool is available for the standard unit.