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OBDEleven Formentor - See below for working ones


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Anyone in the Midlands who has the kit and willing to code my tormentor to turn off my lane assist but more importantly the overtaking right function?

I can't use active cruise on the motorway because of the issues it causes which is a pain on long journeys and there's still no sign of an official fix as far as I'm aware.
Rather than turn off lane assist you can set it to remember your last use. It's in the option above. Best of all worlds.


Active Member
Nov 13, 2020
the lock unlock does work but its a waste of time its so quiet I could not hear unless stood next to car .
Actually my wife just informed me today that it worked. No idea how as I haven't touched the car since I tried it. Maybe it needed to be driven a little.
And she also said it was really quiet. Oh well.
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Active Member
May 16, 2021
Actually my wife just informed me today that it worked. No idea how as I haven't touched the car since I tried it. Maybe it needed to be driven a little.
And she also said it was really quiet. Oh well.
it was so quiet i thought it was a waste of time...
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Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Not sure if it is a quirk of the newer cars but after I activated Scandinavian DRL it also added the fog lights as DRL.

Have reversed the coding and all is back to normal.

Can anyone else with a car built after week 40 2021 confirm that the Scandinavian DRL activation also brings on the fog lights ?
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Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
What coding did you use or did you go with the one click app.

If one click app I see they have an separate app called DRL with Foglight have you used that or checked to see what setting it is when you look (in theory its set to on)
I used the long coding.
Central Electrics 09
Daytime Running Lights
Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahtlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich standlicht
set to "active"

After the above I noticed the fog lights on all of the time.

Reversed the above ( selected "not active" ) and fogs went back to normal operation.


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The question is, how does it behave on Formentor's sold in Scandinavia ?. Might be how it's suppose to work. If they get something different then one needs to work towards their coding... saying that Obdeleven and the like hook into a VAG mapping table of commands, so if the developers got that wrong then that command might give something different in Obdeleven.

Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahtlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich standlicht
set to "active"

Reckon a shout out to Scandinavian drivers with the Formentor on whether they get the fog lights on as well by default. If they are LED no big deal perhaps.


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Dont think the developers got it wrong, they are using the commands they can and it has worked on many cars.

Pure guess on my part but maybe we should be looking at Leuchte12NL and Leuchte 13NL settings as this i think is the command set for the fogs

update - just checked old mk3 coding

1 - Module 09 - Electronic control unit - Code (31347)
2 - Adaptation
3 - Leuchte12NL LB45
4 - Lichtfunktion E12 - (Change value to Tagfahrlicht)
5 - Dimmwert EF 12 - (Change value to 60 for example so that it does not illuminate too much)
6 - Dimming Direction EF 12 - (Change value to Maximize)
7 - Leuchte13NL RB5
8 - Lichtfunktion E13 - (Change value to Tagfahrlicht)
9 - Dimmwert EF 13 - (Change value to 60 for example so that it does not illuminate too much)
10 - Dimming Direction EF 13 - (Change value to Maximize)

Tagfahrlicht meaning Daytime running lights so worth a check if this is how its setup
They have like a compiled language and an assembly language. So if they don't interface the compiled language with the assembly language then it doesn't work, does something different. Veritable Australian DV52 (Don) gave a description of it once on an Ozzie board. The developer of the VCDS like tools get the published interface from Vag then the developers has to program it work with the published interface. That interface is like machine code / assembler, the language is the syntax. If you don't get the compiler / interpreter of the syntax working correctly then it will do funny things. So the question is whether factory enable Formentor Scandinavian DLRs work like this or not. If they do then that's how they work.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
So the question is whether factory enable Formentor Scandinavian DLRs work like this or not. If they do then that's how they work.
Then something must have changed in the later cars.

People who have done the coding on earlier cars don't have fog lights on after the coding for DRL

That is why I was asking if anyone had done the coding on a MY22 car ( after week 40 2021 )


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Dont think the developers got it wrong, they are using the commands they can and it has worked on many cars.

Pure guess on my part but maybe we should be looking at Leuchte12NL and Leuchte 13NL settings as this i think is the command set for the fogs

update - just checked old mk3 coding

1 - Module 09 - Electronic control unit - Code (31347)
2 - Adaptation
3 - Leuchte12NL LB45
4 - Lichtfunktion E12 - (Change value to Tagfahrlicht)
5 - Dimmwert EF 12 - (Change value to 60 for example so that it does not illuminate too much)
6 - Dimming Direction EF 12 - (Change value to Maximize)
7 - Leuchte13NL RB5
8 - Lichtfunktion E13 - (Change value to Tagfahrlicht)
9 - Dimmwert EF 13 - (Change value to 60 for example so that it does not illuminate too much)
10 - Dimming Direction EF 13 - (Change value to Maximize)

Tagfahrlicht meaning Daytime running lights so worth a check if this is how its setup
That could be a possibility - cheers.
Will have to see if the above are in the Formentor adaptation menus


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Reckon a shout out to Scandinavian drivers with the Formentor on whether they get the fog lights on as well by default. If they are LED no big deal perhaps.
In the UK - fog lights on all the time is an offence.
Especially since the car has front DRL already built in to the headlights.
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OK I have suggested a way forward and i am afraid I have to disagree with your understanding of Don's words but thats my view.
Basically it's whether they implement as they should.... that's why in this case we need somebody in the Nordic countries to say how it's suppose to work on the Scandinavian lights they might have varied from the factory implementation. It's as simple as that.

The Ateca DLRs are front and back on the MY17 model, no front fogs. VAG have taken to implementing that differently with no rear lights, why the interest in the Scandinavian DLRs on the Formentor. Mine on the Ateca have them.


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In the UK - fog lights on all the time is an offence.
Especially since the car has front DRL already built in to the headlights.
We won't be doing that then. That's also why on the Ateca it moans at over 40mph... Never use them, enough low light, but it was an on going complaint on boards who liked to drive with them on in daylight on clear roads. They faithfully built in German law into the Ateca to warn you when fog lights should be off by your speed. Apparently German roads are marked with distance marking for fog light use so it is calibrated on that. Did a back of the envelope to validate that. They gave you a margin to go over.

Begs the question of whether the Scandinavian light setting in the Obdeleven faithfully reproduces the factory Formentor setting in the Nordic countries. We wait with anticipation for Nordic posters.....

Fog lights on and honking horns when locking my two beefs with drivers 😉.... and not indicating ofcourse.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
Been having a look around module 09 - Electronic Control Unit

Daytime Running Lights

There is an option about half way down : - Activation: Daytime Running Lights

In that unit there are three options :
1. Not Active
2. Daytime Running Lights ( this is currently selected as standard )
3. Daytime Running Lights
4. Versehrtenlicht ( Translates to "Disabled light" )

Does anyone know what No 3 is compared to No 2 that is currently selected ?

I know I can just try it but I thought I would ask first.


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Looks like you had this one before... The curse of the one click app guys although you did code it (they get brownie points for that):

I guess 3 might be the one you want. This is where I say you have the VAG terming of the components and the VCDS type suppliers that need to write the interface to latch onto it. You got to try it.

If Scandinavian lights off front and back are standard then it should be brought out... probably that.

The Ateca mib2 also has another one which you can enable to bring out on the infotainment unit a toggle to toggle on and off DLRs as standard. I enabled that one so if I was working on coding on a public road with the engine running you didn't get the DLRs on. Now with coding and the bonnet up you'd get noticed 🙄. Suspect you will have something similar as well but probably not worth it for what I used it for.

Also this one which lights it up as a Xmas tree:

Wonder if the Spanish guys are experimenting.
Last edited:


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Hmmm this one looks promising

Think it also brings it out on the infotainment menu as I said above so you can toggle it off completely. If you put the original German text against the English translate you should see the key words in Obdeleven to do it, hopefully... without the fogs on hopefully.

Translates to this:
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Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
This one works for those who would like to revert to standard cruise control


Control unit 13 ( Adaptive Cruise Control )
Long coding
Select "Cruise_control_mode"
Set to: Activated

( you now have choice of ACC, Cruise Control and Speed Limiter in the menu )


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& you have to get a reboot into the infotainment system if you enable menus if it's like mib2 which it will be... The long hold on the power button once programmed. Then you have to find the menu it's popped in around lighting part options I would guess.

We wait with anticipation.


Old Git
Feb 1, 2006
Preston - UK
So the original coding that was used (and has been used for some time)

I used the long coding.
Central Electrics 09
Daytime Running Lights
Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahtlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich standlicht

set to "active"

German Forum says
  • STG 09 (Bordnetz)
  • STG-Zugriffsberechtigung -> SFD -> Coding-Txt
  • Kanal 181 - Tagfahrlicht (Daytine Running Lights)
    • Hecklampe zusätzlich: - in other words Additional rear lamp which I can't see on my MQB Evo maps
      • Kanal 5 - Tagfahrlicht - Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusätzlich Standlicht
        • Wert auf "aktiv" setzen (Standard: "nicht aktiv")
    • Bedienung im Infotainment-System aktivieren
      • Kanal 9 - Tagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge möglich
        • Wert auf "aktiv" setzen (Standard: "nicht aktiv
Obviously they also talk about the menu item which we has been around since the MK3 as well but I am guessing this is on off feature.

The big difference is Hecklampe zusätzlich: (Additional rear lamp:) which is an understandable description but on my copy of the OBD11 MQBEvo platform I do not see that description and I also I checked my VCDS Extract and again it does not mention this value.

To be fair both of these are against a Golf / Leon not the Formentor.

So I do think its the same coding

could somebody please share the Leuchte12NL setup for my information.

Using OBDeleven pro - I looked through control unit 09 earlier.

Control Unit 09 ( Central Electrics )
Daytime Running Lights
Daytime Running Lights / Parking Light
Currently not active - going to try active tomorrow

Control Unit 09 ( Central Electrics )
Daytime Running Lights
Tagfahrlicht Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge möglich
Currently not active - going to try active tomorrow
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