Common Mk4 Problems


Emission light comes on and when idling the car starts to shake pretty bad and even sometimes loses most power ( even when floored wont go above 2k revs) although when i turn it off and on again its generally grand, its a 1.2 ibiza, any ideas whats wrong?



powered by pies- im having the same problem, any advice youve been given would b much appreciated if u could throw it this way cheers


i think i got coil pack problem, will find out tomorow. only had the car about two months. i thought it would be reliable because it was made by vw :( .....


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
i think i got coil pack problem, will find out tomorow. only had the car about two months. i thought it would be reliable because it was made by vw :( .....

True, I bought my Passat in 2000, but its reliability comes from its Audi roots, my wife's Polo, like your Ibiza are, unfortunately let down by many issues - some due to these cars being Skodas and others, like the coils due, to progress getting ahead of commerce in as much as the original coil designs were okay but most of the OEM companies moved the production out to "emerging" industrial nations - so we are paying the price!

Talking about Audi though, these coil failures are nothing number wise compared with the world wide 1.8T coil failures - same problem cheap manufacturing attempts - but that is the way MB and BMW have gone as well.
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Ive had mine in garage at least 5 times now and SEAT always come up with a different problem.
first was pipe to turbo - said was replaced under warranty
Air filter and air mass sensor - replaced under warranty
pipe from manifold - replaced under warranty

except im still having same problems since the day i got it. its on an 07 plate TDI FR. the turbo is exceptionally loud, engine sounds like a tractor, power loss, no power in 2nd and 4th gear. black smoking ALOT, and whenever i let off accelarator on motorway, even the smallest bit it feels like theres a hard force pushing the car back (sounds weird i know) and then its hard to get the speed back up! it bunny hops all the time (no its not my driving! :) ) and its just naffed.
everytime i ring them up they fob me off with different excuses. its being run on diagnostics twice now and first time Bury said they was no faults, second time Huddersfield said it showed a fault. so what are they playing at??
its an approved SEAT so it has 12months warranty, but im paying 8 and half for car, and 2500 insurance, so i want the bloody thing fixing! any ideas????

Thanks :)


Tdi 130 PD

I have a SEAT Ibiza 5 door 6 speed 130 bhp diesel. I have done 130k on clock since I bought it new as a second small family car back in 2004. Touch wood, can not think of any major problem ever. The car engine still runs as good as it was when new. I now need to do up the suspension though.


i think i got coil pack problem, will find out tomorow. only had the car about two months. i thought it would be reliable because it was made by vw :( .....

had it replaced today, cost £85 for parts labour and to reset the ecu..... anyone know if this is too much or the right sort of price ? :shrug:


Rear washer liquid tube popped off here also.
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Mégane F1 R26..
Dec 1, 2009
At a Shell garage..
Dont think theres a guide, but its an easy enough fix.

1. Make sure the actual water/mix in the bottle isnt frozen.
2. Make sure the nozel is clear, so thats not blocking the flow.

If both are ok, then get someone to spray the rear washer for 10 seconds or so and you have a look around.

1. Check behind the front n/s wheel, you might see water/mix dripping down which leads to the fault in the bay. Most likely the pipe underneath the airbox has blown apart. Remove the airbox, fit the 2 "ends" of the pipe together and tighten the jubilee clip.
2. Check the cloth trim on the o/s in the boot. If this is soggy then it will have popped off behind that. I think you need to remove the plastic at the top of the seatbelt to get into it. Should be easy enough from there.
3. Check the boot plastic, there could be water dripping from that. In this case the pipe has popped off where it joins the rear wiper/washer. Remove the bootlid plastic and attach the pipe accordingly.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2010
Dont think theres a guide, but its an easy enough fix.

1. Make sure the actual water/mix in the bottle isnt frozen.
2. Make sure the nozel is clear, so thats not blocking the flow.

If both are ok, then get someone to spray the rear washer for 10 seconds or so and you have a look around.

1. Check behind the front n/s wheel, you might see water/mix dripping down which leads to the fault in the bay. Most likely the pipe underneath the airbox has blown apart. Remove the airbox, fit the 2 "ends" of the pipe together and tighten the jubilee clip.
2. Check the cloth trim on the o/s in the boot. If this is soggy then it will have popped off behind that. I think you need to remove the plastic at the top of the seatbelt to get into it. Should be easy enough from there.
3. Check the boot plastic, there could be water dripping from that. In this case the pipe has popped off where it joins the rear wiper/washer. Remove the bootlid plastic and attach the pipe accordingly.

Cheers, dont think its because its frozen because the fronts still work? il have a go at the other stuff though and see if that works :D


08 reg 1.4 sport.
ECR light and engine management light on for 2 days, go to garage, lights go off the minute I leave the garage, and "no fault found" on diagnostic equipment.

Also, rear washer pipe put back on again (2nd time)


Mégane F1 R26..
Dec 1, 2009
At a Shell garage..
08 reg 1.4 sport.
ECR light and engine management light on for 2 days, go to garage, lights go off the minute I leave the garage, and "no fault found" on diagnostic equipment.

Also, rear washer pipe put back on again (2nd time)

ECR Light? Whats that?

Sounds like it could be a brakelight bulb or the brake light switch though.. I'd start by checking all your bulbs work.


hi i was wondering if anybody has had problems with igition coils failing on there cars i have had three go in the space of a month, and they were not on the same cylinder, have put an after market code reader on her and it just has the one fault of the coils failing, any ideas as what it could be if it is not just the coils have checked the plugs and they look ok.

Yes had the same problem with my SEAT ALTEA (5 years old 21k mileage) one coil just went. Replaced and I now carry a spare. Told it is another common VAG issue not specific to your model :)

Elsewhere you will see posts about coil failures on this thread (several pages back from this page) seems it was often due to poor manufacturing batches "from a developing country"!

Hope you have no more problems.

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Problem with HID lights

Having problems with one of my headlights. When i turn them on, it gives a flash then goes back off again, any ideas? Tried replacing the ballast but no joy.


Has anyone had problems with a creaking door panel? It is only the driver side but is very annoying as it generally creaks the whole journey. I have had the clips replaced so I know the panel is securely fitted, but this has not helped! I think the problem came after removing the door panel to fit new speakers.

Anyone have any ideas?
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