8bit's Mk1 Leon Cupra R. Scarlett - as in Johansson...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Aye, specifically a missus-to-be with a wedding to organise and pay for ;)

Ah I see, sorry what I meant was that my plain discs now look a bit like records, they've got concentric circles around them a bit like tracks on a record (cmon you're old enough to remember them ;) ). The blurb about the Ultimax discs was saying that the grooves prevent the discs getting like that - have yours gone that way, can you remember?

Aye, we were out visiting friends in Balmedie area earlier, used satnav cos we hadn't been to their place before and still missed a turn and nearly got lost due to the fog!


Full Member
May 11, 2005
Angus / Edinburgh
You'll know where I'm coming from then! :D

Shame you ask about the Ultimax discs - only chucked them in the dump at the weekend there :doh: sorry can't remember what they were like, just remember they felt pretty meh and certainly not worth the ridiculous price for them.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Ah, no worries, probably wouldn't have been 323mm anyway would they?

Kinda feeling more like going for EBC plain discs and maybe DS2500 pads now I've seen that they're relatively cheap on Camskill. Means not having any pad wear indicator I guess but that's no big deal really.


Full Member
May 11, 2005
Angus / Edinburgh
Nope not 323mm but you could've seen them for wear marks etc.

You check over your car regularly so you'll notice when the pads are getting worn :) not had pad wear sensors for aaaaaaaaaaaages now lol.
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Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
So changed out the O-ring on the IAT sensor today. Didn't get off to a great start, the bolt took a bit of force to move which resulted in a badly cut finger and my 5mm allen wrench was added to the collection of nuts, bolts and other stuff which now live in my undertray...

By the time I'd cursed, cleaned up my hand and found another allen wrench I got the o-ring changed and tested for leaks. No more boost leaks!

So the car feels a little better I think and the screeching sound may be gone, but I'm still getting a touch of flutter. So I've so far eliminated N75, N249 and boost leaks. What to try next?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Small update:

Was on the rollers again at the weekend. Hadn't done a lot since last time, just fixed a boost leak, put some better boost hoses on (the old ones were badly kinked at the bends) and sorted out the B5 intake but thought it was worth checking the above and making sure the last result wasn't a fluke. See below:



Pretty happy with that :) Up a good few lb/ft of torque, peak power nearly bang on the last result (up 0.2 bhp but that will be within the margin of error anyway).

Got a package delivered last week, a set of Ferodo DS2500 pads and EBC plain discs. I'll do a proper update on those once fitted, tomorrow evening if the weather holds.


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
Good results mate :)

The EBC and Ferodo setup will work well. My Ultimax grooved discs and DS2500's really bite now, they're great.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers dude, yeah for a stage 1 map I'm pretty chuffed with that. The fact that the curves are so smooth and repeatable makes me think that the engine could take a fair bit more, just need to decide if I'm changing car after the wedding next year or not.

Looking forward to getting the brakes sorted, hopefully tomorrow evening. Did you do the "proper" bedding in method?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers mate, yeah it's nice to get some good news on the dyno but the best bit is how it feels, it's really responsive and willing, just feels very solid and smooth, like it could have come from the factory like that. Was on a Pistonheads run a couple of weekends ago, was nice to just enjoy it and it held its' own in amongst some more expensive metal - still lost sight of the Aston Vanquish S pretty quick tho ;)


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
As El said it's looking healthy, I'd take her stage 2 and let her breathe even more ;)

And no, I didn't do that bedding in method of slamming on the brakes on the motorway, lol. Just normal driving but gentle for the 1st couple of weeks, and they have bedded in really well. El gave me this advice after bedding in the same setup so I thought I'd go with that. They bite really well, the plain discs will be just the same, the only real advantage with the grooves is that they clean the pads off a bit better, I think. Plus I wanted the grooved look, lol :p

You will like the DS2500's for sure. Once heated up on a spirited drive, they really give you confidence!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers guys ;)

I'd be looking at the best part of a grand to get a FMIC and exhaust, and that's doing the FMIC on the cheap. If I was going to go for it then I'd ideally want to put it on coils or shocks and springs to improve handling first though, just can't justify spending that sort of money with a wedding coming now under 10 months away. Of course, if 2nd hand bits come up... Should keep an eye on ebay really though ;)

Deleted member 35798

Good result. I see they are still doing inertia runs?

I'd watch your boost, 26psi would be making me and my rods nervous!

I just de-catted mine at the weekend, surprised to find a noticeable difference over the sports cat!


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Good result. I see they are still doing inertia runs?

I'd watch your boost, 26psi would be making me and my rods nervous!

I just de-catted mine at the weekend, surprised to find a noticeable difference over the sports cat!

Cheers, yeah not sure whether to cut the boost back or not. I spoke to Matty about the fluttering sound, first thing he asked was is it worse in higher gears (which it is). He explained that he reckons that's just the boost control cutting boost after the initial spike (that'll be the N75 then). He asked what setting it was on, I said 6 and he said he'd probably leave it be. He didn't comment on the peak boost figure tho.

Some cars got inertia runs but not all of them, not sure what the logic is there. Forgot to ask :)

very nice ;)

Cheers ;)

Got some help from a mate and attempted to change the front discs and pads last night. Managed to break a 1/2" to 3/8" socket adaptor undoing the wheel nuts. Went to Toolstation and got (amongst other things) a 17mm 1/2" socket. Broke that too. Eventually got the wheel nuts loosened, thinking about it when I got the tyres changed recently they used an air gun to do up the bolts, not a torque wrench, which will explain why they were so bloody tight.

Managed to get one wheel off and set about trying to punch out the caliper pins. Turned out I don't have the correct type of punch. Then it started raining so we gave up and went to the pub instead :)

Discovered at least one of the brake disc retaining screws has sheared so will need to get a screw extractor and some new ones too.
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Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
So hopefully this week and next I'll be able to get this little lot installed on the car:


That's EBC plain discs and DS2500 pads. Oh and that might also be a Forge FMIC in the foreground which I may have picked up from a well-respected local member very recently :) Now just need the weather to hold dry for an evening or two...


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
Nice buys mate :)

Glad you bought a proper decent FMIC. Will be worth it in the long run. Hassle free and max performance ;)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Yeah I swithered over a DIY job for a while, then was looking at the AMD kit but when this came up I thought it was too good a chance to miss.

I also got the Forge MAP sensor tube as well so I'll be able to get shot of the horrible pancake pipe thing. One less restriction there.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)