Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem


Active Member
Aug 19, 2008
Don;t pay your self. Just phone Seat UK. They told me to book it in there and then and I had it done the next day!


Active Member
Jun 29, 2007
East Lothian
I think I may well have this issue. My heart sank when I saw a 27 page thread on this problem! My car cut out completely on the way home last night but started again. Luckily there were no other cars around and I was on a straight road.

I am letting the dealer come and get it and repair it and I will pay them whatever they ask. I will then recoup the money from Seat UK (if it is this issue). If it is this issue I am confident I will get all my money back seeing other reports on this thread (made my day!)

But the cutting out totally worries me as you lose power steering! That could be very dangerous even if it does only happen once every 3 years......thinking of changing to a common rail or older different engine....mainly because of my daughter..

You won't have to pay a penny mate because SEAT have now recognised it as a problem and are recalling all cars with these injectors fitted. You would have eventually had a letter telling you this but it seems yours have given up beforehand.


Throbbing Member
May 16, 2003
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Awesome. The garage just called. As I expected, it is the injector and all will be replaced FOC.

I didn't even have to ask. Top marks.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2010
Lads can you give me a bit of advice please.

Had a phone call this morning from the dealer alerting me to this injector recall. Its booked in for the check.

Mine is mapped should i get map removed ? And if i do will they still be able to tell the ecu has been tampered with ?

Mine is a 2008 FR and i have had the odd total cut out from the car in the last 6 months but it always re started. After reading this thread im very worried as i do a lot of motorway mileage with young children in the back and now i just have no confidence in this car at all.

Any tips on forcing Seat to exchange the injectors regardless of having the faulty part number or not ?

Just really need to feel safe in the thing again.



Throbbing Member
May 16, 2003
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Lads can you give me a bit of advice please.

Had a phone call this morning from the dealer alerting me to this injector recall. Its booked in for the check.

Mine is mapped should i get map removed ? And if i do will they still be able to tell the ecu has been tampered with ?

Mine is a 2008 FR and i have had the odd total cut out from the car in the last 6 months but it always re started. After reading this thread im very worried as i do a lot of motorway mileage with young children in the back and now i just have no confidence in this car at all.

Any tips on forcing Seat to exchange the injectors regardless of having the faulty part number or not ?

Just really need to feel safe in the thing again.


I don't really know on the remap front mate. I had a switch for mine to turn it back to stock at service time :) I think it varies from dealer to dealer. some have been known to get a bit funny. My own opinion is that they should replace it FOC no matter what you've done.

Also, I am assuming(rightly or wrongly?), that the new injectors will not suffer with the same cut-out issue?


Active Member
Jul 19, 2010
Mine was stage 2. Just told them no ecu updates. Dealer was brand new :)

Could they tell though if they looked, not bothered about them over writing it but can not get the standard map back on in time. They told me it just a check so would they look at the map ? If i have the bad injectors they have to order the parts and then take it back is what they said.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2008
Largs , Ayrshire
Could they tell though if they looked, not bothered about them over writing it but can not get the standard map back on in time. They told me it just a check so would they look at the map ? If i have the bad injectors they have to order the parts and then take it back is what they said.

I told them mine was mapped. No hassles


Active Member
May 19, 2008
Hi everyone. I have Seat Leon FR170 2007 and I decided to call SEAT Customer Service myself to find out if my car needed the injectors replacing.

After I gave them my REG they said that yes it is one of the cars affected and that I shouldn't worry as it's not a safety issue as such, but just a courtesy service they are changing them as many have been failing. They said when they fail your power steering and brakes should all still work fine but the car will lose power? (different to what some people on here have said..)

Anyway I was told to ring my local SEAT dealership to get it booked in for the Injectors to be replaced. They said this would all be free of charge (including a courtesy car for the day).

So I have booked it in for 16th Jan. The dealership said they were aware of the issue and they will do all the work no problems.

So when I have had it done I will write another update on here to say how the car feels after.

I should add that I haven't actually had any issues with the car at all, but I thought I would see if they need changing anyway after reading this thread!


Active Member
Jul 19, 2010
Hi everyone. I have Seat Leon FR170 2007 and I decided to call SEAT Customer Service myself to find out if my car needed the injectors replacing.

After I gave them my REG they said that yes it is one of the cars affected and that I shouldn't worry as it's not a safety issue as such, but just a courtesy service they are changing them as many have been failing. They said when they fail your power steering and brakes should all still work fine but the car will lose power? (different to what some people on here have said..)

Anyway I was told to ring my local SEAT dealership to get it booked in for the Injectors to be replaced. They said this would all be free of charge (including a courtesy car for the day).

So I have booked it in for 16th Jan. The dealership said they were aware of the issue and they will do all the work no problems.

So when I have had it done I will write another update on here to say how the car feels after.

I should add that I haven't actually had any issues with the car at all, but I thought I would see if they need changing anyway after reading this thread!

Exactly what they told me mate and ive had no trouble either.

Im not sure i belive them when they say the streering and brakes are not affected as far as im ware if the engine dies and from reading on hear it can youll loose servo assistance.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2007
East Lothian
Compo1 - If you have the bad injectors which you probably will have then I don't see why you have to take your car in to be checked? It can be done over the phone using your reg or vin. Mine was done over the phone with the dealer. I would just ring them up and ask them to check, it will save you going in and then them telling you to come back again because they'll have to order the parts in.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2010
Compo1 - If you have the bad injectors which you probably will have then I don't see why you have to take your car in to be checked? It can be done over the phone using your reg or vin. Mine was done over the phone with the dealer. I would just ring them up and ask them to check, it will save you going in and then them telling you to come back again because they'll have to order the parts in.

Hello mate

Yeah the vin been checked by Seat UK they say the car was made with the suspect injectors the dealerships told me the vin check is not 100% reliable so will need to chaeck before they order the parts. Annoying but i will have to live with it.


Leon FR 08

Pulled into works car park on Saturday morning, no problems, running smoothly on the way in. Finished 12 hour shift and try to start the engine.... Workhop Needed!

Looks like injector fault that everyone else had but the car wasn't running during the day.

Rang Seat UK first thing this morning who said they have an "upgraded" injector to replace all of mine with and I assume wiring harness also?

Just hoping it is a faulty injector!

Car was dropped off at my Stealer this morning and awaiting call to book in.

How does this stand as regards to a courtesy car? Obviously I have to wait to see if it is the injector problem but if it is I bet they won't have it fixed in time for my next shift on Weds night...therefore I expect a courtesy car should be provided!

Anyone got any advice/experience with this?

BTW Leon FR 08, 48K miles, remapped


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Depends on the dealership but every one I've ever been to will provide a free courtesy car - just give them a ring first to let them know you need one.


I can confirm that if you have the PD170 engine with the Siemens injectors, you should expect a letter from Seat in the next 12 months to confirm that they will replace them with a "modified" injector (different manufacturer).

They are starting with the older affected models first, which I think is 56 plates and working their way through. However, if you think you are experiencing problems they will replace them.

Call Seat and ask for Chris: 0500 22 22 22

As for the reason behind my car not starting, I replaced the key fob case, removed the battery and internal circuit board, put into new fob and used old key blade...but didn't realise the immobiliser is in the top half of the key where the bladed is! D'oh :confused:
Aug 11, 2008
I had the phone call today telling me to bring my car in to have it checked out. I'd had all my injectors replaced back in May last year though as when my car was stolen the idiots filled it with petrol and killed the injectors! So hopefully mine already has the newer type in and won't need to have them changed!


Ha well at least the numpties gave you a chance to get your car back!

It feels a hell of a lot smoother with new injectors... if they replaced them for Siemens Piezzo that's what were in originally, not sure what the replacements were... they didn't replace my wiring loom which I'm not sure if they should've??
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