
OBDeleven Tool for VCDS type of activity... working ones for the Ateca


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Cheers for the info, I’ll take another look. It was when I long pressed the green tick I got the error. I was never asked for the code.

Until a recent illness I was self employed and owned a shop repairing computers. This seems more complicated

Don’t suppose you are anywhere near Wrexham lol.

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That I believe is you have to do a scan before mods so it's all up-to-date. Had that complain today that a function wasn't supported on the green tick. Scan and it took it.


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Oct 27, 2019
I have Ateca FR 2020. I have a question about the colors of the surroundings in a digital cabin. I only have red. It doesn't change when I change colors in the middle panel. The radio changes, also the sides of the doors, but not in the digital cabin between the steering wheel.
Does anyone have any way?

In demonstration films I saw that Ateca 2018 and probably 2019 had the opportunity to change the color in the digital cockpit, and here in my car the production of 2020 does not change.

As proof, I attach a video that shows that colors change everywhere.

Sorry my english


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Mine is just the old fashioned FIS being 2016 Ateca.

Falls into using Obdeleven diagnostic. What I'd recommend is to look at the parameters of the dashboard screen in Obdeleven to see whether there is a way of setting it to a fixed colour or changing it via the ambient colour of the car. Might be burried in there. See whether it comes up on other boards in the VAG group.

I have access to an Arona and the unit is J285. Doing a Google it threw up this, which is probably what you want to do:

The first post shows what they want to do... over to you. I see there is talk of Ambient light 2 rather than 1 on the third page. Seems that is what you are after.

Nice having a 2016 Ateca how you want it free from figuring out things :). So I'd establish whether yours is a J285 or what it is and start Googling things.


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You do indeed have to be careful. I take a screen shot on Android, home & power so I have a copy of before and after although you can back up and it does take a record of changes.

It probably would be fine just to change those two and see what happens.


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Just a pretty matrix effect that is put behind the standard black and white FIS. It is a standard offering on all VAG cars with the old FIS via VCDS. I found it distracting. I was asked how to enable it, did that, then I reverted it back after to a clear background. It's on the thread.

Was making the point that you dont want the visibility of important things made worse by distracting graphics. I can't help in this instance since I don't have the virtual cockpit on my Ateca. Do have access to the Arona one but doesn't have the multicoloured ambient light arrangement. Different car.

I see they do have software releases in the VC unit since Obdeleven tells you when you dont have the latest release (what it's doing on a 2019 Arona). Not sure if the VC software can be updated yourself but also a variable if you are seeing differences in how they look in YouTube videos on production cars.


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Jul 20, 2017
@Tell good evening to you.
I see your posts about activation of the TSR on few threads here.
I got confused by the many varieties and links to other forums .
I was wondering if you could please provide detailed instructions, step by step for the settings that do work and do not raise any error screens ?

If it makes any difference, I am driving the Cupra Ateca 2020.

Thanks in advance

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That's post 65 on the thread. I cross referenced the Spanish Ateca thread with images of my factory fitted one to give meat to the bone. You need the programmable Obdeleven, the Pro. Its been said that the inbuilt Obdeleven app for this doesn't work. I never use the apps but use the so called programmable side, that which you pay extra for.

One important point is this, you need to give it your databus infotainment value that may vary, I give mine, you can eyeball that. On weiriness recognition on mine it's shown as Terminal 15, whatever yours is that's the value to go in above.

"Now we look for the option traffic_sign_recognition_0x21_msg_bus and we give it the Databus Infotainment value (the text may vary depending on the language, but it is what it says is the Infotainment bus)"

Other than that it should work. There are VCDS instructions which I link to as well which is a second take on it. Careful taking a copy of what you, it should work fine although ideal you need to cut your teeth on something perhaps less complex. The only failing will be if Seat did something to stop you from doing it. From elsewhere people have been doing this using the lane assist camera, just that Seat and VW are not tending to offer TSR turned on these days. May be litigation reasons if it in correctly didn't warn you, pass on that.
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Apr 1, 2020
Do you need the OBD eleven dongle for this to work or will it work with other generic ones?


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Jul 20, 2017
You need OBD Eleven or VCDS because most of the instruction provided here are for them.

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The OBDEleven app only works with the said OBDEleven dongle :).

The bottom white two on the page above plus the pro license which allows you to "program" without that you use the apps which are micro payment things, don't always work and you don't give the VCDS programming which is covered in the pages. The white ones are the original Android based one. You don't need the ring key one - got that, don't use the ring. I have no experience with the black ones which are Android and iOS. But the methods will be the same.

Proper VCDS is more expensive, uses a laptop and not so portable. You need wifi out to the car or 4G with OBDEleven.

The cheapskate bit comes in when people think they can use other dongles with the OBDEleven app. Can't. Basically the OBDEleven app is connected by bluetooth to the dongle. The commands get related back to the OBDEleven central system and the stuff comes back to program the car. Without the wifi / 4G link the system doesn't work. You can read stuff off line in the house since that's either pulled back off their servers or stored locally... reckon it's pulled back.

You can have more than one VAG car in the database so use across vehicles. The micro payment app I don't bother with and in no way do they give you a flavour of what you can do with it.

So basically if you have a modern Android device you can get going with the original dongle for 39-99 + 24-99 Euros (Total 64-98) or the Black Pro Pack (99-99 Euros) second one along which is suppose to be iOS as well as Android and includes the Pro license. That's a second option in the original white ones - have no experience of that. The other way is to use a subsidised Prime Amazon Fire reader tablet, you put that on the Playstore - instructions can be found on the web and that's then turned into a low cost Android tablet.... talked about that before, people do that with OBDEleven as well. Big screen rather than a small smart phone if that's an issue and you got an Android tablet as well. That's for the technically minded. Probably use big iOS tablets or phablets if you have one of them. Most people are happy to read small screens....

German thread of the differences of iOS version takes it uptodate:

It appears in April 2020 is was fully rolled out to iOS prior to that not fully implemented to the same level as the Android side.
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Apr 1, 2020
Thanks Tell. I'm familiar with OBD devices and so on but never used one for changing vehicle settings. Really want the needle sweep on the digital dash but it's justifying the spend at the moment lol.
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You could always buy just the dongle with the pro if the only thing you want is needle swing, then if the app doesn't work, buy the pro activation code.

Saying that you need to do some Googles... not a good one:

Rings a bell that I've seen it. I have the old fashioned display. There are VW digital dash ones that do it.

I'd be careful about investing in it if you can't find the coding / example if that's your only use for it or know it's a gamble if you are trying out a VW one on it.

You can only do things that the hooks are left out for you to change, no hooks and you can't do it. It's the customisation options that the build into VAG, but if it's deemed that's one that you can't change the hook won't be there. It might be only retrofit VWs that swing on the digital dash.
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But does it give you digital display swing. I don't think the Carista is programmable, another app driven one whilst Obdeleven does both, one for those with small needs - micro payment apps and the pro code to unlock the generalised side of it to give VCDS functionilty. That's my understanding of Carista v Obdeleven.

Need someone to say, yeah I got the virtual cockpit and enable needle swing with the VCDS codes. Reading around. I don't think it's been cracked. Going to be the version of the VC, 2018 were not capable of it. That's the thing to check if anybody has success... probably the retrofit ones where that's modded so you get a pretty visual swing to replicate the analogue swing. :). Haven't enabled it, don't want to spook dealers. Do silent changes.
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