Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem


Active Member
Jul 8, 2011
Just got off the phone to Seat UK, I spoke to a lady called Joanne who was very helpful after a little rant about me calling it a recall and her saying "it isn't a recall it is a part of a quality campaign".

I told her i wasn't interested what it was being marketed as and just wanted to know if my car was affected. She thinks it is and told me to book it in for a check and they will replace everything that needs replacing FOC.

Just a note for anyone, Joanne also told me that Simon no longer deals with this issue and it is now a guy call Gareth Goldthorpe.

Hope this helps anyone


Interesting, it was Simon I dealt with as recently as last Thursday.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2011
Just passing on what was said, it may not be the case and possibly trying to share the workload


Update - I e-mailed the nearest dealer to me (in Preston Lancashire) who i have had no dealings with regarding the situation and they almost immediately called me back to tell me my car and inparticular engine number BMN was one of those that is in a group being affected by failed injectors. He asked me to take my car in ASAP though did tell me these failures are rare and are not that serious - though I think some members on here would disagree. Also told me that there would be no charge for replacement of injectors and loom. I haven't had any contact with SEAT UK as of yet.


Feb 8, 2010
Hi guys, haven't been on the forum for a LONG time, but having seen this thread I thought I'd let everyone know that last December my Leon FR550 went for it's 50 000 miler to the dealer and they replaced all the injectors under warranty. However, i'm not sure whether it was a courtesy/recall type replacement, or whether it's under the extended dealer warranty the car came with!

Either way, car runs much smoother and pulls harder now, as well as being more efficient! :D


Has anyone else received a recall letter for this injector problem? I had all 4 replaced last year after 2 failures on the motorway (see my previous posts on this blog) but recently received a recall from SEAT, i'll try and dig the letter out and provide the full details on here, but I was led to believe from the letter that there had been a full nationwide recall issued. I'll post again later


Active Member
Jul 8, 2011
The recall is for the car to come in and be checked IIRC, so they check if you have had them replaced, if so, they will cross you off the system as needing it done


Thanks to this forum, I called seat and FR now has new injectors, unfortunely we drove it 8 miles homes from dealer and it stalled 4 times can any one help:-(


I spoke to JO at seat, who asked me to call her when our car had been booked in, which I did they then said I would recieve a call from our case officer who was Garath Goldthorpe, get back to you IF i recieve the call as they should be calling today.


Injector problems TDI FR 170

jonboy_tdi_fr Update - I e-mailed the nearest dealer to me (in Preston Lancashire) who i have had no dealings with regarding the situation and they almost immediately called me back to tell me my car and inparticular engine number BMN was one of those that is in a group being affected by failed injectors. He asked me to take my car in ASAP though did tell me these failures are rare and are not that serious - though I think some members on here would disagree. Also told me that there would be no charge for replacement of injectors and loom. I haven't had any contact with SEAT UK as of yet.

Update - I have just picked up the Leon, it's had injectors and wiring loom replaced free of charge, no questions asked, car hasn't got full SEAT service history, and this was without going through SEAT UK first - the dealer contacted me before they did. Had to push for them to provide some proof that they had done the said work and in the end they gave me a zero value invoice that says "Replaced injectors and wiring as per recall".

SEAT UK have rung a few times (Joanne) and e-mailed me (e-mail from a gentleman called Gareth Goldthorpe) after I contacted SEAT UK via [email protected]. I will now contact them to tell them that the work has been carried out.

Credit where credits due, this has been quite a painless experience to date. Can't say i feel any difference in the car and no changes to mpg to report as of yet.


I thought Id add my 2p into the equation - luckily I found this thread before getting anything done!

I bought an 07 TDi FR last July and had been running fine until the last couple of weeks. When starting up the glow plug light would flash and only give me "limp home mode". A quick turn off and on and it seemed to do the trick so I just thought id get it sorted at some point. Went round to a friends house - seemed to stall as i pulled out onto the road so just restarted it and it went fine. Parked up, left it overnight and came to start it the next day and it just wouldn't start.

Got the AA out and he said there were no readings but there was no fuel pressure in the injectors. As it was sunday he said he could recover it the next day and get it to a garage. Did a quick bit of googling and found this thread which has been a god send! Gave seat UK a call and they said the car is within the range that they were "doing quality checks on" and to take it into the dealership. As has been said before they dont like to consider this a recall (even though the guy at the dealership said it was one that had been recalled!) Got the AA to recover the car there and left it with them.

So as we speak its at Hobins Manchester being sorted FOC. Im just hoping it is the injectors that have caused this as I would have taken it elsewhere otherwise!! Plus ive got a faulty brake light which i havent sorted yet - I'm expecting to get a call regarding that really!

Anyone have any experience of Hobins Manchester? I generally can't be doing with confrontation so I'm hoping this is going to be a simple process!!
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I thought Id add my 2p into the equation - luckily I found this thread before getting anything done!

I bought an 07 TDi FR last July and had been running fine until the last couple of weeks. When starting up the glow plug light would flash and only give me "limp home mode". A quick turn off and on and it seemed to do the trick so I just thought id get it sorted at some point. Went round to a friends house - seemed to stall as i pulled out onto the road so just restarted it and it went fine. Parked up, left it overnight and came to start it the next day and it just wouldn't start.

Got the AA out and he said there were no readings but there was no fuel pressure in the injectors. As it was sunday he said he could recover it the next day and get it to a garage. Did a quick bit of googling and found this thread which has been a god send! Gave seat UK a call and they said the car is within the range that they were "doing quality checks on" and to take it into the dealership. As has been said before they dont like to consider this a recall (even though the guy at the dealership said it was one that had been recalled!) Got the AA to recover the car there and left it with them.

So as we speak its at Hobins Manchester being sorted FOC. Im just hoping it is the injectors that have caused this as I would have taken it elsewhere otherwise!! Plus ive got a faulty brake light which i havent sorted yet - I'm expecting to get a call regarding that really!

Anyone have any experience of Hobins Manchester? I generally can't be doing with confrontation so I'm hoping this is going to be a simple process!!

I had mine sorted at Preston Hobins - they were geat, they contacted me before SEAT uk - hopefully and surely Manchester Hobins will be as good. No confrontation at all - but did receive a call telling me that everything else under the sun was wrong with my car even though it had passed MOT a week earlier - this was expected though and they weren't pushy in the slightest. Good luck Kolathon!


I had mine sorted at Preston Hobins - they were geat, they contacted me before SEAT uk - hopefully and surely Manchester Hobins will be as good. No confrontation at all - but did receive a call telling me that everything else under the sun was wrong with my car even though it had passed MOT a week earlier - this was expected though and they weren't pushy in the slightest. Good luck Kolathon!

Well after picking it up I'm fairly impressed. They seemed ok with it - there were advisories for the cam belt (its never been changed with that garage) and rear bushes - probably something to consider before the next MOT. There was a load of white smoke coming out of the exhaust for the first couple of miles but that had gone once I got into work. I haven't given it any beans yet as I was sure I read that some people were told to give it 100 miles to break in.

Although it shouldn't have happened in the first place I like how everything has been sorted out. I'm just glad it didn't happen before the recall! I hope other people find the thread before they pay for it!


Active Member
Sep 6, 2010
I just bought a 09 fr tdi. I had previously read this thread but thought that my car had a CR engine not a PD???

The car went to the dealer just before I got it fr a check up and had new injectors and a air bag sensor changed under recall.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2008
S Wales
Ive booked mine in at the local stealer after having a letter regarding the injectors. I'm not sure if they're just checking they NEED replacing or if they will replace them all along with the loom.
Dec 15, 2007
South East London
Just seen this and although I have not had any problems I have booked my PD170 in after a call to SeatUK. No problem, gave them my chassis number and straight away they booked it in and said all work would be no charge. Just for reference they asked about servicing and I told them fully stamped up but never been to SEAT, again no issue at all.


Seat Leon FR TDi CR170 Injector Problems

Hi all,

Just been reading all your threads as my car is currently in with SEAT in Liverpool. I though it was just the PD engines that suffered with the injectors failing but not the case as mine is the CR engine. Couldn't believe it when my car started sound like the world's largest tractor as it's only 18 months old and hasn't yet covered 23k. I've been told that 2 of the injectors need replacing and am now wondering if the others will fail sometime in the future from what you guys have found out. It went in on Monday and won't see it again until mid next week at the earliest.


Friend to SEAT UK & Cupra Racing
Aug 16, 2007
Hi all,

Just been reading all your threads as my car is currently in with SEAT in Liverpool. I though it was just the PD engines that suffered with the injectors failing but not the case as mine is the CR engine. Couldn't believe it when my car started sound like the world's largest tractor as it's only 18 months old and hasn't yet covered 23k. I've been told that 2 of the injectors need replacing and am now wondering if the others will fail sometime in the future from what you guys have found out. It went in on Monday and won't see it again until mid next week at the earliest.

CR170 has a complete different style of injector so if yours has failed then its not covered under the Siemens PPD Injector failure recall

What year is your car?
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