
  1. VAG request - Colchester, Essex area

    Hello all, I've been pointed in this direction to get one of my keys reset. I've got 2 sets of remote unlock keys, they both unlock the car but only 1 will start it. I don't have the SKC either Thanks very much!! Beer tokens included! Rob
  2. vag com codes?

    Hello all, I have looked down in the vag com section, I could have sworn I seen ages ago a post on the forum with all different codes to change/tweak things in the leon, one of them I can remember was making a beep every time you lock/unlock the car. I simply can't find this post or else I...
  3. Vag Com Bradford

    Hi folks, wondering if there was anyone in the Bradford area that has access to vag-com today (sunday). Engine management light came on yesterday and the car is driving like crap. Thanks Umar
  4. vag com ?

    can airbags be deployed by accident when looking for fault with them
  5. Vag com in sheffield Please Any1111

    Anyone in sheffield in the next couple of days, Need my key coding to the immobiliser Thanks
  6. chaazza

    vag com in cornwall

    as above any one got vag com near cornwall cheers in advance:D i need help i bought a vag-com lead off ebay n ive downloaded everythin but i just dont know where to plug it in to my car can any 1 help me??
  7. epts2008

    Quick question bout VAG software

    Basically I just want to do a couple of stupid buts on my car like turn the remote locking alarm bleep on and the anti hijacking on and the twin remote locking from the remote on but for just doing those few small jobs seems I have to purchase a licence to do so with the cable is there another...
  8. Mitchy

    VAG K04 Turbo Range...

    Not specifically Leon related so i suppose it shouldn't be posted in here but question is, what cars in the VAG range use the same engines and turbos? (New breed) I know the base 2.0t cars are 200bhp, although the new golf gti upto 210bhp? What have VW done to extract the additional 10bhp...
  9. vag com questions

    i have vagcom but have never got it working with the car, its the cheap ebay cable which i know people have had working but i get com port errors when trying to use it.....anyways i want to dedicate this thread to anyone wanting to ask questions about vagcom, i dont personally know much about it...
  10. VAG choice - which to do?

    Siyuation is the proper VAG COM stuff is too pricey for me so its going to be a cable off fleabay. I can either get a USB cable to use on my fairly up to date Dell laptop with VISTA or buy a serial cable to use with my P133 ancient laptop which runs XP. I see many people having issues with...
  11. vag com wanted

    :phi guys im after vag com can anyone tell me what package i need many thanks guys 1.8 20v beazer cupra
  12. The MoffMeister

    Vag Com wanted!!

    Hi guys for those of you that have bought vag com where is the best place to buy it and what kind of package am i after for my leon cheers all
  13. teeth2k

    vag com fault help

    i have ran vag com and found this fault Chassis Type: 6K - Seat Ibiza Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,17,25,35,56 Address 01 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 037 906 024 BE Component: DIGIFANT 3.2 2121 1 fault found 00522 engine coolant temp sensor (g62) 27-10...
  14. teeth2k

    vag com fault help

    i have ran vag com and found this fault Chassis Type: 6K - Seat Ibiza Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,17,25,35,56 Address 01 ------------------------------------------------------- Controller: 037 906 024 BE Component: DIGIFANT 3.2 2121 1 fault found 00522 engine coolant temp sensor (g62) 27-10...
  15. mike2926

    Vag Com request in Essex

    hi guys, i have just got a leon cupra R225 and for the fist 1-2 seconds after changing gear the engine is reving but not really going any where (like i still have my foot on the clutch a bit) i have been told that it maybe a boost leak or a faulty DV. if anybody could help me out i would be...
  16. ebo007

    Vag com help Dundee/Perth

    Car was in garage yesterday and for 40 quid they told me i had 11 fault codes and i could expect a big bill to investigate them all. So came on here and was informed to change fuse 8 which i did and the TCS light that was on has gone now. I still have the diagnostic light on and need it cleared...
  17. vag com non responsive program.

    hi as any one else had problems with vagcom stopping responding when you click test. or could i have a faulty cable?
  18. help configuring vag com with cable and car

    hi, i currently have a mk1 audi tt which i want to use vag com on, but my mother also has a 2007 model toledo which i want to use it on i bought the cable off ebay for about £15, and i have tried 3 different versions of vagcom but with no success of getting the cable to work ive managed to...
  19. ebo007

    Any one how vag com near Dundee!

    I have the diagnostic light and TCS on. Is anyone close who could have a look for me? Save me going to a garage and getting robbed for a ten min job. Would come to arrangement over cost? Thanks!
  20. Massileon20vt

    Vag Com: i'm searching the full version of the software

    Hello! Exist a full version of vag com, free? Because cost 99 dollars and whith my version, not complete, i can't see the turbo boost and others function! Thanks
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