8bit's Mk1 Leon Cupra R. Scarlett - as in Johansson...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
OK so the new N75 didn't fix the flutter, although the boost and power delivery through the gears and the revs feel a good bit stronger and less lumpy now, so worth it for that.

Noticed something else tonight, if I just floor it from about 30 or 40 in 4th, I get the fluttering noise coming on boost and there's not so much of a kick in the back. I know 4th is a longer gear than 3rd but it still feels a lot less. However, if I floor it from about 20 or 30 in 2nd or 3rd then I get a proper kick in the back rush as the turbo spins up quickly, and it sounds normal, i.e. no flutter. If I then grab 4th and floor it again then the turbo sounds normal and *bang*, there's that slam in the seat feeling.

So I think I've ruled out N75, probably dump valve and I guess since it's working some of the time that probably rules out MAF too. Any ideas gratefully received :)

On the up side, the car is now clean after yesterday's wash. Car was very dusty and a bit muddy with the weather of late and the wheels and tyres were still covered in that white grease/sealant stuff from having the tyres changed a couple of weeks ago. Some before pics:






And after a couple of hours dusting, hoovering, 2BM wash, wax and tyre dressing:






Doesn't scrub up too bad I think, obviously not at the level of some of the more pampered cars on here but to be honest by the time I'd done that all that my back was done in and I wanted a beer, not sure I could be arsed claying, waxing, sealing, polishing etc. I had washed the g/f's MX-5 earlier in the day though so maybe one day she'll wash her own car and I'll be able to spend a bit more time on mine, but I won't be holding my breath... ;)

EDIT - holy crap, just looking at those close-ups of the wheels makes the car look like it's jacked up on axle stands, I think it needs lowered soon :\
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LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
The car has come up a treat there mate, looks tidy :D

On the flutter, mine went with a new MAF and with the new SFS tip it's gone now from what I can tell.. I haven't heard it since.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers t0m :)

It better not be the MAF, I'm on my second one in under 12 months. Last one came from my local stealer and after about 8 months it was seriously under reading, they weren't interested in replacing it cos there was no fault code so therefore as far as they were concerned it wasn't faulty. Eventually bit the bullet and just bought a new one from SERE but don't fancy buying yet another one.


I've replaced coolant temp sensor,n75,maf, dv has been serviced and still
Get the surge. I'm on revo stage 1 with b5v2 and Jetex cone. I'm just waiting to replace intecoolers and exhaust then get the map
Tweaked that should cure it. Although 3rd gear still gets to silly speeds so I just tend to use 4th upwards when cruising at set speed. After 4000 in 4th the flutter goes anyway. As you've said in an earlier post your running quite alot of power for stage 1 so I should imagine quite abit of boost hence the bottleneck


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Think boost peaks at 1.6, sometimes 1.7bar in 4th. Thing is though, in 4th obviously boost is going to build more slowly than 2nd and 3rd so why doesn't it happen more in the lower gears than the higher ones?

It doesn't feel like it's surging though, if anything it feels like its' holding back when the fluttering noise is there.


LCR 225
Apr 29, 2007
Cheers t0m :)

It better not be the MAF, I'm on my second one in under 12 months. Last one came from my local stealer and after about 8 months it was seriously under reading, they weren't interested in replacing it cos there was no fault code so therefore as far as they were concerned it wasn't faulty. Eventually bit the bullet and just bought a new one from SERE but don't fancy buying yet another one.

Hopefully not another one mate... Fingers crossed.

My B5 TIP was loose and the SFS one was night and day I won't lie when that went on car felt back to its powerful best.

My MAF was under reading though car was only making 206 g/s which I don't know exactly but this is around 260bhp I think more like stage 1 territory.

Flutter would only happen in 4th for me and not all the time. Under strong acceleration it was. Has gone now though.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Hmm don't think my MAF is under-reading, I'll hopefully get it logged again soon to check but last time was only a couple of months back and it showed about 219g/s (EDIT - that was before the B5 TIP), on the rollers the car made 284.6bhp and the MAF log worked out at about 2bhp less so looks like it was healthy back then, that was about three weeks back.

I eventually managed to get my B5 TIP fitted nice and tight, only took about three attempts but the last time I got the spanners out I said to myself "if I still can't sort it this time it's going on eBay and I'm getting the SFS one". The last time I remember no fluttering noise was before I fitted the B5 v2 and the Creations boost hoses, may swap those back to the OEM ones to see if that makes any difference.

Hopefully some MAF, boost and N75 logs will shed some light.
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In the lower gears there is alot less load on the engine, the revs will climb quicker and the excess air drawn in will be used. In 4th their is Alot more load on the engine and when the boost builds up the revs can't rise as quick as a result the extra air drawn in has nowhere to go the engine can't suck anymore in then the air obviously stall's or becomes turbulent causing the noise


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
But surely the volume of air and the rate at which it's drawn in is determined by the turbo speed? Which is determined largely by the engine speed?

I'm sure I've got it wrong and you're about to point out to me what I've not understood so I'll ask my next question in advance - what do you think is next then, pull the boost back a little bit? Or maybe advance timing first to see if that allows the engine to use up the extra air?


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Mines fluttering, I think I've narrowed it down to the 007p opening under boost, so going to get a new yellow spring for it.

I've already got a yellow spring in my 008, also put a shim in it to see if that helped but unfortunately not. Someone pointed me at this thread on VWVortex here, one guy has a 007 and seems to be running about Stage 1 levels of boost, he had to put in a blue spring to fix it!

Also borrowed a HKS SQV dump valve to try. It's impossible for excess boost to push that one open so will try that. If that cures my flutter on boost then I know for sure it's a DV issue.


Full Member
May 11, 2005
Angus / Edinburgh
Also borrowed a HKS SQV dump valve to try. It's impossible for excess boost to push that one open so will try that. If that cures my flutter on boost then I know for sure it's a DV issue.

Before anyone starts pissing and moaning about a BOV not working blah blah, it is only getting used to rule out the DV unseating under high boost. :p


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Cheers matey, yeah i can cope with having to reset a couple of boost leak codes if it sheds some light on this issue :)


Active Member
Feb 11, 2010
Your car really does scrub up well mate. I still love these in red. Get it lowered, you wont regret it.:D

Cheers mate :) Lowering will depend a bit on saving for the wedding and what I'm planning to do with the car long-ish term. Quite tempted by the Weitec 40/40 or 50/40 spring and shocks kits, don't need the adjustability of coilovers personally.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)