MK1 Leon FR TDI, Stealth Edition [PREPPING FOR SALE]

Sep 18, 2009
Overall i like the car. As far as performance and economy iam more then happy with it, but i feel it lacks features for a car of this type. Example i would expect heated seats and folding mirrors as standard not extras. The 4 speaker system is truly horrid, in fact the worst ive heard in a standard car. I would of expected better from BMW. The Leon has folding mirrors as standard and was running 8 speaker BOSE as an extra and it just blows the BMW sound system out the water, so ill have to look into upgrade the sound in this car. sounds like speakers have blown if you have it remotely what you might call loud.

Integration of ipod for audio with coverart or video playback is also difficult on the iDrive screen. I know where i was with my Pioneer double din in the leon, just plug in reverse camera, ipod leads and rca to amp and away you go, nothings that simple with this idrive system. Iam going to seriously modify the idrive sceen\setup to give me access to all the things i want from it. Might have to upgrade the screen from a 2009 one which is HD quailty but i suspect thats mega bucks. seats are comfy but missing the konig bucket seats in the Leon. Did consider retro fitting the heated konigs into the BMW but think it might just look plain wrong, even more so, if the leather on the konigs dont have the same shade and texture of leather as the rest of the interior.............ill think about that one.

As far as mapping goes, running 300BHP on a manual puts more strain on the standard clutch and gearbox, so looking into a custom map of maybe 280BHP, so the clutch and gbox, has less torque running through it. Apparently the auto boxes cope better with map then the manual boxes do, and iam not interested in uprating the clutch. 280 would put it on par with a 335D, but not having the complications of having twin turbos.
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you took the words out my mouth there with regards to the clutch/gearbox not liking the mega power/torque. Thats why the 335d is only available in an auto.

sounds like you have done a bit of research with regards to mapping.
Sep 18, 2009
you took the words out my mouth there with regards to the clutch/gearbox not liking the mega power/torque. Thats why the 335d is only available in an auto.

sounds like you have done a bit of research with regards to mapping.

yes just googling around. I spose i want a map that gives me more BHP and torque then standard but isnt too much for the box and clutch, just need to find that balance. even if its 250bhp
Sep 18, 2009
will start putting the car back to standard today and listing stuff on ebay.

Will start with the LCR alloys and spare, liquid gauge, wheel spacers, nomad pillar pod and boost gauge, R32 Konig Interior, boot tray and a few other bits and bobs


Active Member
Nov 15, 2012
It's a shame this is breaking now and not in 6 weeks after I've paid my insurance :( I'd have had a few bits off you if it was financially doable aha


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Yea was gonna say it's on my thread. Google search will bring up tons of stuff too.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk now Free


Active Member
Oct 5, 2013
Just got to the end of this thread...I'm devastated that you're breaking her up after all this!! Such a lot of time and effort, I'm in awe of your enthusiasm!
Have had my FR TDi nearly 3 weeks now and loving every minute. Will start doing a few bits soon, but keeping it subtle as the coppers round here just love doing paperwork - or so it seems the number of times I got pulled over in my manky old bog-standard Focus!

Good luck with the new motor, hope it gives as much pleasure as the old Leon.
Sep 18, 2009
LCR black wheels, LCR Brembos, LCR pedals, H&R spacers, liquid gauge, nomad pillar pod and gauge, boot tray, jabba heatshield, jetex filter, some engine bling now sold.
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May 23, 2009
ok fitted my SFS intercooler and pancake pipes over the last few days.

The pancake pipe is bigger then the original which meant refitting the o/s splash guard that fits to the under tray near on impossible, but ive modded it to fit, as its all too close to one of the cambelt pulleys.

Its given me a right headache to do cause ive been getting boost leaks all over the place and ive put it down to the difference in O-Rings. I think for £250 its a joke that SFS dont include or put on the o-rings in the first place.

In the end ive used the green grooved o-rings from my old hoses and that seems to of fixed the leaking issues and the black round o-rings dont work at all. now less smoke boosting to 25 psi instead of 29.1 (TDI)







Hi Mate

I've been looking through this blog post and i'm getting a lot of great ideas. I was just wondering on the pancake pipe that you fitted to car, I see that it was a hassle and what was the modification that you did to have it fit properly without rubbing

Aldo how did you prep your engine and battery cover for paint so they don't react to the paint?



May 23, 2009
OK, finished building and install my custom air freshener system.

Bit silly i know but was bored with 6 weeks off work and with magic trees only lasting about 2 days thought i would design something. works well actually and love the Febreze Caribbean Paradise smell. Smelly farts in the car are a thing of the past :)

Parts Needed
Triumph Tudor 500ml washer bottle and stainless bracket - £15
Ring Automotive universal 12v screenwash pump -£12
5m clear 3.2mm washer tubing -£3
One way valve - £2.50
12v electric shut off solenoid valve - £12
1/4" BSP to 4mm Hose tail connectors x2 - £5
1/4" BSP Bonded washers - £1.50
Push to power switch - £2
5m 25amp red power wiring - £3
Various spade connectors and terminal blocks
2x 300ml Febreze Caribbean Paradise air freshener - £4
Febreze novel spray (taken apart from used Febreze can)
Total = £60

Vid in action

Is there a link for this video on youtube?


mk1 Seat Leon 20v T
Jun 1, 2010
Thanks for the insight jonjay. Considering getting a tracker fitted I can monitor on my iphone.

Try Foretrack.
I'm the Head of Foretrack technical support at Foresolutions, i have a little plug n play (obd port) tracker in my car

But we do have hard wired ones that can be hidden in the depths of your vehicle and that are much more advanced but they cost more.

There is no app for it yet but it is viewable on my iphone browser.
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