Common Mk4 Problems


Similar chassis, similar problems.

Polo 9N 2002 1.2 12V 65PSmodel...

Bought in September 2007 with 1 years comprehensive warranty and RAC euro break down cover.

1) Timing chain & tensioner (replaced under warranty)

2) Front anti roll bar bushes gone (replace entire arb kit under warranty)

3) Windscreen wiper mechanism (replaced under warranty)

4) Ignition coil (not done under warranty as taking time off work proved too costly) - replaced all 3 myself at £33 per coil.

5) Front lower rear wishbone bushes split (put through to VW warranty but they wouldn't accept being a wear & tear part) - replaced with Seat Cupra TDi bushes :p, also had to replace one subframe due to a jammed bolt)

6) Dogbone engine bush - miles too soft...replaced with poly bush, miles too hard...replaced with Polo 9N3 (mk7) revised!

7) Slack handbrake - adjusted through rear drum without taking wheel off, minor stuff.

8) Fuses - replaced ABS and electric mirror fuse, minor stuff

9) Interior rattles - one in the centre console, had since I bought the car 1.5 years ago, has gotton worse ever since, started to have a look yesterday and put in petrol pipe to reinforce a plastic support but haven't driven the car since so I don't know whether if I've fixed it or not.

10) New Front ARB kit - bushes squeaking, took bushes off myself and used copper grease on the mofo's. No more squeaking.

Have yet to experience any issues with the EGR valve or Lambda sensor. Must have one of the luckier Polo's.

Haven't fixed the knock coming from the passenger side front wheel when on full lock. Read today that someone suggested it might be where my foot is on the brake whilst steering...I have new shocks and springs already, replaced the top mount (bearings shagged) on drivers side but not the passenger side, could also be that.

EDIT 18/03/10 - Fixed centre dashboard rattle with petrol pipe, now to fix major rattle on the passenger side, had a look at it, seems like a poor design of the glove box. Not really sure there is much for me to do in this department.

11) Rear windscreen washer leak - plastic joiners underneath the bonnet behind the ABS unit had come apart, put them back together. Pressure still seemed weak...plastic joiners in boot area had also come apart, haven't tested the pressure since fixing today.

EDIT 19/03/10 - Rear windscreen pressure back to normal, sounds like a rocket about to take off. Took off a few screws here and there around the glovebox area and re-tightened them, hasn't rattled since but the glovebox lid is still rattly.

12) Centre console trim and vents - On the Polo mk6 (9N 2002-2005) there is a smooth layer of rubbery stuff which scratches very easily and can flake off after time. The vents also don't hold in place, if I pull a vent up it just drops down. i changed the entire centre console with a newer revised mk7 version (air vents is parts of the console). This newer panel doesn't have the smooth layer, it's just plastic and feels much more durable. Vents also hold in place but after a few months they develop the same fault and don't hold in place.
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Seat Covers

I've got worn driver and passenger seat covers on my 06 1.4 sport. It isn't normal wear and tear but poor design. The white weave in between the red is coming away by itself, it seems to be nylon or something.


Team Boc!
Aug 31, 2009
Milngavie, Glasgow
here goes....

car was at about 13000 miles. had it for about a month..coil pack died, cruise control died, break switch died, airbag needed re-wired (steering wheel now squeeks), usual rear hose stuff, wind noise, glove box has been jammed shut since i got the car, boot lamp doesn't sit in right/always falls out, trims keep falling off...the list goes on but i love it :)


Apr 8, 2005
I've had various rattles, creaks from the rear suspension but the worst was the boot lid refusing to open when I reached the airport car park! Had to get all the cases out by putting the back seats down! Any one got any tips on fixing this?? I've oiled greased all the mechanism and it seems to work for a bit then decides now and again not to open! Agghhhh!


Nov 19, 2009
I've had various rattles, creaks from the rear suspension but the worst was the boot lid refusing to open when I reached the airport car park! Had to get all the cases out by putting the back seats down! Any one got any tips on fixing this?? I've oiled greased all the mechanism and it seems to work for a bit then decides now and again not to open! Agghhhh!

Mine didnt work once when i took my sister to the airport :lol: funny old world..

I used CV joint grease... and used absolutely loads of it, up and in all the little nooks and crannies, then gave it all a good jiggle. Been fine for a few months now.


I've had various rattles, creaks from the rear suspension but the worst was the boot lid refusing to open when I reached the airport car park! Had to get all the cases out by putting the back seats down! Any one got any tips on fixing this?? I've oiled greased all the mechanism and it seems to work for a bit then decides now and again not to open! Agghhhh!

I had this on my last ibiza, ended up taking the plastic trim off the inside the boot, popping the white box that moves the clamp shut (solenoid?) taking it to my mate who at the time worked for seat, he ordered me a new one... i cant remember exactly but think it cost about £30 including his discount! Worked alright after that, but didnt keep the car for long so whether it was that or not i dunno.... might have fixed it temporarily by accidentally wiggling something!


Active Member
Jan 20, 2010
West midlands
i see there is a few common problems
would you recommend a tdi model for someone who sits in traffic all day or are all the rattles and noises that bad


Hi Mobo, i have TDI sport and sitting in traffic is no problem re noise or comfort. I do 30 mile each way commute; stop-start or pootling traffic in mornings up the M3.



Ibiza 1.4s

Engine Management light came on and car wouldnt start, eventually it did!! Sounded Rough! Only firing on Two cylinders!! Replaced all four Coils, problem fixed :D


Replacement of all 3 coil-packs on my Son's 1.2 Ibiza, needed a new lambda probe, done-in by the first failure. I replaced the 2nd and 3rd coils myself a fortnight after the Seat dealer did the first one. I had a local garage check with a Bosch lap-top style diagnostic unit, the day after my work, and the lambda warning was persistent. New one cost £85, replaced free of VaT or labour. The car is running on Denso Iridium Power sparkplugs, which are less demanding on the H.T. system.


had a hairline crack on the righthand side of the boot with made a noise got it fix under warranty took 3 weeks to be fixed
Rear washer pipe came off 2 times


intermittent imobiliser fault. Would sometimes start and immediately die. Keys reset (no cost but no better). So they took dash out and resoldered circuit board connections to fix it, seems to be OK now, cost £185 in labour charge. Was told if it needed new circuit board they cost £400 plus labour!


Active Member
Feb 15, 2010
West midlands
This is insane problem some people have on here , but we all still love it , all my problem started when instaling a raadio alpine ida x001 ,alpine conector for iso , all original genuine . after instaling the radio.

1 Airbag lights come up on dash does not go , allways back on after starting the car now is there for ever.
2 some times after few minuts of car in neutral the engine sounds like is going to cut off but then come to normal ,
3 . after 2 days stop when starting the car the rev speeds is 1. plus in without acelerating.
4. rear screen wiper no water .
5. sometimes the car sounds like is 3litre engine in there dont knwo if its fine or its a problem, special when parking . sounds coming from exaust ????
6. there is some quit little noise on driver front wheell , when parked on neutral ,dealer says its normal today , next day they cant ear noting , noise goes and comes back.


fr tdi steering problem!!

Hey up lads, im having a few problems with the other half's ibiza fr tdi 130 06 reg facelift model!!!
The steering is realy stiff entering corners then half way round the corner it loosens off to the normal light steering it feels awfull and borderline dangerous!!!
feels like there is no power steering then all of a sudden it will kick in.

Also the rear tyres are lumping round the inside radius creating a terrible wheel bearing noise!!!
how can i prevent this from happening its going thru rear boots on piece????


Hi folks,

I bought a Seat Ibiza 1.4 Petrol 56 with 27k on the clock. 1 month ago and i been having a problem with the handling specially in wet or bumpy conditions.

The steering is very loosy (i dont know if supose to be like that on this models) the thing is that Whilst cornering on a bend or roundabout the car feels like it is under-steering or like it is floating or driving on sand. Lane changed on dual carriageways or motorways also produce a similar nervousness, specially when is wet. The driver is unsure exactly what the front wheels are doing and the steering is not responsive.

I feel like i have to do constant micro corrections in wet surfices or roads with holes.. perhaps is just a feeling rather a necessity, nevertheless the steering makes the driver feels uneasy.

I checked the tyre pressure and were ok, then i brough the car to a kwit fit and they said to me that all was ok. After my independen local garage said to me that the o/s lower arm bush needed to be changed due to split. I drove after my car to Seat for a checking and they said the car was ok but they found the same o/s lower arm bush starting to split (even the chap said that was not very importart) they advice me to change it qouting me 220 £. Then i drove my car to another independent garage and they quote me 200£ for change the 2 wishbones + 2 bushes (cupra ones that are more hard, not the original rubber ones). I think i gonna chose this last option... and book the car for friday.

My questions are if someone has had same or similar problem? how affects the driving car a split bush? and following your experience what another things can be compromising the handling in a car fairly new and with 7m treat tyres all arround??

Thank you for your answers


Active Member
Oct 19, 2008
my list 1.4 100bhp AUB 02 reg
lost 5th gear had a load of plastic round it its fine now just squeels a tiny bit
new startermotor
gearbox leak
cables in window snapped
hand brake light flashes when accelerate after i changed discs n pads
arb buggered
thats all i can think of atm


Active Member
Feb 15, 2010
West midlands
I think best to do is go online and find warranty for it on a dealer it cost estra 300 per year , but online is like 170 , they pay all genuine problems that make huge bill they wont pay any mods but engine they will up to 3000 should be fine for the 200 and over bills .


Hey there,

Just got myself a 2003 Seat Ibiza with the 1.4 100 bhp engine.
But offcourse, there are already problems:

Interior was very wet, if i pressed the floor in the rearpassenger area, a lot of water came up. Fortunately that dried up.

I also have the foggy rearlights and headlights, imho a Seat problem, cause our '06 Nubira and our "06 206 and the Skoda's, Mercedesses and VW's from my work(taxi) doesn't have those problems..

But there's 1 problem i can't find the answer to: The key won't turn if i want to unlock the door manually... It does work on the rear, but also not as it's supposed to work, but both keys won't work on the driver's side of the car.
Fortunately the Remote control does work, but what if it runs out of battery?


Hey guys, posted about 2 months ago when I picked up my '07 Ibiza 1.4 sport (meant to be a DAB special edition - it's got everything EXCEPT the DAB radio! Just the standard one! Doesn't really bother me though). Looks like it's already got a problem!

The emmission light's come on. Took it out to pop down the shops just now, and the light came on. Cue much swearing from myself.

Can anyone shed any light onto what it could be? I'm assuming it's just the Lambda sensor? More importantly, is it safe to drive until it goes in (won't know until tomorrow when I can get it in to the dealers, obviously)?

Also, every now and then, the engine 'hiccups'. Nothing major, it just seems to drop power for about hald a second. then it's fine. The lights don't dip, so it's not an electrical fault as far as I can tell. It's not really causing me great concern, I'm just keeping my eye on it in case it gets worse. Sometimes it'll hiccup a few times a day, sometimes it won't do it for a few days.

Anyone have any idea what it could be?
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)