
  1. CupraElliott

    Elliott's MK3 Ibiza Cupra Update * carnage has begun*

    Onto my second Cupra now, I must be mad :D Bough this after the Cupra Was a gorgeous car, but I needed some fun again and for the mpg it did I could have had something much faster. So up for sale it went, was looking for a swap for either a LCR or another Cupra. A month down the line...
  2. Tfsi_Mike

    TFSI Mikes Stage 2+ Cupra

    Will try and find time to do a propper write up. Well happy with the car but as always wanting more more more! :P Heres a couple of quick snaps..
  3. Rocky Rocastle

    Rocky's Readers Rides Reignited - 06/10/2010 welcome Cupra number 3

    I've been part of the Seat scene for 15 months now and I have to say,even with some niggles along the way i've loved all of it so far. I started with the below 1.8t Ibiza Cupra, bought it in January 2008 and I had it approx 12 months. Don't get me wrong, I loved it but with it being 99% of the...
  4. cupra_tan

    Mk1 Imperial Blue Leon Cupra: UPDATE - NOW DEBADGED!!

    Hi guys. Finally got round to washing my cupra, so thought id take some pics and get them on here :) I bought it from my brother about 3 months ago and im absolutely loving it!!! Hope you guys like. Cheers Tanya
  5. My Imperial Blue Leon Mk1 TDI 110 - :.:update pg4 :.:

    i picked up my what was ment to be a daily car last month but after driving it every day then getting into the polo i have decided its time to get the dub bug out of me and sell up the polo and start on the leon :D the polo is being put back to standard and the leon is getting all the...
  6. Craigus

    Craigus's Black LCR project thread (Recent update )

    I have sold the leon FR.... In with the new... Black Leon cupra r 1.8 20vt (225) Im glad im back on the petrol now :P, these photos are from the advert, i need to get some proper ones sorted. Cheers Craig
  7. Diverter Valve failure i think...pls help?! *update*

    so the other day i was connectin up to a highway, passed another car quite quickly in do so. moments later...i was tryin to go foot flat and the revs took forever to climb unlike before. i initially thought it was the heat as we did have quite a summer day. nonetheless it persisted later on...
  8. emlyn11

    emlyn11's mk3 cupra build ..... For sale very shortly :(

    Current SPEC: 2001 mk3 Ibiza Curpa Black Engine: REVO stage 2 software SPS3 Controller Universal FMIC 3" Blueflame Downpipe with race cat Milltek 2.5" Cat-back with twin pipe backbox Forge 007p N249 bypass (I'm convinced it's wrong) Forge black Turbo intake pipe Custom induction mods...
  9. Spud_G40

    Spud_G40's BT Mk3 Cupra - FOR SALE

    Hey, Been on the forum a few years now, decided I would put some pictures up of my car, Had a Polo G40 before this hense the name, and bought my car after looking around on here. Here is my wee G40 Heres what My Ibiza looked like when I bought it back in July 06' Spec when...
  10. Threesome [Photoshoot] - Update...

    2+1 (: The Seat's arent mine (mine is at home with no clutch :(), but the girl is mine :)
  11. 1.9...stefan

    Stefan's TDI toledo... NEW CAR PICS

    My toledo, doesnt need the big intro that was here.... purchased 5th november 2008.. first post updated 26th august 2009 so first mod was a full interior, minus door cards out of a 05 leon fr... this was done on the second day of ownership Secondly i decided to tint my rear lights, i was...
  12. Manifold/Turbo Setup - **UPDATE: FIXED**

    Hi people Had my local mechanic visit me yesterday to try and sort out my blowing downpipe/manifold on my mk4 ibiza cupra T 180. On inspection he seems think its blowing from the top of the downpipe/manifold area where it connects to the turbo, he could only here it but cound not feel a...
  13. DaleGT

    Ibiza Cupra MK3 Blue SOLD :(

    Hi everyone and thanks for your welcomes on the newbie thread :D I picked up my 1st Cupra last week, i'm well chuffed with it, there are a couple of little bits that need some TLC but other than that its great :D I do have a few plans for it, but dont know were to start, i'm like a kid in...
  14. MartyP's Cupra - Update :)

    Hey guys, i've been floating on this website for a while now and i must admit a lot of useful tips/info here. I recently bought myself a cupra... which is a big step for me as i've been driving mini's/VW all my life :blink: Anyway here's what i've been playing with the last few weeks...
  15. Paint code: matching original paint? (UPDATE)

    well i went past a panel beater earlier to get them to check out a bad scratch on my front bumper, side door dent and various surface scratches around the car. they commented that they shall press out the dent, polish out most of the scratches and respray a small part of the bumper to fix up...
  16. Emz

    MK2 Arosa Sport - Update!

    Hi! Well I only picked it up yesterday and already love it! It's a '03 Seat Arosa 1.4 16v Sport in black. Completely standard with the exception of the Scorpian back exhaust. These are the only pics I have of it at the mo, with the bf's Lupo GTi :)
  17. Im new so i show my Leon ( Update)

    Got the Updated pics on the underside of my thread. Take a look at it and give me some Feedbacks. Thx. Greez Mind
  18. wilz

    Wilz Ibiza Cupra R

    Well here goes my new car hopefully the successor to my old green machine mk2 ibiza. Seat ibiza cupra r with 43000 miles on the clock not to shabby if i dont say so myself. So far as i know is a supersprint exhaust, k1 variant coilovers normad pillar boost guage...
  19. trotters

    my new ride

    well no more ibiza cupra :( will be missed been a ace wee car well here it is i have gone to the dark side of vtec and love it lol must say it is one of the best cars i have had feels like new and geting very good mpg out it way beter then the cupra... its a fresh inport and am the 1st...
  20. gib20vt

    UPDATE - knocking noise

    Slight problem...but unsure what it is?? I have had this on going knocking noise comin from the front end when turning, mainly happens if I am going over uneven road surface whilst turning (pulling into juctions etc...) at the weekend I was in scotland and driving down a cobbled street and the...
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