Common Mk4 Problems


Active Member
Jan 15, 2015
Windscreen wipers causing engine to stall

Hello everybody, this is the first time I have asked anything on here so I hope I get a good response.
My sons 04 Ibiza 1.2 regularly stalls when the wipers are operated. I can lift the wipers off the screen and start them ok so I know all the circuits/fuses are ok. Once they have been started like this they work ok on the screen, until the maybe the next time they are turned on. For that reason I believe its a "load" problem. Before I swap the motor I thought I would check the relay out. Does anybody know where it is (photos if possible) or have any other ideas please?


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
Hi, first you should really have posted this in the main Mk4 forum as it will get better exposure there. Your problem, maybe buy the Haynes manual for this car and use it to remove the wiper motor and linkage and clean and lubricate the pivots as it sound like they are tight/dried out and are making the wiper motor work overtime.


Active Member
Jan 15, 2015
Thanks Rum4mo, I did a quick squirt job with WD40 yesterday and it never faltered after that until this morning, and it killed the engine again. This time I turned the ignition on but didn't start the engine, switched the wipers on for 2 sweeps. Started the engine then wipers on again and everything kept running.
Although the blades clear the screen well I am going to replace them to see if it reduces the drag.

I've just found where to start a new thread, s o I'll do that next time cheers
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Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
If I had not chopped wife's Polo in against a new one, I would have needed to remove the complete wiper linkage, free up and clean the shaft/bearings relubricate and put it all back together as giving it a quick squirt of WD40 will only last a day or two before it dries up again as there is very little (caster) oil in WD40. I think that I used 3-in-one machine oil and dribbled it in a few days in a row as it just does not all run down where it is needed.

If you are keeping this car for a year or so, if I were you, I'd do it properly, where this shows up most is when there has been no rain for weeks - then you use the wipers. Up here in Scotland, that is not normally a problem! (probably the same for most of UK this year!)


Active Member
Jan 15, 2015
Thanks again RUM4MO, Ive been out this morning and bought some new wipers, got home put them on the Ibiza started the engine then the wipers and hey presto no problem. I think its definitely a load problem and your right the mechanism needs a proper lube on it and when I have more time thats what Ill do, thanks again.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015
Wire from battery to starter motor
The plastic bit that plugs into the starter motor had broke, fixed by AA man with a spade clip :) Harder to fix on larger engines as lots less space in the bay.
symptoms - nothing happens when you turn the key, you can hear the fuel pump, but nowt else.

Timing chain (1.2 12v engine)
belt slips causing all sorts of chaos, common fault with this engine, can happen at low mileage! Mine happened at 45k when the car was just (3 weeks [:@] ) out of warranty. BIG BILL!
SEAT UK SHOULD OFFER A GOODWILL PAYMENT, if the dealer doesnt offer, talk to Seat customer services.
symptoms - car turns over but will not start
is it a chain or a belt retard????????


Active Member
Jun 4, 2008
South Scotland
is it a chain or a belt retard????????

It is a chain on that 3 cylinder engine - well documented problem with chain tensioner slackening off when the engine is not running and being too slow to retension the chain so the chain can jump tooth/teeth and cause engine to go out of correct timing which might lead to rough running - or - not starting - or - damaged engine.


Active Member
Jul 5, 2016
Passenger window just made a noise but would not wind window down.. new regulator
Passenger door would not lock or unlock... Fixed itself after new regulator fitted
Fuel.volt and temperature gauge works when it feels like.. cleaned fuse connections on battery tray and moved cables over to the left and works fine now.
knocking from front end..still to fix
boot wont open..Still to fix
sluggish under 2000 revs.. egr to be cleaned and full decoke
rear washer jet dont work..Bugger that for now
Back later when new faults come to light

I have this with my passenger door I guess il be looking to change the regulator as well then


Active Member
May 20, 2017
Might seem silly - but have you checked your rear screen washer? The pipe for this runs up above the rear hatch then into the door via black flexible hoses (just above & to the right of your red circle). The washer system is known to 'disconnect' itself - particularly when the pipe freezes somewhere. Mine has popped a couple of times - but in the 'usual' place which is by the off-side wheel-arch.

If your washer isn't squirting (but you can hear the pump working) then this could be it.

Not sure how to fix it up there but hopefully someone else can advise.

Once fixed, make sure you use plenty of screenwash additive in frosty weather to reduce chances of happening again.



Active Member
May 20, 2017
Just fixed rear washer.
Rear nearside wheel arch. Pop off the trim inside the boot.
Pipe had disconnected- water not reaching the rear screen- just running into rear wheel arch and dripping/running onto road.
Feb 18, 2021
are people still having problems with these cards? I was thinking of buying a sappire 4870 tomorrow maybe the 4870x2 if i feel like dumping that much money in a card.
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