Common Mk4 Problems


Don't change them if there is anything wrong..

Whip one out and have a look. Take a picture and post it up if you are not sure what you are seeing.

Plugs have been checked, all ok.
DTC was for engine coolant temp sensor, has had new sensor and code reset, not sure if this will help with starting problem......


1.2 12v ignition coils

hi i was wondering if anybody has had problems with igition coils failing on there cars i have had three go in the space of a month, and they were not on the same cylinder, have put an after market code reader on her and it just has the one fault of the coils failing, any ideas as what it could be if it is not just the coils have checked the plugs and they look ok.


Rear screen washers stopped working this week, didn't worry too much as car was to be serviced today, reckoned they could bung the pipe back on while they were doing the service....oh no , its the pump itself, oh well, that'll be 10 days waiting for the parts to arrive........


clunking-popping noise

Hello all,

I bought a second hand Seat Ibiza 1.4 Tdi 2 weeks ago (05 model), and since then it has been 4 times in the garage trying to find a clunking noise in the driver wheel side.

The noise it happens when the engine is warm.. after driving 5 min.. and specially at low speeds and when going to stop and going from a traffic light. It sounds like a poping-clunking noise from the right front part of the car.. Noise is not very consistent when the car has driven for 5 min but when i drive the car for 30 min or 1 h the sound is more constant.. and allways coming from the same place.

The garage though could be the suspensions.. so they change bushings, ball joints and both shockabsorbers... i spend allready 400 £ and the noise still there. (as well has been checked the engine mounts)[:@]

Next thing i am thinking is to check the subframe bolts and mounts as in some forums ppl says that when the car goes warm the bolts can be loosy or could be a broke mount.

Any help, or anyone that had the same issue?

Thank you


Mine is a 2002 but I had a similar problem. It was the track controll arm, listed as "CONSOLE ...r/f tca arm" on my invoice, about £62 ex vat and fitting.
I think the part number is 6Q0199294D.


Clunking-popping noise

I really have to be very sure before to go ahead with the control track arms... as is not cheap and i already spent a fortune in repairs... You had the same noises in the same situations?


I wasn't suggesting you blindly have it replaced. Get the garage to check it over.
Yes I think I had the same noises in the same situations, it didn't do it from cold which made it hard for the garage to hear. I took the car back 3 times before they found it. They only found it the last time I went back as the track control harm had worn so much the noise was there all the time and they were able to see it. Driving on uneven ground like grass would make the noise appear.


I drive a sexy black 03 TDi 130 and i loves it...

Had it about a month so far and....

My turbo pipe came off and needed replacing, and now the rims are slightly cracked (from previous lady driver kerbing it all the time it seems) Passenger seat cable snapped trapping people in the back! and my lights mist up too, especially after washing them!

Those turbo pipes going are quite scary...makes you think it's the cam belt or something! and it's a common problem and easily fixed I'm told.

Anyone know where I can get a cheap alloy?


Active Member
Jun 23, 2009
1.2s 12v 2002.

to date.....

new cat converter
3 new coil packs
2 window regulators
1 seat lifter handle (the ones that come off in your passengers hands!)
exhaust manifold repair
today......exhaust manifold replacement

but would you want to drive anything else!!! no way!


bought my 1.2, 2 weeks ago and the rear washer stopped working and i ended up with a swimming pool in my boot.

What a pain it is to take the boot apart but it's all fixed now, i used some glue to keep it in place HOPEFULLY anyways


**new problem**

my mrs told me last night, "the car is making funny noises" i went outside an it has 2 broken front springs!!

its like driving a pogo stick at the moment....

it looks likes the near side has been broken for awhile, its all rusty

any ideas on a price for a set of front coils for a 1.2!?


Active Member
Oct 18, 2006
I changed the springs, shocks, topmounts and bumpstops on my motor last week (PD100). Parts were about £200 (Euro car parts)

£100-£150 to fit I reckon.

Seems to be a common fault on a lot of cars nowadays.



Active Member
Oct 18, 2006
2002 PD100. 3 door. Currently at 92000 miles.

60k Miles, needed new Unit injector loom to cure a misfire. £40, easy fix. Probably just needed the contacts cleaning, but doe to the low cost of the parts I splashed out :)

At 80k miles, and 6 years old, age got to the poor old thing.

Since then Its had.

Both window regulators, Not that bad a job really.

Couple of sets of ARB's keep intending to weld a washer or similar to stop the ARB moving too much. Crap bit of design.

Front wishbone Rear bushes. One required a new console after Pedro crossthreaded the bolt at the factory and caused damage which lead to the bolt snapping. The other bush was knocked in/out.

Front wheel bearings and track rod end changed (will do the other tomorrow if I get the time). Easy peasy to do if you have access to a bearing press :)

Outstanding jobs.

May do the front ball joints. as I will need to get a 4 wheel alignment done.

Fix the rear wash pipe which is split under the passenger footwell.

Fix the bloody seat release, 20p piece got caught in the mechanism and I was a bit of a Galoot :)

Other than that, it really has been a good car, had it for over 5 years and 70k miles.

I may have a mooch about the rear end and see how things are.


90K Drivers side window regulator failed.

95k miles. Broken spring. Replaced front springs/shocks/mounts etc.

Nearside wishbone bush on its way out. I blame the rubbish roads I drive on. Will replace with Cupra item If I keep the car.



Active Member
Jan 28, 2010
I thought it might be useful to have a thread to post problems encountered on your Mk4 Ibiza to see how common they are and if they have been successfully solved, preferably under warranty.

I thought it could include the car model, the problem, the symptoms and then the action taken to cure the problem and was it a warranty claim.

Here's my list so far:

04 Reg. FR TDi.

Recall for fuel pump bolts.
Replaced under warranty but this caused a fuel leak which was then cured at the second attempt.

New brake light switch.
Glowplug light showing on dash.
Warranty fix.

Power steering light showing on dash.
Warranty fix after 1 week wait for parts.

Fuel gauge stopped working.
Warranty fix of broken wire in footwell.

Creaking rear suspension.
Lubricated under warranty but ongoing problem when roads are salted.

Door seal round window replaced.
Excessive wind noise.
Warranty fix but badly fitted and did not cure problem.

Misting in all lights.
Removed bulbs and dried out headlights myself.
Comes and goes with atmospheric conditions.
Would not fix under warranty.

Various trim rattles.
Fixed myself with varying degrees of success.

Over to you now.:)
Hey Buddy. What was a problem with your fuel gauge??? I gaving a promlems with it now sort of temperature gauge and diesel gauge stop working all together, but if ill switch the engine off and back on - all back to normal.
Did u had the same???


I've got a 1.4 16V Sport and the only problems i've had with it so far are...

  • Leaking passenger door seal.
  • Condensation in the driver side headlight, got that fixed on warantee but seems to have returned recently.
  • Washer pipes on rear wiper coming off. (It's happened so many times i'm bored of getting it fixed.)
  • Lamba Sensor
  • It not starting first time on a cold morning, the starter motor just ticks over until you put your foot on the accelorator pedal. I thought a service would fix it but after the service if anything it looks to have gotten worse, anyone else have this problem?


Active Member
Feb 16, 2009
Rear Wash Wiper

Seems to be a common fault. The fluid tube disconnects from the wiper arm and then sends the contents into the boot.

Fixed under warrenty
wen i squert the back windows water seems to come from under the bonnet as appose to filling the boot lol:confused:


Born Slippy
Apr 16, 2009
- Passenger door wont open with key or inside unlocking button any idea whats happening with it? has it happend to any of you guys? Easily fixed?



i only brake for cake!!!!
Oct 4, 2007
- Passenger door wont open with key or inside unlocking button any idea whats happening with it? has it happend to any of you guys? Easily fixed?


sound like ye old door switch. there is loads on it just search door switch in the main forum


Active Member
Jul 11, 2008
1.2 sx 2004

hi had new timing chain fitted luckily the guy i go to heard it sounded loose and had herd of t problem so got that replaced with the new modified pulleys so it wont slip :) rear wiper is doing my head in iv fixed it three times now and It of agen [:@] front spring snapped and ended up ****ing the shock. abs light is on. engine cover rattles the hole time bit in the middle with the 1.2 12v fell of and got melted flexy on exhast has broke bit fed up off it rely then wife ****ed up front bumper when slid of in the snow i thing it might be ginks

also found the boot was full of water ended up striping bumper and all lights of and silicon up all body joins to solve the problem
Last edited:


Ive just got a 130 Sport TDi and so far
rear washer comes out in the passenger footwell
a small dash rattle
misting up lights
front left speaker doesnt work??
front left door doesnt unlock when ui pull the key out so the handle needs to be pulled twice

thats all for now but i forgive the car these problems as it looks soo good :D
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