
  1. Vag Com User near Slough

    Hi, Is there any1 that has a vag com that lives in Slough or near Help Please!!!
  2. danielc16

    Vag com? need to find a fault will pay cash!!

    my tcs light and epc light have come on and my car is in limp mode so i need some one with vag com to help find the faults so i can replace the part! will give cash to any on that can find my faults any one??? :cry:
  3. _chris_

    vag com anyone around matlock/chesterfield/derby

    hi I dont know if its me just getting used to the car or if it is down on power. would someone be able to just run vag com on it and check it. I live in matlock and work in derby. oh and its a 2005 lcr cheers chris
  4. cuprakris

    any1 with vag com in east anglia please

    hi all i had a engine managment light come on today and not sure why just wondering if any body in east anglia has vag com and could detect it for me i could travel a little way i live in ipswich thanks
  5. vag com steering module address

    HI all, im looking to adjust my steering weight but cant seem to find the steering module in vag com!!! can anyone tell me the address so i can directly access it? car is an 05 mk4 ibiza. Im going to follow this guide :) thanks guys
  6. devonmikeyboy

    Vag Parts cease trading.

    Taken from another forum: Quote: We have some very bad news to share with you. The Euro exchange rate has fallen so fast and so rapid with no sign of a recovery that our company accountant advised us that we will not be able to trade anymore after next Monday. It is a very very very sad...
  7. vag com free version what can you do??

    what sort of things can you do with the free version of vag com going to buy a lead off ebay and download the free version of vag com want it to change the auto locking and turn down the egr on my diesel will it do this?
  8. vag com in plymouth/south devon

    anyone with vag com in plymouth or south devon area that would be kind enough to try and get some fault codes out of my car would be useful...... i dont mind paying for the help either, so your quids in if you help me out :) cheers
  9. VAG turbo cupra TDI

    anyone had trouble with a cupra disel? i had it mapped two years ago by Jabba and it has blown two factory standard turbos. i am buying a VAG turbo from Turbo Dynamics, any advise on this would be nice, hope every one had a good chrim bo
  10. oldman

    marvin123 vag cable not working

    Hello All, I purchased the following cable as was recommended it from here as confirmed working with vag-com & vcd, but unable to get working:: OBD 2 KKL Diagnose - Kabel für VW / Audi / VAG from seller marvin123 Have had a read through quite a few t hreads inc the stickies and can see...
  11. VAG COM help - cable

    pretty much since i got my copy of VAG COM and eBay cable, i've struggled to connect. Usually takes a couple of attempts to get it workin, however, tonight it wasn't picking anything up. Sometimes in the past I get a bubble in the system tray, kinda like detecting new hardware. This time...
  12. wilz

    New symptoms, backfiring excessively at 4000rpm

    Right guys got my new maf fittted today along with my cai from the bay, but to no avail it still boosts in 1st, go into second get up the revs and bang it feels like someone has just stamped on the brake pedal, into 3rd and it just revs all the wayround with no boost? Any ideas? With...
  13. VAG MAP sensor mounting tube is it a good mod

    VAG MAP sensor mounting tube is it a good mod
  14. SNOWZ

    vag com in Hereford

    i have used the search bar before i wrote this lol after reading other threads about vag com and finding Rosstech i want to down load a version of it for myself but i dont know which version i need to down load can anyone please tell me which one it is or post the right link for me or is...
  15. vag com south devon pretty please??? (beer tokens guarenteed!!!)

    my engine warnign light came on on sunday, the car is not preforming well, i had 3 coil packs replaced a few months ago (it was still under warranty) but as i recall it was quite costly, i could do with finding out the code to be able to figure out what i need to do!!!:confused::confused::cry...
  16. Freeware VAG Com?

    It seems there is a freeware version of vagcom available. Is this a autherised release from the VAG com makers? Also what features do you get with the freeware version?
  17. paul-murphys

    brought vag com what else need

    hi guys ive just brought vag com off ebay.... have i brought the right thing or an i going to need something else as well...... where do i get the software from or will software comes with be ok? i have brought...
  18. Sportrider

    what sections of vag com are used the most?

    hope someone can help this could be a sticky guide if we get enough responses. i was wondering what sections i would need to learn about to make the most of it? whats used mostly as a convenience and whats used most to sort usual faults with an mk4 ibiza? thanks in advance
  19. VAG COM from EBAY?

    has anyone bought vag com software from ebay? the lead and free software? if so, how was it?? worth the money? its fairly cheap from what i can see, around £13! including usb lead, or is it just too good to be true??:shrug:
  20. VAG Com in Lincoln area

    Hi, does any one have vag com in the Lincoln area, just want to do a quick scan for faults see if they throw any light on a cold start problem. Cheers