
  1. ibizadoyle

    de-cat down pipe

    hi guys wat the score with a dect dwn pipe because ive heard alot of people saying tht it not a good idea because it puts strain on the engine. and some people saying it a good mod which gives quite an improvement. any more opinions and reasons for and against?? thanks
  2. R100XET

    boost pipe

    i asume that this is not just the problem with mine, as its loves fecking popping on the pipe at the back, but i just orderd a forge one so hopefully that shouldnt.. does anyone else have this problem?
  3. Oil breather pipe size

    Anyone know the two outlet sizes of the Oil Breather pipe thats on the rocket cover of a BKD Engine off the top of their head? the the OD of them so I can get the right oil pip reducers from sfs. fitting an Oil Catch Can soon. pictures to follow
  4. MrBen2k7

    Forge EGR Valve Replacement Pipe

    Hi guys, Found this on Forge's site today; http://www.forgemotorsport.co.uk/content.asp?inc=product&cat=190204&product=FMEGRRPS Will this give me anything besides being able to fit a boost guage? Easy to fit? Cheers in advance, Ben
  5. MattW35

    Leon TDi 150 - Turbo/Intercooler pipe

    I have a Leon FR PD150, that is now blowing a fair chunk of black smoke if yo attempt to load the engine up. Fairly sure Turbo is spinning up, so that's good!! I have a damaged pipe, that i believe is the Intercooler - Turbo pipe, it's a black plastic moulded pipe, that comes from the bottom...
  6. drue1

    split pipe

    I took my engine cover off and the other small engine cover to see if i could find any loose wires for my temp gauge.Ive found a split pipe........I cant take it off to show a photo as one end has one of them clips you cant take off.Anyway the pipe has loads of oil crud inside it so im thinking...
  7. icestorm81

    Turbo inlet pipe

    Iv been quoted today to have my Tip fitted on my cupra r for 215 pounds, which i think is way to steep. The Tip itself is a forge one. Does anyone know of anywhere in the bournmouth area who could fit it, many thanks
  8. metal 1.8t pancake pipe on tdi

    Evening all I've managed to get a metal pancake pipe from a seat leon cupra 1.8t 180bhp model. Looking at pics on the Internet of it, it did look very restrictive, but now seeing it in person, it is actually like twice the size of my plastic pancake pipe. Now what do I need to do to fit this...
  9. Ronin225

    N75 to actuator pipe on LCR

    In the process of changing all the pipework for silicon stuff at the moment and decided to do this today. Already done the other pipe to the N75 in 8mm at the other looked to be the same. After spending a while swearing due to ripping my hands to bits trying to get past my DV relocation piping i...
  10. Pipe Identifcation Help

    Recently discovered that the breather pipe coming from the right hand side of the engine (crankcase breather pipe) has a split in it. I managed to get hold of a replacement, went to fit it today and discovered the the pipe that goes down into is split as well. I'm not sure what this pipe is...
  11. brightsideteeem

    Intercooler pipe

    I was wondering if I should be as worried as I am really... Basicly my intercooler pipe popped off this morning, and cut a nice hole in it, by rubbing on the serpintine aux belt. (I think it's the water pump, the first one you see looking down?) Apart from the obvious lack of power, and a...
  12. reducer pipe

    When i had my custom exhaust built it was too loud, so i had a reducer pipe fitted into the tailpipe which causes some back pressure and makes it quieter. Would this affectthe performance at all? cheers
  13. EGR pipe + fitting guide

    Hi, Done a search but can't find a guide on how to fit this, anyone got any pics of one fitted? Is it easy to do? Cheers Neil
  14. slim20vt

    lcr Relocation pipe NOISE

    hi people im thinking of buy a forge relocation d/v kit for my lcr,i have d/v simlar to the forge007. at the moment i have a 57i k&n fitted and the recirclating d/v gives a lovely echo from the induction kit... (love this sound?:p what i want to no is if i buy the relocation kit? will...
  15. Sizes of the leon intake pipe

    as above my ibiza has one fitted and just wanted to no the size of the part closet to the front?
  16. KO3 turbo + Leon charge pipe sizes

    Right then folks, i have a ko3 fitted to my cupra with a leon charge pipe bassically i want to away with that charge pipe and make my own. all i want to no is what size is the outlet on the ko3 (mm) so i no what size of reducer i need and what size the charge pipe is. i had a quick...
  17. JamJay

    LCR Turbo Up Pipe?

    Hi all, I have had a search on here and a flick through Google but I can't find much info about this. I know that fitting a downpipe on to the K04 seems to give good improvements by letting the turbo spool quicker if IIRC and has the added bonus of making it sound louder, but what can be had by...
  18. Flashing Oil light blown pipe!!!

    Any help or advice please... Ok about a month ago my oil light came on solid red not flashing red. So checked the oil level this was fine but there was a fair bit of oil between the engine and radiator, got the car home and got out the tools.... when I removed the plastic engine cover I found...
  19. sparkyc

    boost gauge pipe

    just fitted my boost gauge and wondering where have you run your pipe work to stop it getting so hot? i'v taken my feed from the top of the dv and struggling to keep it away from everything. also the pipe supplied is really weak and collapese around 15 psi, any reccomendation on replacement...
  20. air intake pipe came off

    I was driving the leon quite hard yesterday, when all of a sudden there was a loud bang and the car started donkey hopping and spluttering. I shat my pants and thought the engine was wrecked, but I looked under the bonnet and the intake pipe had come off the throttle body end of the air intake...
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