
  1. tyre pressure warning light

    can anybody tell me how to switch off or reset the tyre pressure warning light (56 2.0 tdi stylance)
  2. Pulsebassuk

    4bar pressure regulator on standar Revo? Safe

    Hi guys and gals. Im about to get a REVO stage 2 when I get some free time off work.. but I have just bought a 4bar pressure regulator. Can I use it on my current Revo Stage1 and current modz which you can see on my sig? I wont damage it until I get my revo stage 2 will I? cheerz:)
  3. gnormy02

    16490 - Manifold / Barometric Pressure Sensor (G71) / (F96): Implausible Signal

    Hi, could anyone please help me with a fault code. :think: the code is: 16490 - Manifold / Barometric Pressure Sensor (G71) / (F96): Implausible Signal P0106 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent Which Sensor is this? any pictures would be great or a good discription. Thanks
  4. Help - Coolant pressure problems!

    I have and ibiza FR 1.9 tdi (130) I had it re-mapped about 6 months ago, now running 180-190 bhp and 300 lb/ft torque. I have recently being experiencing problems in coolant pressure, maybe air flow problems? Can i get a front mount intercooler to fit straight on? Would this help...
  5. loss of turbo pressure

    Hi. recently my ibiza mk4 1.8t fr started to cut of my turbo pressure at around 4500 rpm. the boost falls to 0 bar. if i shift to a higher gear it boost again, but only to 4500 rpm:confused: it is not doing it all the time, somtimes it runes fine, but with a slightly lower pressure than...
  6. Tyre Pressure Monitoring System works :-)

    Well after having my car for like 4 months the Tyre pressure warning light came on. Checked the back tyre and it was down to 26psi. Thought cool neat feature. Got half way down motorway to work and off it went again. Thought oh geez hope this isnt going wrong. Checked my tyre pressures again to...
  7. Fuel Pressure Regulator?

    Hi all, just been given a 4 bar fuel pressure regulater by my friend who cant remember what it is off just wondered if anyone can confirm its the right one for the ko3s upgrade for stage 2, thanks Part numbers are: 078 133 534 A p.s have searched but cant match the part numbers is my one...
  8. Radeonuk

    Oil pressure or oil temperature guage?

    As titled oil pressure or oil temperature guage, which one do you think is more important to have. Jon
  9. Robbie C

    Oil temp and pressure senders - will these fit?

    I'm looking at buying some VEI gauges (AFR, Oil Pressure and Oil temp) and for the oil pressure and temperature gauge I need the following senders: So my question is, being as they're US 1/8" NPT measurements can I...
  10. Husbandofstinky

    Fuel smoke at around boost on/off pressure.

    Any ideas please? Have had this on the car for almost a year now. It is nothing serious, just annoying and happens at the pivotal on/off boost pressure point. All I can think of is a possible air leak. Everything else is absolutely fine, hardly any smoke on full song, fuel consumption...
  11. toonfiend

    What oil pressure should I be running at?

    Alright folks, well got the oil pressure gauge installed but I think summats not right. Everythings fine until I really put my foot down, once I get up to about 5K rpm the gauge hits 95psi and I get the oil warning light on. Also the idling pressure seems to be very low, about 10-20 psi...
  12. toonfiend

    Oil Pressure switch

    Alright Folks, my new pressure gauge arrived today so will be fitting it at the weekend, cant find anything as to where the pressure switch is located (16V ABF). There are 3 sensors located on top of the oil filter housing I think it may be one of these but to know in advance will save a lot of...
  13. robdf2

    Boost pressure on stage 1 map ? please

    Hi , anyone know what the boost pressure is on a stage 1 revo map? want to get a boost gauge , want to make sure i get the right 1. also if i go stage 2+ i want 1 to take into account that boost as well :)
  14. How to fit LC oil pressure gauge

    Hi, was wanting some advice on fitting oil pressure gauge to my 51 LC ? Cheers!:doh:
  15. sydoggkdy

    B&D pressure washers, any one got one ?

    hello, i want to buy a new pressure washer & also get a snow foam lance! but snow foam lances seem to cost a lot of money, £50. so i seen a black and decker 1700 wst pressure washer and it says it has a "foaming nozzle with detachable detergent tank to spray soap at a high pressure" does...
  16. Tyre pressure

    What should the yre pressure be for a lc running on 225/45/17?
  17. P1297 Turbo to Throttle valve connection pressure loss / P1137 - Fuel trim too rich

    Had a few problems with my car wanting to cut out / trying to stall at lights and being well down on power. Had it scanned and it seemed the MAF was the culprit so i replaced it and it was better for a while although still not perfect. It has just started trying to cut out now and again though...
  18. rickyjones1209

    how much boost pressure mapped LCR

    how much boost (approx) will a remapped LCR be running? i have a 007dv with green spring and after looking on forge website it suggests if your running 15-23 psi you should opt for a yellow spring. green spring is anything under 15 psi. im just concerned i mite be loosing boost or not have...
  19. Starfish alloys on a SE TDI 110 - tyre pressure question

    As the thread title really. Does anybody know what the tyre pressures should be on the 225/45/17s on a SE TDI? Probably pretty similar to the Cupra I suppose but I'm not sure if there's much of a weight difference between a Cupra and a TDI 110. Cheers, in anticipation ;)
  20. 4 Bar Pressure Reg

    hello. do i need a 4 BPR for my lcr if going stage 2 revo? if yes can i get one before going or does it have to be done when at the rollers? and is it totally necessary to get a fmic? thanks james
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