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OBDEleven Formentor - See below for working ones


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Nov 6, 2020
I was able to switch off "Overtaking right prevention" in summer. Then I switched that back in November before service and after that, I couldn't switch it off again. Either OBD soft issue or one of the patches applied to car caused it.

Lane Assist is coming up by default after every start. I changed it to remember last setting and switch off alert when it's off. I only reverted back alerts, but left remembering last state.

I don't know if car will stay with VWFS or they will send it to auction. It went to their storage facility. It may be used as pool car and no one will care about different issues.
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I reckon as I said before the long string got messed up which is why Agnes had the problems. The messing up was either in the dealership, OBDELEVEN or by the user. I hadn't thrown the dealership into the mix before. That's why you always need to take a backup before you change anything when you first get the device. Whilst the "history" shows you what you changed in the part of the long string, if the long string gets corrupted in a different part and is outside of the Obdeleven changes you won't see it.

The "history" shown in Obdeleven is what you did with Obdeleven not changes external, that's my understanding. The long string is the program for the control unit. Each control unit has it's program and that's the long string. It's a distributed control system. Each control unit has its own "firmware", the release that it is on is also shown in the Obdeleven screens. Dealers also change the firmware of those control units when they do "programming".

In the past it has been known that Obdeleven has corrupted long strings. They probably have a process to correct that now without the user knowing. Obdeleven is a front end tool back to their servers.

The backup you mail to yourself, it's how Obdeleven works. Restoring the backup isn't like a computer restore it's a manual process. Obvious if the dealership did some programming work then your backup would be at variance with the car.

That's why I suggested Agnes got hold of somebody else's Admap as they are called since I don't reckon she had taken a backup. Saying this if dealerships are changing coding using the historic backup would reset the changes.

Admaps are also handy where you are trying to enable functions that one car has but yours doesn't. You pass the long string and with a bit of computer science skills decode that into a mod. How I got the Cupra flash screen on my mib2 high by taking a Cupra Ateca's infotainment long string and working out the unpublished parts on boards. I reverted it back so as not to excite a standard Seat dealership. Pretty screen thou 🤣. Did that to resolve an issue that someone was having on a Cupra Ateca.
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With regards to history you are correct it shows you all the changes you have made using OBD11 and or the car setup menu's.
The are only two exception's i am aware about

Bugs in the backup process and there are still open ones.
Where you have used OCA (one click apps) then it only shows you the OCA you have used so the long coding string may have changed but you wont see any long coding changes in your history.
Further OCA are only shown in main history tab not control unit one

If for some reason the dealer (or anybody else with access to your motor) has made a change then the before and after backups would show a different string value and its easy enough to work out what the changes are.

Restoring long coding is a very simple 1 line copy and paste process if you have a good backup point to revert to, Adaptations however are one change at a time.

I would also point out that the admap is the VCDS file name and format and is very different to the OBD11 history extract (which has a different name and format in Android and ios just to be helpful)
example vcds admap
View attachment 28976

and obd11 history.txt (android)

View attachment 28977
If you originally took a backup that is... if you never took one an issue.

Yes the Admap is the Vcds but you can read them and transcode.

The one click apps I always say stay clear off. They are for suckers that want things easy but if the app malfunctions they are stuck up that river.

I pity people who buy second hands cars where someone has let rip on them with coding or anybody who gets hold of a rejected Formentor 😘.


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Seems yours was set up incorrectly, in some countries it comes on as default when turning on the ignition. From what I can make out this isn't the case in the UK, shame it wasn't resolved by now and you've had to get rid.
Cupra might have changed that recently or your dealer did. It seems all new models from about 2019 come with lane assist turned on by default at ignition, Tarraco, Leon 4 and Formentor. The adaption that can be used is one to turn it to how you last left it as per Agnes' example on the thread (post 9). That's the best. Before the MQB Evo it was "Perco" that did that, now it's as the post above. Tarraco Perco, rest the new method. It's to score points on the NCAP test it defaults to be on at ignition so the story goes.


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I only look at the Admap if I'm hunting mods but I've got all the Ateca ones I want, done and dusted. It was the Old boy that was saying look at the ClubSeatLeon ones but they didn't have any Ateca ones when I looked... that was after I'd got all the Ateca ones I wanted... thread over on that side, pre face lift.

If you get stuffed you can swap with someone else's the backup which is what I was suggesting to Agnes, the obdeleven back up with the VIN removed. That's disaster recovery if you never took an original backup and you believe something got messed up. An audit and recovery if all else fails. Never had to do that.

Agnes has outed her car now so that's history but they are quality mods in post 9 from here and on which sorts out some of the issues with the Formentor as is. It was I that got her going on Obdeleven on her "going to out the car" thread, as a way of reducing the unfortunate things it does at present. Lane assist always on, getting confused about driving on left or right so treats over taking as undertaking etc. Those are common.
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Active Member
May 9, 2021
Guys without wading through all 11 pages here.....

Im having the acc issues on my Formentor hybrid where it doesn't want to overtake vehicles on the inside on motorways and I have to keep accelerating past them by jabbing the throttle...so not really making for a relaxing journey.

Anything I can do via obd?


Started with nowt and still have most of it left.
Dec 26, 2013
Guys without wading through all 11 pages here.....

Im having the acc issues on my Formentor hybrid where it doesn't want to overtake vehicles on the inside on motorways and I have to keep accelerating past them by jabbing the throttle...so not really making for a relaxing journey.

Anything I can do via obd?
Post 9 as per @Agnes.Surrey


Active Member
May 16, 2021
Guys without wading through all 11 pages here.....

Im having the acc issues on my Formentor hybrid where it doesn't want to overtake vehicles on the inside on motorways and I have to keep accelerating past them by jabbing the throttle...so not really making for a relaxing journey.

Anything I can do via obd?
nope .get obdeleven should sort it ,not tried it on mine as yet as car waiting for new rack to be fitted....but yes its a pita...


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Just a thought as I was looking at a load of 2021 Audi users moaning about not being able to turn off stop start.

I wonder if when lane assist etc become mandatory on new cars if they will disable the ability to do what you have been doing to solve this problem.
I don't think anyone has managed to disable stop start from auto activating on ignition on MQB Pro platforms yet unless I've missed it. Lane Assist is automatically defaulted to on at ignition unless you recode that. Whether as you suggest they may block that will be seen. At the minutes that's one of those configurable features available in the coding of the car to work as shipped, to turn off on ignition or to come on as last used. The last one feels the best to me. The start stop blocking was more to go with fringing the parameters to stop it kicking in rather than a convenient change in coding as lane assist.


Active Member
May 8, 2021
Hi guys,

Got OBD11 since yesterday, and got a few things modded:

  • Adjust ACC in 1kmh steps (installs but still need to test)
  • Refuel Quantity in dashboard (installs and works) ✅
  • Gauge Test - needle sweep (fails with engine off - "rpm too high" when engine on) ❌
  • Scandinavian DRLs (works, with PRO version only) ✅
  • Lock/Unlock Acoustic Confirmation (installs, but does nothing when open/lock the car) ❌

Already got a bit depressed :( hope someone can help me out. Am I doing something wrong? thnx
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Full Member
Staff member
Hi guys,

Got OBD11 since yesterday, and got a few things modded:

  • Adjust ACC in 1kmh steps (installs but still need to test)
  • Refuel Quantity in dashboard (installs and works) ✅
  • Gauge Test - needle sweep (fails with engine off - "rpm too high" when engine on) ❌
  • Scandinavian DRLs (fails after a long time of "writing") ❌ Kind of the biggest reason I bought the OBD..
  • Lock/Unlock Acoustic Confirmation (installs, but does nothing when open/lock the car) ❌

Already got a bit depressed :( hope someone can help me out. Am I doing something wrong? thnx
I don't think anyone has succeeded with the needle sweep on a digital dash, the old fashioned one with real needles is required for that. I believe people have made the cars become anti social with the horn locking sound abroad, illegaĺ for that in the UK. Pretty sure the Scandinavian DRLs can be achieved.

I wondering whether you bought the Pro license or are relying on problematic micro payment apps. I tell people not to bother with the apps since they aren't QAed very well, you don't know what they are doing and can't undo what they did on that basis if they go wrong. Stick to coding with the Pro license.

Let others reply on their success with Scandi DRLs via coding.


Active Member
Jul 18, 2021
Anyone feel that coding discovery is slow, I assume because vcds has no access?

Still waiting on a way to keep the exhaust flaps open. They're ridiculously loud when you start the car as you can hear them opening and closing, clunking about

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
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Active Member
May 8, 2021
Is there a way to code this:

I would like to have my fog lights to ONLY operate as turning lights when it's dark ( = full headlights ON)
Now, even during the day, with only DRL on, the fog lights activate in every corner.


Active Member
May 16, 2021
Anyone feel that coding discovery is slow, I assume because vcds has no access?

Still waiting on a way to keep the exhaust flaps open. They're ridiculously loud when you start the car as you can hear them opening and closing, clunking about

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
lol i know what you mean my m8 said wtf is happening with your cars exhaust lol. :p


Active Member
Nov 13, 2020
  • Lock/Unlock Acoustic Confirmation (installs, but does nothing when open/lock the car) ❌
The one reason I bought the OBD11 was to turn this on for my wife's Formentor. Came to the forum looking for a solution, I guess it just doesn't work. The car has factory alarm installed as well.


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The one reason I bought the OBD11 was to turn this on for my wife's Formentor. Came to the forum looking for a solution, I guess it just doesn't work. The car has factory alarm installed as well.
Did I say that function was illegal in the UK... we like to have a quite residential life. You look at the mirrors whether they are in or out when you walk away putting them on auto turning on lock and unlock if not. Works just the same but you have a visual check as well 😉.


Active Member
May 9, 2021
Anyone in the Midlands who has the kit and willing to code my tormentor to turn off my lane assist but more importantly the overtaking right function?

I can't use active cruise on the motorway because of the issues it causes which is a pain on long journeys and there's still no sign of an official fix as far as I'm aware.


Active Member
May 16, 2021
The one reason I bought the OBD11 was to turn this on for my wife's Formentor. Came to the forum looking for a solution, I guess it just doesn't work. The car has factory alarm installed as well.
the lock unlock does work but its a waste of time its so quiet I could not hear unless stood next to car .
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