
  1. Checking Injectors with VAG Com

    Hi guys, tried to search forgive me if its in here, but i can find it nor on tdi club. Is there a procedure for checking the health of your injectors on an ASZ PD130 with vag com... many thanks, Scott
  2. Wolvotim

    first dable with vag com

    :help:Ive had the cupra about 6 weeks now and ive just got me a vag com cable. Ive set about doing a log not really to sure what im looking at or even if its given me any useful info Sunday 3 January 2010 14:06:47 06A 906 032 MJ 1.8L R4/5VT 0003 Group A: '003 Idle...
  3. ashley600

    Vag com Leicester

    Anyone in the Leicester area able to help find a cruise control fault cheers ash
  4. Breezapom

    Vag com Error

    Hey guys just fault checked my car and its got 1 prob so not too bad but wondering if anybody else has seen a fault like this on there car?? mine is a mk4 fr 1.8 20vt VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-S Chassis Type: 6L - Seat Ibiza Scan: 01,02,03,08,09,15,17,19,37,44,46,56,69 1...
  5. Vag com in south wales

    My engine management light has come on , woild anyone be able to clear it / see what fault it is please , I will supply alcohol of your choice . Thanks John
  6. vag com faults tryig to clear them

    hi all just done a vagcom check on my car its brought up this fault massair flowsensor g70signal too low p0102 35-10- intermittent does this mean i need to buy a new sensor or can they be cleaned also can i clear the fault using the shareware 401 version of vagcom or do i need to buy the...
  7. vag com cable

    can anyone tell me where i can buy a vag com cale please and were do i download the software
  8. Vag Com fault reading

    Component: MARELLI 4MV 5018 Coding: 00071 Shop #: WSC 00488 WVWZZZ9NZ3Y102783 VWZ7Z0B5625101 1 Fault Found: 16804 - Catalyst System; Bank 1: Efficiency Below Threshold P0420 - 35-00 - - Readiness: 0000 0000 car is a 1.4 100bhp. cant...
  9. Vag com in nottingham

    Anyone? Had the engine managment light pop on tonight, car seem fine though. Drink in it for you.
  10. which VAG COM

    I want a but i just dont know where to get it from or which is the best for my money? i dont want to spend more than 70/80 quid but want a lot of functions and want it to be able to read all the codes. there is one on ebay for 69.99 its red and wondered if anyone has one or rates it?
  11. laawtytdi

    Vag com help manchester

    hi there guys, is there anyone near manchester that can spare a bit of effort and time for me to test faults etc on my ibiza fr tdi 56 plate?? got a number of warning lights on the dash!!! any help you be appreciated cheers
  12. vag com code 16555

    Hi Guys, Short question, Does a Seat Leon 1.6 Mk1 02 Reg have a MAF (Mass air flow) sensor.? Long question, I have a Seat Leon 1.6, 02 reg. It has the amber engine light on, I have a cheap VAG COM which has error 16555, I have googled it and reads "Fuel Bank 1 , System too lean"...
  13. Jamie P

    Help... Vag Com Code... Merci...

    Good afternoon ladies and Gents, Apologies for a thread like this but needed to see if anyone has had the same problem as moi! I have had the TCS and ABS lights on the dash, got it on Vag Com and these are the results... 1 Fault Found: 01276 - ABS Hydraulic Pump (V64) 16-10 -...
  14. cus

    Slammed Audi A4 :) ... page 4 = RIP :(

    well as many of you already know, had a SEAT Ibiza Cupra, couldn't afford running costs, so PX'd for a Pug 106. It was a great, fun car to drive, but decided I needed VAG in my life again! so bought a completely standard 1996 Audi A4 1.9 TDI.. done some little things to it, and now it looks...
  15. gezmeister

    Which version of vag com do i need?

    From the list on Ross Tech, can anyone tell me which version i need for my 2001 cupra? Cheers
  16. location of data link socket (16pin) vag com please help

    hi was wondering if anyone could tell me were the 16 pin data link socket is on a seat leon 2000 1.6 sr:wtf:
  17. cupramillo

    Help with VAG com SCAN results

    Hi, can anyone shed any light on my VAG com results i got from tonights scan. Sunday,29,November,2009,18:57:07:56783 VCDS Version: Release 908.1 Data version: 20091018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  18. LCRglen

    vag com crashing

    right i have searched the forum and cant find my answer . basically i have bought an ebay lead and the 409.1 software installed it , and it looks ok port recognised interface is good however when ever i try to enter any of the boxs eg select control modules . i get an error message of vag com is...
  19. vag com

    hi people quick question do i haft to use vag com or can i use anyother car dignosti eg:OBD2 II
  20. R100XET

    anyone with vag com please

    ive had a fault code read today but the guy couldnt tell me what it was..the code that came up is p041 thanks
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