So my latest project, retrofitting a wireless charger. I actually want wireless CarPlay too, but that is just a £100 dongle, so wanted to sort the wireless charging first.
Retrofitting is £265. I'm not tight, but that's just silly money. What I've spent so far will probably have other people saying, "why not just use a £5 wire from ebay", but for me its a reasonable amount of money to get rid of the phone mount and make it more OEM+.
I had it planned in my head at the start. Wireless charger to sit in the recess and a made to measure panel to sit on top. I didn't want to use a USB one as they don't have enough power behind them, so wanted it powered by the 12v socket instead. And I wanted it OEM looking.
As I progressed through this I realised there are easier and cheaper ways to do it compared to what I've ended up doing. But buying my wife a new smaller iPhone was too expensive haha, so my way had to be done..
So far I have spent £75, by the time I've finished it will be about £95, but that includes the cost of buying a set of precision tools £12) to be able to undo a T6 screw. But they'll come in handy
Biggest part of the cost is because I didn't want to have to wire it in to the fuse box as my dash cam is already wired in there. I wanted a cleaner 'plug and play' connection similar to the foot well lights wires I made. However I couldn't find the connections anywhere I'd seen. So instead I just bought the unit below for £75 (normally £100) and disassembled it:
So once it arrived, I dissembled the car to route the wire (well one panel trim) from the cigarette lighter to the recess.
could of been the end of it.
There is more than enough room for the wireless charger to fit under the actual plastic recess and plenty of air space to keep it from getting too hot. The plastic is only 2mm thick, so unless you have a really thick case (like an Otterbox case) the charging works fine.
However, my wife has a bigger phone than me (iPhone XR) with a rubber edged case too, so it doesn't fit in the recess flat with its case. So I wasn't 100% convinced it would work very well, or even work at all. So, I needed to put the charger in the recess as originally planned.
I also wanted no wires to be visible, so rather than route the wire from the top where there are panel gaps, I drilled a small hole for the wire to fit through. You can't see if I go back to standard as it would be covered by the rubber mat:
Now again that could of been the end of it because the rubber mat looked barely any different sat on top (only photo I have):
But I'm a perfectionist, my wife's phone still didn't quite sit 100% flat, but it did charge fine, test drive proved it too, but I still wanted to perfect it.
First thing I wanted to do was to raise the charger up slightly to give it some air flow underneath, to match the original unit. So it's raised 3mm. However as expected, with the recess gets bigger the higher up, it meant the rubber was a little more obviously too small, only 2mm side to side, but now about 10mm at the back.
So that's when my wife's Cricut digital cutter came out (that I've used more than her since she bought it). I initially scanned the original rubber to get the original shape. and then enlarged the centre section and back. That was template 1...
Few tweaks and Template 2 was perfect (I really expected it to take longer!)
Now before you say, but there is a gap on the left. Well that is deliberate for 2 reasons. The car was 0.2-0.3mm thick, and that section tapers in. Plus, I want some air to get down there to
help keep the charger cool.
I cut the template a few more times and created a 2mm thick template. It still leaves about a 2mm gap at the back for air to escape
So the template is finished and the digital version sent off to
@Tony Thurston to make me a mock up before the final design I want putting into it is done. If its all done correctly, the LED's on the charging unit should be visible in the plate itself

If the plan for the LED doesn't work as expected its not an issue as the charging unit gives audible beep when its charging or if there are any issues with the placement of the phone
Will update once done

but I'll be making one for
@paddy6789 that will be cheaper as we won't buy the Seat Leon unit, but the universal kit that is cheaper, just a more effort to wire in.:
So with the wireless carplay dongle, I'll have both wireless charging and CarPlay for considerably less than the retrofit OEM wireless charging

And yes I know I still need to fit my painted grills that are sat in a box, but taking the bumper off if a right royal PITA so still waiting till I do the intercooler.