Cheers for those El!! Shame they're so expensive to buy, tried upscaling but no look
Small update today, the "Shed" passed it's MOT with no advisories (I even left the HID's in!), although it's shopping list for the next few months is:
Oil Cooler (140*c oil temps are NOT good)
4 New Tyres (May have a change from the Parada's but we'll see)
Badger 5 TIP v2
Get graphics redone properly.
New DS3000 Pads
To do:
Sell standard parts when I get round to it, SMIC's, Downpipe, Splash guards, Air Box and some other things.
Find somewhere to
store the Interior now Mrs. Ape has moved in

Get the idea of breaking it for parts and build a locost kitcar with the 20v engine out of my head!