
  1. Cowie

    My first vag com logs,whats the verdict please?

    here is my first logging,could any of you guys comment on how the figures look and is there other blocks i should be logging,this was my 2nd run,4th gear 40mph through to red line. Group A: '002 Idle speed Engine load Inj. period Air mass in TIME 700-820 rpm 15-25% 2.0 - 4.0 ms...
  2. Cowie

    vag com license,how do you receive it?

    Am looking to get the full version of vag-com(have the shareware version 409.1)my question is when you go to purchase it,i've noticed it says you have to sign for it when you get it through the post,i'ts only an activation code isn't it,can it not be sent via email? Cheers.
  3. Vag Com price?

    Hey guys, was wondering where would be the best place to get me self a Vag com and how much? Seen the cables on ebay and they claim to come with software but there only about £15 so that cant be right surely?
  4. midgetgem

    Back to VAG!

    After a break from vag, (owned a focus! sorry everyone!) i have treated myself to my first leon cupra and here i is :funk:
  5. Memphis

    Vag com 17055

    I've received this error on my PD150 today. 17055 - Cylinder 1 Glow plug - Electrical fault. I've only scanned the engine controller but that is the only code so far. Any chance this can be pinpointed to one problem? If it's just the glow plug itself how easy is it to change? Is it just a...
  6. Molehill_Mike


    Big thanks to Darryl at Willoughby SEAT who beat our local dealer on a deal for a 1.4 ECOMOTIVE IBIZA. White with rear Tinted Windows...get in! Pick up October time! Mike
  7. Vag specialst Newport/Cardiff

    Hello everybody, just bought a leon fr tdi & wondered if anybody can recommend a vag specialist around Newport/Cardiff? Also, can anybody tell me of anywhere that will retrofit cruise control? Cheers
  8. MartinDov

    vag com Aberdeen

    Anyone near or around Aberdeen area with vag com for my seat ibiza mk4. Make it worth your while :) Need to check error code for my random engine diag. light :confused: Thanks in advance
  9. Will vag com tell me...

    Hi guys i haven't got but was wondering if i found someone that has would it tell me whether i was down on power etc or had a boost leak or leaky dv etc?
  10. Yaboy

    vag com in london area

    Hi, could someone in the london area possibly let me use there vagcom to match my ecu to dash etc ? would really apreciate the help as im well stuck on this one, thanks :)
  11. LCRglen

    vag com req colchester

    can anybody lend a hand see my post under leon mk1 "car juddering under power"
  12. What V.A.G. Seats will bolt straight into MK4 Ibiza?

    I've owned my 130 PD Sport for 4 months now and i'm pretty happy with it, just that the drivers seat is killing my back. I find this odd as i've had recaros/sports seats in almost every car i've owned and never had an issue. I think it's because the Ibiza sport seats are really firm but have...
  13. Vag com anyone got one - sittingbounre

    Hiya everyone just wondering if anyone near Sittingbounre got a vagcom unit what I could use as I feel my car isn't running right
  14. meltonlad

    just ran vag com help plz

    my car has got a drink problem so i thought i would run vag com. results are. 16518- oxygen (lambda) sensor B1 S1 :no activity p0134-35-10 --- intermittent what does this mean ?? could this be why its got a drink prob ?? :confused: its a mk2 tolly 1.8 20v
  15. obou

    man with vag com in norfolk

    i brought it from ross tech and live in thetford if any1 needs a hand p.s only had it a sort time but can do the main stuff on it
  16. can vag com program transponder chips

    i know that people on here will know this as you lot seem to know everything. i would like to know if that vag com can program a transponder chip in a key ? and if so how to do it. plus is there anyone with vag in portsmouth area.
  17. vag com code!?

    ayup lad's i have fitted a FMIC the other day and after doing about 80 miles it lost all boost, then i switched the car off and straight back on again and niped all the jubli clips up and its been fine since and i have done around 150-200 miles in it.So the other night i had my car put on...
  18. RabReith89

    Vag com

    Can someone plz tell me what vag com is and how it works and can i buy this??? I have been using seach but cant find the answers. Thanks Rab
  19. stef cupra

    Some help please - vag com results, car running like a fart!!

    had my mk1 leon cupra 180 vag commed today as its running terribly, and shown the following codes. did a few searches but im not very mechanically minded so can someone put them into Lehman's terms so i can go to a garage and say i want this this and this. thanks!! 16804 17705 16514 17524...
  20. jamieread

    Autometrix VAG trackday at Castle Coombe

    Pics of some of the Seat's at the autometrix day at coombe on saturday.
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