
  1. Cuprar210,djm:Progress Thread- Update, now with remap.

    The first pics of my LCR from dealers forecourt....bought it for 8250 Oh, and heres the car i sold to buy the Leon Anyway have alook and let me know what you think. I'm loving her everyday i get to drive her. Just got to smarten a few bits up and she'll be perfect...
  2. gb

    greigs 03 onvi lcr seats all washed pg 6

    heres another 2
  3. Mr_Dave

    Mr_Dave's Ovni Yellow LCR

    Everything below and up to page 20 is old - the Ibiza was sadly written off in Jan 2009. The continuation of the thread and ownership of my Ovni Yellow Leon Cupra R is from here http://www.seatcupra.net/forums/showthread.php?t=156679&page=20 ------------------------- Picked her up on the 31st...
  4. tashacupra

    IHI twin scroll build, Mani finished at last! New problems to sort.

    Hi all, right i've finaly started the ball rolling with my BT conversion it's going to be a top mounted twin scroll turbo and i'm now in the process of getting all the bit's together to fabricate my equal lenght manifold, but before i start i thought i would ask you lot your opinion on a couple...
  5. r8byb

    Fitted new plugs, now limp mode, update working again :|

    Right had new plugs fitted today some bosch ones with a 0.35mm gap. has been fine for 60 odd miles then just coming home giving it a bit of death as you do, it goes into limp mode and unline before it wont come out, ive got 4 new BKR7E's so im going to fit them tomorrow instead of these Bosch...
  6. Craigus

    Craigus's Leon FR+..New pics with canon 30th)

    Well i thought, seen as though im a newbie, i would make a thread were i could keep progress of my Leon, so here goes... Heres my car as i bought it ..... 06 Seat Leon Fr+ in Luna Grey.... :p Then i gave it a quick clean, and took some quick pics, i took quite a few arty ones, as...
  7. remaped and turned off? (LIMP MODE?) UPDATE 2

    Right My car has induction kit, forge 007p recirc and miltek exhaust with sports cat fitted. It runs about 5 or so PSI no more. It also idles high at 1500rpm- whihc I am still investigating.. maybe iscv? IF my car has been remapped and it turned off- how do I find out and how...
  8. r8byb

    Update on my problem, BKR7E question 2nd page..

    Right firstly my original explanation and problem can be seen here in this thread, along with a video of what the car is doing aswell. http://www.seatcupra.net/forums/showthread.php?t=152070 Right, today ive been over to see SuperCupra who firstly looked on vagcom and only fault found was...
  9. Jam_Cupra

    **Update** HIDs, Forge Split-r valve and Euro Plates

    Just a little update, I fitted a forge split-r valve during the week and fitted my hid's yesterday and I must say it's £47 well spent. Had the plates on there a couple of weeks. Had some already without the euro logo on them until one decided to fall off so spent the extra pennies to get the...
  10. Damoegan

    A quick update of my cupra

    I've done a few mods this month so I thought that I'd show them off :D A new head unit, center armrest and boost gauge Then someone done this to my grill So I got one of these And lets not forget the [B]P-Torque remap[B] :p Next mods are a panel filter and a bloody good...
  11. Altech

    Altech's Ibiza, Replacement Is Here! Can You Guess What It Is? Pg 33

    I've had the car for nearly 6 months and have done a few bits to it, Here's how it looked when i got it, totally standard. The first mod i did was to paint the calipers. I then wanted 17" alloys as i didn't like the standard wheels. i bought a set of vRS alloys. The wheels...
  12. ECU Update

    I've had my FR TFSI since March 07 & it will soon be going in for it's 2nd service, how do you know or find out if the ECU requires a software upgrade & if it does how it further enchance's the ECU ? just want to find out as I don't want the stealer fobbing me off.
  13. josh263uk

    Formula Sport: matt black vinyl in place 04/02/10

    Well, thought id put a couple of picture on here, now its clean. Just a quick wash and wax today. More plans in the future, like, cupra exhaust, strut brace, lowered, to name a few bits, but have to get it past the other half, she wants a house:) run out of tyre gel:( Thanks...
  14. craig87

    Update on hids!!!!!!!!

    Right i fitted my relay this morning so i could get my hids running directly of the battery and hay ho its now working, there is no dial issues etc the computer does not reset itself. However........ I am still getting a prob with my lights, when i switch to sidelights my hids stay on...
  15. Damoegan

    Damoegan's Mk4 Ibiza Cupra

    Ok, a bit of history first. I had a 51' Nissan Almera 1.8SE that I got in 2004 and then in june this year I got myself a 96' Toyota Starlet Glanza V Turbo, with the intension of selling the Almera. But the Almera took time to sell, so I ended up putting them both op for sale at the same time as...
  16. Standard 2002 Silver Seat Leon Cupra

    i thought i would post up some updated pics of my leon cupra and the mods i have carried out over the last 10 months since i got it . comments are welcome And here is pics of it at E38 with all the mods fitted this year Cheer for the pic Icy Here is a spec list of the...
  17. owen lcr

    Update on my LCR

    Ok had a look at the turbo, and unless i am very much mistaken i think the turbo is :censored::censored::censored:...i take it when you grab the impellor it should not move? it moves about half an inch forward and back.. please confirm folks????? cheers owen
  18. str8ballin

    Project Polo turbo update.... + a few questions!

    Hello all, Finally nearly finished my polo 1.8t conversion, I just need the Exhaust and remap. Here's my spec so far: AYP engine, gearbox & ECU (156hp) K04-23 Turbo & Manifold S3 injectors + MAF (225hp) S3 Fuel pump (225hp) Forge FMIC Forge TIP & Split R D/V 4BAR FPR I am...
  19. Guinness

    Ibiza 1.2 Headlight Update!

    Well as you may all have seen by the 2 posts about this I have been putting in dual headlamps and a HID kit into my 1.2 beeza. Anyway ITS DONE ! WOOOOOOP The lights where aligned this morning and should be spot on when I go out with em on tonight lol. Dual headlamps much better, and what...
  20. Gm8

    my£300 ibiza project update .

    i think most of ya saw it when i got it , but heres some progress . the rusty arches have been dealt with : the rusty / chavy rear end has been sorted : and the wheels were in such a bad way :( need a proper refurb , but gotta keep to my budget till its motd , so a lick of...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)