
  1. Yellow gunge in pipe

    Hi My boyfriend serviced my car for me today and he came across a pipe which had yellow goo in it, he reckons it could be the oil breather but not sure as it smells like petrol. it is located in the top left of the engine that locates at the bottom of the plastic case and leads through to...
  2. GTV

    Oil leak. Name of Pipe?

    Ok I have just found out where my small oil leak is coming from on the Ibiza. So next question would would you call it and does anybody have and ideas on the part number as I need to phone my local dealer (its 40 miles away) and I could do with getting it right as they are dam rubish at getting...
  3. decat stantard down pipe

    hi guys anyone decated there standerd dp by hiting the ceramics out i supose really it would be the same as decat off ebay any help pleease
  4. Nev_LCR

    fitting LCR down pipe

    guys for you that have done this, any hints and tips on fitting one, im handy with a set of spanners but just after info on things that may make it easier or problems i may come across, even better a detailed guide would be handy. cheers
  5. Power steering pipe for Leon Cupra R

    Hi people I am after the long power steering pipe, has anyone got one or alternatively know where i can get one from???? Cheers (if any more information is needed please let me know)
  6. karls cupra

    what charge pipe are people using..

    i am wanting to know what charge pipe u people are using its the one that goes down the side of the engine like lcr ones and where to get it from as thinking of changing my pipe work route to intercooler..
  7. oldman

    oil in air filter pipe

    Hiya, I had to change the harness bridge yesterday, what fun, and noticed a liquid in the pipe just past maf of the air filter. Put fingers in side and rubbed and felt like oil. Well it had the colour and texture of oil anyway. There was very little, and not sure if i should be worried...
  8. icestorm81

    Turbo inlet pipe

    I need to get a new turbo inlet pipe by next thursday, as revo are going to up the power some more, i wanted to get a THS one but there is still a long waiting list. Iv looked at the forge one on their website, it seems rather a lot, does anyone know any other website that sells the forge one...
  9. 3" down pipe decat

    hi guys anyone no where i can get a dp decat what will fit straight on no mods or anyone no if a member got one forsale cheers
  10. SeanyK

    Whats this pipe? (And why's it not connected!)

    Hey folks, on my mission of replacing the majority of the hosing in the engine bay, I came across this; It's hard to see (harder to take pic of, as my crap example shows) basically looking down one of the inlet holes there is a pipe coming out only about an inch or so long, but it's not...
  11. stevegti6

    Pipe works downpipe

    Did any one see this months redline magazine feature with there audi tt 225 bhp model They fitted a pipewerx down pipe and sports cat combo and got very impressive gains on the rolling road big four page spread at interpro enginering in thornbury near bristol im very tempted to buy a...
  12. truCido

    Silicon Pipe - 45 deg reducer 76mm to 51mm

    I'm having trouble finding some Silicon Pipe. I need 45 degree reducer 76mm to 51mm, any ideas??
  13. SeanyK

    Cupra Pipe sizes various...

    Hey folks, would really appreciate a quick reply on this one as about to order some in before the week ends when my car is going into the tuners :blink: First off, this pic is off Mr D's car (tell me if you want me to remove it) I have circled in white the pipes I would like to know the...
  14. leon s front pipe fitment

    Hi guys Have search forum but cant find any info. I had to replace the cat on my leon s 2002MY. as the original is one piece from the down pipe i had to get a new cat pipe and a new front pipe. I wasnt about to give seat the money they wanted for fitting, or even the local exhaust...
  15. truss

    Pipe identification help please!

    Being the n00b i am, can anyone tell me what pipe ive arrowed is please?! i want to try and brighten up the engine bay as you can see by the pic. (i have now done the bypass stuff now aswell) If anyone knows the size etc too that'd be a help! Cheers...
  16. Oil leak from intake pipe - dripping down intake manifold

    Hi all. Noticed the other day when fiddling that I have a slight oil leak from the PCV intake on the intake manifold. It's not major, but some oil is dripping down onto the inlet manifold. I guess I have damaged a gasket or something when fiddlign around there for my catch can. (currently...
  17. matylad

    Help: Power Steering Pipe & Gearbox Oil

    Im going to be sorting a few jobs out over the next few weeks one of which involves changing the power sterring pipe that runs over the top of the gearbox the other is replacing the gearbox oil. I've priced up the pipe for the power steering...its £116 + VAT:headhurt: Do I need anything else...
  18. Pacey

    DECAT Pipe for Milltek system

    Hi everyone Need some help AGAIN, I need some advice and prices on A DECAT pipe for my Leon Cupra TDI. I have the Milltek system on it that Brad1 sold me and want to know were to get the Decat pipe from and also what one to get, the Milltek has a 2.5” down pipe. Cheers Pacey
  19. danielc16

    charge pipe size

    hi right could any one tell me whats the standed size and whats the best size to use? if i change the pipe run! im making the system my self and using a pipe bender and a welder. i got a k03 turbo and want to upgrade to a k03s later this year.. so any could tell me what size pipe i...
  20. CraigW

    Rear Screen Wash Pipe.

    Had a search for this but cant really find anything. Im going to finally take the plunge and de-wiper the rear of my car. Using Rain-X has made my mind up for me. Where is the connection for the pipe that leads from the engine bay to the rear. Reason Im asking is that Im going to (if...