It is an Obdeleven threadHi,
you advise me to buy ODB11 or VCDS ?
Google translate:dal momento in cui ho sbloccato sfd, mi da errore perenne allo 09 in cui dice "ATTIVITA' ATTIVA" ma credo sia normale, credo sia la traccia che rimane dopo aver sbloccato sfd; Sapete se c'è un modo per rimuoverlo?
Any progress about this topic?How can I activate this travel assist submenu? I have heard that it is the version of travel 2.0 View attachment 34884
L-pack means your wheel is not capacitive.Hi, i have an Cupra Leon ST - E-Hybrid with the L-Paket.
My Cupra is Mj23, i just got it in december 22.
How can i check (i have VCDS) if my stearingwheel does has capacitive function?
Hi, i have an Cupra Leon ST - E-Hybrid with the L-Paket.
My Cupra is Mj23, i just got it in december 22.
How can i check (i have VCDS) if my stearingwheel does has capacitive function?
Can i code with vcds ? If so, how?L-pack means your wheel is not capacitive.
anyway, just try the coding for travel assist, you can find it in this thread, and find out for yourself
no idea about vcds, the codings here is with an obd eleven dongleCan i code with vcds ? If so, how?
Hi guys,
- Hupen durch Fahrerassistenz
- Set to Active
- Travel Assist
- Set to Active
- Innenlicht durch_Fahrerassistenz
- Set to Active
- Select Adaptation
- Interior light general setting
- Innenlicht durch_Fahrerassistenz
- Set to active
ciao come posso ottenere anche il display dell'accelerazione g?Ciao ragazzi,
Come si attiva questa vista per il Virtual Cockpit?
Ho attivato la vista Cupra ma non riesco a trovare questa.
È il punto di vista di Formentor.
Grazie. View attachment 34100