
  1. Atmospheric pressure on an FR150

    Does anyone know where it is shown in vag com?
  2. Baldwin

    4 Bar fuel pressure regulator

    Has anyone fitted one of these? Or something like it? What are your views on using a 4 BFR?
  3. JamJay

    Pressure Washers

    I was thinking about getting a pressure washer to assist in cleanining my car, getting muck out from the arches mainly and losening some dirt of the body work on it's 1st clean after driving in the rain. I don't know much about these really, are they safe to use on paintwork or are there any...
  4. R100XET

    4 bar pressure reg, down pipe and cat?

    just been to have a word with a lad at revo he said i will need these for stage two but where could i get them from and will there be expensive? ( sorry if i sound like a tight arse):)
  5. Exhaust Pressure Sensor failure AGAIN

    at 20,000miles approx I had the DPF and Emmisions light come on together, into dealer and diagnosed as a faulty exhaust pressure sensor, replaced and all OK, Its now happened again at 43000 miles, do these things only last 20K, and how much will it cost me next time when it is out of warranty...
  6. FAST AL

    Tyre pressure diagnostics.

    Funny thing happened today after rotating front wheels to back each seperate side the tyre pressure warning light flagged up. Got a mate with a diagnostic fault finder to check it out wich showed the fault up. I did not realise that all you do is switch the ignition on then press and hold the...
  7. cupra_matt86

    boost pressure regulator

    Hi, does anyone know where i can find a 4 bar boost pressure regulator? also i cant find a gauge pod thats the same colour as the original pillar. any help would be great
  8. basemanuk

    pressure wash engine

    hi there has anyone ever pressure washed there engine :shrug::confused: i have herd that you can do it but just to make sure engine is running and to protect air filter ect
  9. Phillc

    Oil pressure light

    I have done a search and found a few things but they don't tie up with my issue, my Oil warning light has come on and beeps at me(Yes its the oil light). it does not do it every time i start the car about three times in the last week or so, but didn't come back on after switching the engine of...
  10. Cupra Ken

    oil pressure switch

    my oil light started flashing last week with the dreaded beeps, oil level was fine and it drives ok, decided to get it serviced anyway by a mate who has done it before also purchased an oil pressure switch which we thought might be the problem but my mate couldn't find where it is situated...
  11. the_fbi

    Air Con pressure, what should it be?

    Anybody know what the low pressure side of the air con system should read? The port which is just above the alternator on an ASZ. Mine's reading around 90psi which, according to the refilling system, is too high.
  12. Climate Control High Pressure Switch

    The climate control in my LCR isn't working at the moment, so I thought I'd run some diagnostics on it using this document. Using Code 1 - System Malfunction - the result is 22.1, which means "A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, static open". How do I go about resolving this issue? With...
  13. Odd lights on dash, epc, esp and tire pressure light

    Driving last night and these 3 lights came up on my dash permantently, the epc, the esp, and the tire pressure light, happened just after I floored it in 2nd. It then remained one, till I left teh car off for a while at which point the epc light went off but the esp and tire pressure light...
  14. warren_cox

    REVIEW: (KMD High pressure fuel pump internals) + (Revo Stage 2+) = Grinning idiot

    After fannying about for ages I finally made the round trip to Chesterfield where Nino at JBS Auto's had sourced me some KMD fuel pump internals. I'd given up hope of seeing any Autotech internals, so resigned myself to testing out KMD's offering. I'd never been to JBS before despite seeing them...
  15. Low oil pressure?

    My oil pressure light was randomly beeping/flashing every so often, it could go fine for a few of days no issues then randomly come on. I changed the oil pressure switch & oil/filter. It was perfect for about a week+ then today whilst driving through town it came on a couple of times. Im...
  16. Vaughny

    Oil Pressure Sender Positon - URGENT

    Right people, I have an urgent request for a picture and info. My car (Leon Cupra - 03) was in at the garage having some work and whilst it's in there I thought I'd get them to fit my boost & oil pressure gauges. Trouble is the fella is having trouble finding or getting to the bolt where...
  17. 17705 - Pressure Drop betw. Turbo and Throttle Valve

    Yes I know there are lots of threads about this! But found a thread on where a chap pointed this out: "I've now sorted this. Turns out that it is a pipe, which on mine was hidden behind the sump guard. Its one of those pipes with a metal bit on the end that slots into another...
  18. DanAPR225

    Pressure drop fault with cold side kit??

    Hoping someone may be able to shed some light on my some what frustrating problem! My car is running the mods listed in the sig below and running a forge 007P dump valve with yellow spring, and also something that is not listed, a forge MAP tube. When the dump valve is plumbed up the...
  19. rocky2008

    oil pressure light

    today i have realligned my timing and rebuilt that side of the enginge, how ever, once the car reachs 90degrees and you start to rev it the oil pressure light comes on, but when it is just ticking over at 90degress it is ok, i removed the sender to see if there was any oil at the top of the...
  20. Oil pressure light

    Recently every so often my oil pressure light would beep and flash at me for about 15seconds. The oil level is fine. Today in the space of 2 miles it did it about 4 times. So now im worried there might be something more serious wrong? Oil pressure sensor? Oil pump failing? Help me please...
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