Ape's LCR225 Thread (Getting Back on the Road)


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Just not what I'd call "up to show standard" to be honest mate.

I need to get a wheel touched up after my running wide at Rockingham the other week, the graphics need to be put on by a pro.
My rushed efforts a couple of hours before our 'Ring trip have left some bubbles, creases, cuts and other nasties in the vinyl

Mechanically it's fine, it gets used hard and maintained over and above what is deemed "sane" :cartman: , although saying that, it's due some new gearbox oil and I've got to remove the catch tank sometime too.

I'm not really sure if it's fit for showing these days, have to admit the only shows I go to now are ones with a circuit to hoon round.


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Due to cash moneh's and other committments, we won't be hitting the 'Ring until next year again now :(

So.... to cheer myself up, I'll be taking the LCR around Silverstone @ Trax, and maybe Castle Combe as well before the summers out, then we'll see what the autumn track days bring :D

Quick list of stuff that needs attention:
Gearbox Oil
Service (3 months has come round fast!)
Rear Tyres (a touch of life left in them, not much though)
Remove bypassed Catch Can
Get loads of spare parts on eBay


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Aye, as well as saving for the LSD, Cage, Seats and various other bits :( all in good time though.

The Catch Can was causing too much pressure build up in the crank case when I was on a Trackday at Rockingham. Oil was being forced out of various areas of the engine, from the tank itself, breather pipes and the rocker cover mainly. That was after a 20minute session, I didn't want to risk further damage so rerouted some pipe work to miss it out altogether. It's a Toyo Can and the inlets are too small really, it's fine for road use, for sustained track abuse something a little more is needed, or in my case, a breather hose running out underneath the car.


-----Hairy Hoonigan-----
Nope, the TIP pipework is blocked off from the breather so that the intake tract remains free from oil vapour. I can live without a catch tank in truth, there was never any sludge in there in the time it was connected.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
I'm not sure if there's any difference in it going into the TIP or straight out under the car via a pipe really bud now that I've moved the restriction.

When connected to the TIP you have a vacuum sucking the system out, as in the OEM set up.
With the catch can almost none of the oily deposits get into the TIP.
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