Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem


CR170 has a complete different style of injector so if yours has failed then its not covered under the Siemens PPD Injector failure recall

What year is your car?

It's a 2010 (Sept) model. Getting the repairs done under the warranty as far as I know


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
yeh they will do it because its covered under warranty, its not covered under the Siemens PPD PD170 recall though so if you was out of warranty you would have a fight on your hands


yeh they will do it because its covered under warranty, its not covered under the Siemens PPD PD170 recall though so if you was out of warranty you would have a fight on your hands

Thanks for the heads-up. Will let you guys know how I get on once I get her back.


We had our injectors done about 4 weeks ago, now having a problem with the DPF sensor has anybody else encountered this issue since the injector have been done. It was fine before, they have had it back and fit new sensor but the DPF light still coming on and the engine management light too, just waiting to hear the damage from the garage?


Active Member
Jun 29, 2007
East Lothian
Just though I'd add that i am now getting improved fuel economy since my injector replacement. I managed over 52 mpg on a recent 700 mile round trip to ultimate dubs. Sitting about 70 - 80 mph. Before I'd only have managed around 45 - 46 mpg mpg at a push. These are figures from the display on the dash but i'm well happy with that:D


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
I'm having my injectors done on tuesday. Going to ask SEAT to plug it in and read codes as well as I'm getting stuttering, hesitance at about 2500rpm under load... like it backs off and drops its boost. I'm hoping injectors will cure it but I don't think thats the cause... only had the car a week.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2010
injector recall

Can anyone tell me if a 56 plate Altea FR TDi would be one of the ones to be recalled . Cheers guys
Dec 15, 2007
South East London
There is a lot of guff being spouted by dealers etc here.

My car has NOT had a problem I have owned it since new, only 1 of 6 5 services at a SEAT dealer all the others independant.

1 phone call to Seat UK, spoke to Andy who is dealing with the recall / issue whatever you want to call it, booked into my local Seat garage, all work done FOC and even had a call from Andy the next day to check it had all been done.

So don't listen to dealers saying that if you dont have dealer stamps you wont get the work done

Seat fr550 red

Hi guys, new to this! I have a Leon fr on a 58, I had an issue with a stutter under hard acceleration whilst I was under warranty couldnt find an issue but Last service was due and that seem to sort it.
Then about 2months after (and was out of warrenty) started again I rung dealer they said must be a problem with DPF as light was always coming on I kept re-generating it but would not go away was quoted £1500.. so rung another dealer and told them of problem and they said ring seat uk.
Seat uk were abit vague to start with but agreed to pay for diagnostic and it turned out i might have dodgy injectors with was throwing the DPF but wasn't sure, as a good will they payed for new injectors and not had a problem since.
So my experience speak to seat uk.


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
Just had my injectors done.... now I'm having hell from my DPF.... Great!!!! Sooner I get rid of that DPF the better!


Active Member
Apr 1, 2012
Burton on Trent, Staffs
hi, is there anyway to check that the recall work has been carried out??? ive just bought an 08 plate leon FR TDI and i enquired about it but the salesman didnt seem to give me a defative answer...


Active Member
Apr 2, 2012
My Leon went in recently and had the Injectors replaced too.

They said they CAN'T tell until they remove the existing Injectors, when they can see the serial number stamped on them. With this information, they can tell on their system if they should be replaced, or not.


Just had my Leon FR TDi 57 plate die on me today, only bought it 2 months ago.
Driving from work, turned the corner, car stalled and would not start for me but starter motor doing it's best to do so.

Got the AA out, and was getting "unknown error" via the diagnostics. After running through the tests, turns out most seem fine apart from the injectors weren't firing. Does this sound like I've got the same issue as above? I'm not sure if its been recalled as I've only had the thing 2 months, and bought it second hand from a large dealership (for the garage I bought it from they're Ford). Trust it to happen on the Thursday before a long weekend when the dealership service dept is shut, and no courtesy cars left!

Bit of a sod as I was really starting to like this car!
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Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
On this car... when one injector fails, they all fail. the only way to find out which injector has failed is to remove the rocker cover, disconnect the injector each at a time cracking the engine to see if it will start, and when you disconnect the faulty injector it will run on 3 injectors. have someone else on the key trying. And get cardboard up cos it can be messy.

Seat should do the injectors mind, Just had mine done... and owned the car 2 weeks :)


Had my car almost 3 years not one single problem, serviced every year using oem parts.
Car got recallled in February for injectors to be replaced, one month later i get emissions light on and a faulty DPF sensor, Had that replaced at a cost of £96 light went out and all seemed fine.
Twice now though it seemed to idle at 1000rpm and run quite rough and hesitant, dont know if it was regenning or not ?? But never have i had this in the time ive owned the car.

Had it plugged back in at the garage and he found no codes in the ecu .
Just seems strange how after going back to main dealers im getting problems ive never had before .


Update on mine:

It's now been taken to the Seat dealers in Bury for this issue to be sorted FOC. 2 injectors failed. Being done as soon as humanly possible, alledgedly. How long did others take to be fixed?
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