
  1. Naz

    Naz - My '98 Cordoba 2.0 16v SX - Now SOLD!

    Hey Guys n Gals, Been a member on here for a little while but not posted much yet! I thought i might as well start a thread about my car rather than have threads with pics everywhere! First of all- Bought her in March 09 after a nasty incident involving my Decked Polo and a drain...
  2. deedaskrh

    Steve`s Red Beauty UPDATE: now with boot build

    Well i thought its about time i done myself a Readers ride thread....... so without further adue.... 7500g with 23000 miles on her totally standard bar the carbon air filter! Before. (The Very Day she came into my hands) fist things done were: Window Tints stage 2 APR Remap...
  3. MJ

    My leon cupra tdi project

    Well i've owned the car for just under 2 months now so i thought i'd best put up some pics. More will follow and i'll keep updating the spec list.
  4. Shaunyboy

    Platinum Grey Leon Cupra R ** UPDATE PAGE 8! **

    Hi guys, thought it was about time i posted some pics of my cupra. I bought it in a bit of a sorry state and have put a bit of cash into it, new brakes all round etc and am currently doing the engine. Got some 6000k HID's on the way for it and did a bit of headlight correction today...
  5. Berg

    Car boosts to 14psi but then drops down to 10psi UPDATE!!! i hav blue spring in 007p

    seems like i have a problem with my boost at the minute if i put my foot down it will get to 14psi but then drops down to 10psi as revs go up its revo stage one, cone filter, dv, exhaust, n249 etc etc is this an N75 valve symptom? or any otheer things? i have checked most of the...
  6. dave_ph

    Dave_ph's mk1 LCR 225

    Hi All Thought I would finally put a thread up about my car :) Its a 2005 55reg LCR, bought it on 1st march 08 with 10600 miles on the clock. Its now done 23,500. Last time it was on the rolling road, it only hit 238bhp (220 at the wheel) and 260lbs, however the guy was convinced there...
  7. dervpower

    Ibiza 130 TDi Sport - 11th August - Splitter + Yellow Film

    Right. So now after thing about it i have started to change some bits on the car. Bought the car back in April, going from a diesel ford focus estate (which was cool) I decided i need a car then is good on fuel, fast and cheap to buy. This was the only thing that came close to my...
  8. J@mes W

    Doctor G... the search is over!

    Well where do i begin, my name is James, i'm 28 years old and i work as a design engineer in Colchester. I joined this forum in anticipation of buying a LCR. After owning an E36 BMW for a couple of years i appreciate the technical information at your disposal when you're a member of a good...
  9. james walker

    engine noise update?

    thought id start a new thread to make thing easier as the other got a little congested right, basically i have a whistling/whining noise from engine bay, more whistling. had a split hose under inlet manny, sorted and fixed that today, full service done today by myself aswell... took the...
  10. Subbies Ibiza mk4

    Okay been a member for couple of months now and had my car for just short of a year and i have decided it was about time i got on with spending all my money on it haha. So its a seat ibiza mk4 1.4 sport. its my first car, so first things first i got an fr rear bumper and face lift front...
  11. widearch

    project stealth 2002 LCR(update pg4 with pics)

    Hey everyone well i have been looking for a while to fill the void that lossing the bmw left, well after alot of searching and great timing i now am th eproud owner of a 2002 seat leon cupra r , its the 210bhp model its already had a complete stainless stell exhaust system put on as well as...
  12. ell0070

    Jersey's only ovni LC????....Engine cover painted

    Hi all Been a member for a while, and there's a few pics dotted around the forums, so I thought it was about time they were all in one thread. Not too many Mk1 LC/LCRs in Jersey, and I've never seen another ovni one, so maybe I am "highlander".......:lol: Mods so far Interior Alpine...
  13. My Mk4 Cupra Now Sold

    Spec: Wheels: Compomotive MO alloys in Matt Black Interior: Standard Cupra interior Boost gauge & oil temp in A piller Suspension & handling: Weitec Coilvers Whiteline rear ARB Braking: Standard Seat Sport AP racing 4 pot calipers with HEL braided hoses Ferodo DS 2500 front...
  14. edewer

    Ed's '54 ibiza Cupra - Platinum Grey

    Since i've been a member for a while i thought it was time to start a readers rides thread. no clean pictures at the min as i need to get them off my old laptop. So, having grown unbelievably sick of my 206 Quicksilver i started looking for something new. Have always liked the look of the...
  15. Jam_Cupra

    Update on my MK4 Ibiza Cupra - Blueflame Exhaust & Boost Gauge

    took some updated pics and a video today.... last week I had a blueflame cat back exhaust fitted which I got off ebay for £285 delivered. Must say, well impressed with the look and sound of it, not too loud when pottering around but when you put your foot down it gives off a nice roar. Had to...
  16. brightsideteeem

    Robs Imperial Blue TDI: has gone

    So I thought I'd make a thread to show my progress and show off my Leon, now I have regualar internet access! Its nothing to special, mainly a record of things I have done, and future plans, (to see if i actually do them:lol:) i have in mind. I bought my car in November 07, with 78K on the...
  17. ecosse1986

    My mk4 ibiza sport - UPDATE 09/07/11

    well here she is finally after 15posts lol
  18. beezertart

    help before i torch the bloody thing! UPDATE

    morning all, brain picking time:D had the bitch serviced last week as due,anyway got her back thurdsay with half a tank still in her,drove her around a bit,she did feel a bit like she had a stutter like slight fuel starvation,minor flat spots. no major distances driven though, watched the...
  19. shantybeater

    My Cupra replacement - M Roadster - 3 Piece BBS update

    Hey peeps, well i've moved away from the VAG scene altogether, decided rather than spanking 2k on engine work on the Ibiza (that id never see again) I'd go for something slightly more 'sensible'. I imagine its not to everyones taste but here's some pics: (comments welcome either way)...
  20. Seat software update

    Hi! I checked my "may'be" faulty MAP today, took the ECU apart and concluded that is wasnt other chip or any welds at all. So must be purely OBD. So my plan is to take the car to Seat to put back an original map. Is that possible at all? I assume I just can say I want the latest updates...
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