Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem


Chaps, not read the entire thread but after taking advice from my cousin whom is an Audi master tech we have just had all 4 x injectors replaced on our 2007 Leon FR with 58k miles FOC by Seat UK. Car is not covered by extended warranty. After a few calls to CS they finally agreed to inspect ours and upon inspection confirmed the car was UNAFFECTED. However, as we were concerned they agreed to authorise the replacement. My advice get onto Seat CS and be persistent...!!!


Seat Leon 170tdi 2007 Injector Fault

I had the same thing happen to me on the weekend.
Parked in a multi storey car park, pulled out of the space and the engine died, no power nothing.
Called the AA out and the AA man told me it maybe my injector at fault. When I asked him how he knew, he told me they had recieved a memo from the VAG group informing them of the fault and that the cars diagnostic would not show this fault.
It would seem the VAG group are very reluctant for us to know their is a fault on this engine.
I spoke to a Seat dealer who told me they could fix the car but this was at my expense. I'm not willing to foot the bill for a faulty part they have fitted, so I contacted SEAT uk, who told me that if it was an injector failure they will foot the bill.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2010
Last night on my way home, cruising along the a428 at 60, glow plug light comes on, engine cuts out and I just managed to get it down a side road off the main drag.

Call the break down service and tell them to come and get me. An hour and ten later a guy turns up, takes one look at my car, tdi fr with btcc kit (which I did tell them about) says I won't get that on my truck, ill go get a flat bed, ill b about an hour and a half. CU*T! I was not happy.

Injrctor number 1 had gone. 58k on the clock, 4 year old car

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top result

have just recieved my cheque from vw for £1,350 in payment for the injectors i had to replace on 2 seperate occasions. enough to pay for dpf removal next week at custom code. happy days.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2010
Ok so I spoke to seat UK, they are currently putting into action an initiative as they called it. Everyone with the faulty injectors and wiring loom fitted from standard will be sent a letter from vw group asking them to take there car to a seat garage to have everything changed free of charge. This is as a preventative measure as its dangerous to just konk out on the motor way.

I don't no the time scale for this as that is all he told me and I don't no if there's any way of reimbursement for any work that people have already had to pay for

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Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
So the cars back, Everything done! Car feels better pulls abit harder. Im kinda hoping the new injector seals will also help with my smoke levels.

Bit of information for anybody whos tying to get a modified PD170 done, dont tell customer services its modified, get them to agree to change them.
Basically SEAT ES are paying for the injector changes but because mine was modified SEAT ES refused to pay today, So SEAT UK agreed to pay it because they had already said to me they would.


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
Yeh but SEAT ES wont pay for it thats there stance on it. So you need to kinda trick SEAT UK into doing them, basically get them to agree it before they realise its modified
well that was easy enough simon from seat uk rang me earlier told me to book the car into my nearest stealer and to contact him and tell him when its goin and where its goin and he will sort it foc imperssed with that


My car is a 57 plate 50K, out of warranty.
Well I'm pretty fuming about the whole SEAT LEON FR 170 TDi if I'm honest!!!!
I had to replace & pay for 1 injector and wiring loom back in May, as I didn't know there was a problem at the time...I then managed to get Seat UK to replace the other 3 FOC.
I now have another problem...my god can it get any worse...I only bought the bloody thing in April this year!
I now have a water leak. About 4 weeks ago, practically all the warning lights came on the dashboard, and car died. It turned out the water had contaminated the control panel, and canbus relay!! It ended up I had to pay just short of 1K to replace and recode. Now only 3 weeks after getting the car back, the same thing happened last Friday in a heavy downpour of rain. Fortunatley the control is ok, but the garage its gone to can't find where the water is coming in from.
Its basically coming in from somewhere outside the car, making its way through the control panel, then finally drips by the accelerator pedal????

Anyone got ideas??

Before someone says has it had a new windscreen, the answer is no, I've already checked.


Full Member
Mar 19, 2002
well that was easy enough simon from seat uk rang me earlier told me to book the car into my nearest stealer and to contact him and tell him when its goin and where its goin and he will sort it foc imperssed with that

Rustys? Or should I say Pentagon? Think I should...

I had 1 injector & loom done there no problem.

When is it booked in? I'm thinking of using them again for my 100k.

the dod

Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
Put my car (FR170) into get serviced today (40K just over 3 years old) at Arnold Clark and got a phone call just after lunch and to say that they need to order parts, after about to go mad as it was only a service how did the need to order parts they advised me that Seat have issued today a recall for all 4 injectors and wiring harness so it looks like people should be about to get letters for this through there doors shortly


Full and wholesome member
May 1, 2008
Had my four injectors and wiring loom replaced today at Wayside Seat in Milton Keynes. Seat Customer care were very on the ball and everything was arranged smoothly.

If anyone else is booking theirs in, please be aware that Seat UK have issued an updated bulletin which means that additional parts need to be ordered in for the fitting. Please check that your dealer is aware of this, otherwise you'll get there and find you've got a 24hour wait for the parts.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)