J0N's (Jonnyjonjon's) LCR. Gone But Not Forgotten.


These arrived on Wednesday, don't know when I'll get around to fitting
them though what with work and the foul weather.






Fitted the THS FR3 Engine Mounting System yesterday with the help of a mate with a lift. Sorry there's no pics but I forgot to take the camera to the garage, damn. These were relatively easy to fit with access to a four point lift and I reckon we'd have really struggled without it but as it was the job was completed in about an hour. We did one mounting at a time ie removing one and then replacing it before moving onto the next.

Parts we had to remove from above the engine were Strut Brace, Airbox and Battery Cover. The Expansion Tank and Power Steering Reservoir also had to be loosened and moved out of the way and then the Splash Gaurd from under the engine. Once the Aibox is off you can take the top off of the trunking which carries part of the wiring loom, underneath the wires there are holes to gain access to the mounting bolts. We then lifted the car, positioned an axle stand underneath to support the engine and then lowered the car until we were at the correct height. The engine mount can now be removed and refitted, simples.

We then lifted the car, moved the axle stand to the other side and did the same again.

When we had fitted the top two engine mounts it was time to move onto the DBM. Because of the stiffness of the top mounts there was no need to support the engine so we just lifted the car and changed the part.

We then put back all of the parts that were removed and congratulated ourselves on a job well done. When I started the engine I was supprised how little vibration there was in the cabin, hardly noticeable at all and I reckon if you did'nt know the parts had been changed you would'nt be able to tell.

Driving the car albeit a short distance so far the first thing you notice is that the car seems much more direct in putting the power down and there is now absolutely no movement in the gear stick when you accelerate and ease off.

All in all a worthy mod and with the SCN discount it's a good price too.


hi. interesting building! would you recommend this engine mounts from THS?
I am considering buying the same for my LCR, now that the pound is so low:)


Ok. Because I have problems with wheel pop and think it would help with the engine mounts. i have seen there are some people that just have the engine mounts not the dogbone..why i dont no.. Do u have any clue why?
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A lot of people just uprate the Dogbone to help eliminate wheelhop and don't bother changing the top mounts. This is because you are most likely to suffer wheelhop when going in a straight line from a standing start and the Dogbone mount is the one that helps to stop the engine rocking transversely. Also it's a reletively cheap and easy mod.


looks really good that mate, a good decent size!
Keep us informed on any performance advantages.

Here is a before and after Vag-Com log, the first is from my PREVIOUS set up and
the second is with the JETEX setup.

The previous set up shows a maximum mass flow of 194.17g/s,
The Jetex set up shows a maximum mass flow of 202g/s, a gain of 7.83g/s and if I'm correct
a potential power gain of just over 10 BHP.

Wednesday	21	October	2009	10:37:03								
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT         0002										
	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020				Group C:	 Not Running
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		
	TIME					TIME					TIME	
	0	2160	34.11	73.3	22.5	0.4	0	0	0	0		
	0.91	2320	51.47	96.5	15.8	1.41	0	0	0	0		
	1.81	2520	73.36	100	10.5	2.21	0	0	0	0		
	2.61	2800	104.78	100	0	3.02	0	0	0	0		
	3.42	3080	108.08	100	1.5	3.82	0	0	0	0		
	4.32	3440	115.67	100	4.5	4.72	0	0	0	0		
	5.13	3720	128.69	100	6.8	5.63	0	0	0	0		
	6.03	4080	140.11	100	9.8	6.54	0	0	0	0		
	7.04	4440	152.81	100	12	7.44	0	0	0	0		
	7.84	4720	157.78	100	12.8	8.25	0	0	0	0		
	8.75	5000	172.17	100	14.3	9.15	0	0	0	0		
	9.55	5280	179.75	100	14.3	9.95	0	0	0	0		
	10.37	5560	186.94	100	14.3	10.86	0	0	0	0		
	11.28	5800	187.86	100	15	11.66	0	0	0	0		
	12.06	6000	191.53	100	15	12.48	0	0	0	0		
	12.88	6200	192.44	99.6	15.8	13.28	0	0	0	3		
	13.69	6400	192.14	98.4	16.5	14.17	0	3	3	3		
	14.59	6600	193.08	100	15.8	14.99	0	3	6	3		
	15.39	6760	194.17	98	15.8	15.9	0	2.3	6	2.3		
	16.4	6800	29.25	14.9	1.5	16.8	0	0	0	0		
	17.2	5480	11.92	9.8	5.3	17.6	0	0	0	0		
	18	5400	14.31	10.2	4.5	18.4	0	0	0	0		
	18.81	5280	13.31	9.8	5.3	19.21	0	0	0	0

Sunday	15	November	2009	06:48:11								
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT         0002										
	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020				Group C:	 Not Running
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		
	TIME					TIME					TIME	
	636.31	1720	11.92	8.6	30.8	636.7	0	0	0	0		
	637.1	1800	31.39	81.6	18	637.52	0	0	0	0		
	637.92	1920	38.22	87.8	15	638.42	0	0	0	0		
	638.93	2160	51.19	92.5	11.3	639.33	0	0	0	0		
	639.73	2360	69.31	97.3	6	640.13	0	0	0	0		
	640.53	2640	95.61	100	0	641.04	0	0	0	0		
	641.44	2920	102.86	100	0	641.84	0	0	0	0		
	642.24	3240	112.06	100	4.5	642.64	0	0	0	0		
	643.04	3560	125.31	100	6	643.44	0	0	0	0		
	643.86	3840	133.06	100	7.5	644.35	0	0	0	0		
	644.77	4160	144.69	100	10.5	645.26	0	0	0	0		
	645.76	4520	158	100	12.8	646.16	0	0	0	0		
	646.56	4800	163.64	100	12.8	646.98	0	0	0	0		
	647.47	5120	174.89	100	14.3	647.87	0	0	0	0		
	648.29	5360	188.78	100	14.3	648.69	0	0	0	0		
	649.09	5600	194.94	100	14.3	649.49	0	0	0	0		
	649.89	5840	196.81	100	14.3	650.3	0	0	0	0		
	650.7	6040	197.47	100	16.5	651.1	0	0	0	0		
	651.5	6200	200.94	100	17.3	651.9	0	0	0	0		
	652.3	6400	201.03	99.2	19.5	652.7	0	0	0	3		
	653.12	6520	202	99.6	19.5	653.52	0	0	3	3		
	653.92	6680	193.78	98	16.5	654.32	0	3	3	2.3		
	654.72	6760	184.61	99.6	17.3	655.12	0	3	2.3	2.3
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