Behind the airbag
I have the standard steering wheel,now is changing this module,right, it works?Behind the airbag
I have the standard steering wheel,now is changing this module,right, it works?
Any update ?How can I activate this travel assist submenu? I have heard that it is the version of travel 2.0 View attachment 34884
Hi, I made the upgrade 2 months ago, and I don't think there is any difference with this situation.When a car is about to switch lanes, the ACC takes it into account only at the very last time when it's in my lane. Is the travel assist doing any better in this case (since it can see vehicles on other lanes)?
I saw your posts about the steering wheel upgrade and I would like to know your opinion after more than a year.
Is it worth it ? Did you ever have any strange behavior, like the ACC deactivating for no reason or a random acceleration even if there's a car in front? Would you still do it today if you hadn't yet?
I have the park assist L and while I like the ACC it feels unfinished, especially with cars on the side lanes. When a car is about to switch lanes, the ACC takes it into account only at the very last time when it's in my lane. Is the travel assist doing any better in this case (since it can see vehicles on other lanes)?
Hola, es plug and play o tengo que hacer otra cosa. ¿Se puede poner el circuito impreso en la caja que va montada en el coche?Nueva actualización hecha:
Thank you. Can you guide me a bit on how you have set it up? thanksModule is plug and play.
Print dont fit it the OEM box
But where is the module exactly? Under the airbag? Do you have any photos?Remove airbag
Disconnect module
Connect new module
Place airbag back