Leon 110 TDI power loss


got a problem with my leon se 110 going into limp mode so garage using it on mine this week get back to you with results.


Just left into a deisel specialist today and he says i'll need a new turbo!! The vacum side is ok it's the turbo itself that's the problem. Apparently when the turbo kicks in it's right on the pressure limit before it limps out and the engine management is trying to keep it under control. Not good news.

What price are we talking about for a new turbo? Are re-conditioned ones easy to get hold of or are they worth it????!!

Not a happy camper!


got a problem with my leon se 110 going into limp mode so garage using it on mine this week get back to you with results.

I read a very interesting article in volkswagen driver this month which describes a rise in this problem. It describes my issues perfectly and shows this 'Turbo Clean' as being a new solution.

I'll be interested to see how you get on this week with this stuff!!



Dunno if this will work but tried to attach a picture. My mechanic found a pipe coming off a 3 way splitter from the MAP hanging loose and not connected into anything. It's the pipe to the right of the 3 pipes I have circled. Does anyone know where this pipe should be connected to? We couldn't figure out where it was supposed to go, couldn't find anything to connect it into.


Alright well, i'm guessing the picture attachment didn't work then, apologies. Basically i'm assuming that all pipes should be connected to something and not hanging loose. ??


Jun 2, 2001
you can't directly attach an image mate.you need a third party host like photobucket or the like .
hth ;)
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